Associated Student Body of Pierce College Puyallup

Council Agenda

February 16, 2018 – 2 pm– ADM 166

CouncilMembersPresident: Garrett Bown

Vice-President of Clubs and Organizations: Quynh Huynh

Vice-President of Activities: Esther Larson-Absent

Operations Senator: Andrew Willett

Legislative Senator: Natalie Nabass

Student Advocacy Senator: Suleiman Limamu

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Senator: Justin Malepe

Ex-OfficioSean Cooke: Director of Student Life

AgendaThemeeting called to order at 2:05 pm

A quorum was present.

Approvalof AgendaNatalie Nabass moved to approve the agenda, Justin Malepe seconded the motion.

No discussion. No abstentions.

Motion carried.

Approval of Student Council Minutes from February 2nd, 2018.

Natalie Nabass motioned to approve the minutes of the previous StuCo meeting, Justin Malepe seconded the motion.

No discussion. No abstentions.

Minutes approved.

Approval of Action Items

1718-Feb-16-01Approval of Grace Verkuyl to the S&A and Tech Fee Committee for the 2017-2018 academic school year.

Discussion: Garrett Bown explained that he asked Grace Verkuyl to be on the council and he knew her from the GSA club. He thought that she would be a good fit on the S&A and Tech Fee Committee as she is already involved with the school.

Natalie Nabass motioned to approve, Suleiman Limamu seconded the motion.

Motion carried.No abstentions.

1718-Feb-16-02Approval of Wendy Herrera to the S&A and Tech Fee Committee for the 2017-2018 academic school year.

Discussion: Suleiman Limamu explained that he knew Wendy Herrera from a class and he believed she would be a good fit the S&A and Tech Fee Committee.

Natalie Nabass motioned to approve, Suleiman Limamu seconded the motion.

Motion carried. No abstentions.

1718-Feb-16-03Approval of the Improv Club for the 2017-2018 Academic School year.

Discussion: The club representative explained that the purpose of the club is to get students involved in improv and to help students with creative expression. The club also explained the types of events they would have as a club.

Natalie Nabass motioned to approve, Suleiman Limamu seconded the motion.

Motion carried. No abstentions.

1718-Feb-16-04Approval of the Latino Student Union for the 2017-2018 Academic School year.

Discussion: The club representative said the clubs purpose was to have the Latino community represented in a club on campus. They also talked about bringing awareness to the Latino community and the types of events they plan to have as a club.

Natalie Nabass motioned to approve, Quynh Huynh seconded the motion.

Motion carried. No abstentions.

ReportsASPCP President: Garrett Bown

Since our last StuCo meeting, I have been focusing my efforts on a few main things, including chairing the S&A committee, assisting our transportation goal, and overseeing student government’s major projects. For S&A committee, we have reached our preliminary decisions for district tech fee and have moved on to district S&A. I have been—and will continue to work with our student volunteer committee chair of FS S&A and Tech Fee to collect essential information from requesters to facilitate district decisions. For transportation, I have been in open communication with our college administration during our cabinet and Board of Trustees meetings. I can report back that they are in support of our proposed per credit fee, and would like to see it implemented. Additionally, I have been maintaining my normal duties of supporting student government with major goals and other projects. I have also been overseeing our spring quarter welcome days and temporarily substituting for Resources & Decor Committee.

Vice-President of Clubs and Organizations:Quynh Huynh

For the last two weeks, Clubs Board have been working to help forming clubs as well as new clubs in getting familiar with club procedures. We have been assisting clubs in finishing their event paperwork as well. At the last Inter-Club Council meeting, chartered clubs have approved 8 new events, both on and off campus for students. Most events will take place in March, including a dance, an open mic event, and a cultural hangout among club members. Besides from overseeing club activities, I have worked as the head of Food Committee for our upcoming Welcome Days for spring quarter.

Vice-President of Activities: Esther Larson-Absent

Operations Senator: Andrew Willett

Since the Last meeting I have been working on getting a table cloth with Sean and Darcy who is one of our graphics coordinator. I have created a deadline for SG Position Binders which will be finished on February 23. I have written the Minutes and kept track of our budgets which for Student Government Fund are $9,426.51 the S&A Contingency Fund has $38,598.58 and the Tech Fee Contingency Fund has $15,000. I worked with Valerie on SG and StuCo Meeting graphics and posted them throughout campus. I have also been working on welcome days for the entertainment committee trying to find vendors for the welcome days. I have also been keeping the chronological action plan list updated and have been keeping track of SG tasks and decisions.

Legislative Senator: Natalie Nabass

Most of my time has been taken up by planning out spring Welcome Days. I’ve have been contacting various vendors and working on contract requests to get approved by my advisors. Also I followed up with Jim Butler to get an update on Student Government’s digital engagement goals. I’ve also been busy working with the S&A Tech Fee committee to go over all of the requests for the next academic year.

Student Advocacy Senator:Suleiman Limamu

The past few weeks I have been working on developing an action plan for the transportation plan for the vote. I have been working with Student government in creating a student need survey to help us identify problems that students at pierce face. This list of responses will help me in the creating a pre generated list of problems that should be put in the next pre-generated list survey. I worked on the food pantry graphics and book board. I have been working entertainment committee planning for welcome days and coming up with new ideas to help promote student engagement. I have also been helping in the preparation for the DACA event with is going to be on 1st march

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Senator: Justin Malepe

For the past two weeks I have been planning two events. The first event is Defending DACA and the second one is Asian Pacific Islander Social. Defending DACA, we are bringing a speaker, who happened to be undocumented come and give a workshop about what DACA is and how to be an ally in the DACA community. It is on March 1, 2018 from 11AM-12PM in MPR room B. Also been working on the Asian Pacific Islander Social. I sent out an email to all students who identify as Asian Pacific Islander and invited them to a social. I am currently working on an agenda for the social which we will talk about identity and challenges that API students face here at campus. Also I have been working on getting more information about the LGBTQ+Data Warehouse. I spoke with Erica and she agreed to replace me in the EDI Council. I asked Oneida if we can have both of us be representatives for the EDI Council. Still waiting for her reply.

CommunityAt this moment the students present may address their views, comments, or opinions.

AdjournmentMeeting was adjourned at 2:31 pm

SubmittedAgenda submitted by the Office of the Associated Students of Pierce College Puyallup| President

Contact ASPCP President Garrett Bown Phone: 253-864-3240 ext. 5829