The Baptist General Convention does not determine the requirements or responsibilities of a staff person in a local church. The recommendations below are only suggested items to include in a job description. We recommend that your church personnel committee review each item in the following job description, determine which items are appropriate for your church, revise them and/or add others according to their discretion, and share them with the church body for their input. It is especially important thatthe search committee compare each item to your church’s by-laws, also, as they should not be in conflict. The by-laws overrule any item in the job description.

Associate Pastor and Business Administrator

(Review, choose and/or revise these statements orcreate your own.)

Principal Function:Responsible to the pastor for providing leadership in administration, proclamation and pastoral care as the church mayrequire.

Job Classification: This position is an exempt (salaried) and full time position.


  • Lead the church in planning, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive plan of business operation for the church.
  • Serve as purchasing agent for the church.
  • Direct the maintenance program of the church; work withthe appropriate committee to establish a maintenance schedule and a housekeeping schedule.
  • Direct the food service program of the church; supervise the Manager of Food Service and Wedding Consultant.
  • Work with program organization leaders, the planning committee and architects on projecting and evaluating need for additional buildings.
  • Work with the leaders of church organizations and age divisions to assign classrooms and church facilities for regular meetings and special activities.
  • Periodically evaluate the insurance needs of the church, in cooperation with the insurance committee.
  • Maintain an inventory of church property and equipment.
  • Periodically review wage and salary structures, personnel practices, and fringe benefits and make recommendations to the Personnel Committee.
  • Take the lead in preparing the annual church budget. Meet with the Budget Planning Committee, as annual budget is prepared. Promote the annual stewardship emphasis of the congregation.
  • Serve in the visitation of prospects, and hospitalized members, Assist in counseling, performing weddings and funerals when needed.
  • Comply with all established church policies and procedures as well as all applicable federal and state laws.
  • Perform other duties as assigned by the pastor.

Requirements: Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:

The position of Associate Pastor/Church Business Administrator requires:

  • A high school diploma.
  • A college degree.
  • A seminary degree.
  • A personal conviction of calling to the pastoral ministry.
  • ___ years of experience on a Baptist church staff or other Baptist denomination service position.
  • A business degree or other degree related to finance, or other comparable business or financial training or experience.
  • Ability to listen effectively and to communicate clearly, both orally and in written form.
  • Exceptional speaking skills and the ability to speak confidently before groups.
  • Quality leadership skills.
  • Exceptional administrative skills.
  • Basic ability to use computer software, suchas Word, Excel, Access, and Outlook.
  • A commitment to biblical Christian principles and teachings both professionally and personally.
  • Passing criminal, financial and sexual misconduct background checks.

I have read the above job description and agree to fulfill the responsibilities and requirements described therein.



