Court Minutes
Associated Student Government of Santa Ana College
Friday, February 19, 2016
U-106 9:00-10:30am
Call to Order at 9:35am
Roll Call
- Stephanie Hernandez – Chief Justice
- Jesus Rodriguez – Senior Most Justice
- Lisette Cervantes – Associate Justice
- Lupe Canseco – Associate Justice
- Nicole VirtucioMoya – ASG Coordinator
Also Present
Approval of Agenda Motion by A.J.Lisette Cervantes, 2nd by A.J. Lupe Canseco
Approval of Minutes Motion by A.J.Lisette Cervantes, 2nd by A.J. Lupe Canseco
Public Forum
Chief Justice Stephanie Hernandez – informed that Chief Justice Pro-temp Ivan Hernandez will not be returning this semester as he has transferred to Long Beach State.
Shared Governance – Stephanie Hernandez informed the branch that SSCCC GA will be held April 29th 2016 to May 1st 2016 at the Ontario Convention Center. Furthermore, she informed that SSCCC Region VIII would be focusing discussions and research with regards to the homeless student population of community colleges.
ASG Coordinator – Nicole VirtucioMoya introduced herself and gave the court information on where she came from and past experience with ASO’s. She further made announcements regarding the, ASG Leadership Retreat, SLI applications, Kinder Caminata 2016, and took a head count of the members available for the two different dates in question regarding the ASG Banquet held at the end of the Spring semester.
Old Business
New Business
A.)Chief Justice Pro-temp Selection – A.J. Lupe Canseco nominated A.J.Lisette Cervantes, she accepted the nomination. A.J. Jesus Rodriguez nominated AJ Lupe Canseco, she declined the nomination. A.J. Lupe Canseco nominated A.J. Jesus Rodriguez, he declined the nomination. Final vote will take place at the next Court Session.
B.)Court Calendar – the Chief Justice announced the scheduled Court Session dates of the semester. She also reminded the Court members that if they are not scheduled to meet, if a case should come before the court they are then convened and called inn for the very next Friday.
C.)Elections Code – Chief Justice Stephanie Hernandez went over the changes that needed to be made to the current standing Elections Code in order for this year’s General Election to run smoother than last years. She will continue to work on them until they are finished and voted inn by the Executive, and Legislative branches. When finalized she will present them to the Judicial Branch.
Chief Justice – reminded the Court members that they had until that afternoon to purchase their Student Sticker. The Student Sticker is a requirement of being an ASG member and they are given the first two weeks of the semester to purchase them, or be found none compliant.
Adjournment at 10:48am.