Assignments Booklet


Compulsory Courses

TS-1 to TS-3

Optional Course

TS-4 to TS-6

School of Tourism and Hospitality Services Management

Indira Gandhi National Open University

Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110 068




Dear Student,

You will have to do one Tutor Market Assignment (TMA) in each of the courses in Tourism Studies.

Before attempting the assignments please read the instructions provided in the Programme Guide for Tourism Studies. In this despatch we are sending you the Assignments for TS-1 to TS-3 (compulsory courses) and TS-4 to TS-6 (optional courses). Students are advised to attempt only one opted course from TS-4 to TS-6.

Note: All Assignments must be submitted in time and they should be sent to the Coordinator of your Study Centre. You must mention your Enrolment Number, Name, Address, Assignment Code and Study Centre Code on the first page of the assignment.

You must obtain a receipt from the Study Centre for the assignments submitted and retain it. If possible, keep a photocopy of the assignments with you.

After evaluation, the assignments have to be returned to you by the Study Centre. Please insist for this and keep them as a record with you. The Study Centre has to send the marks to SR&E Division at IGNOU, New Delhi.


We expect you to answer each question in about 700/500 words or as mentioned in the assignments. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

1)Planning: Read the assignments carefully. Go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.

2)Organisation: Be a little selective and analytic before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion.

Make sure that your answer:

a)is logical and coherent;

b)has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs; and

c)is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression, style and presentation.

3)Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasise.

Wishing you all the best,

Arvind Kumar Dubey

Programme Coordinator, DTS


For January Session

Compulsory Course
/ Last Date /
Optional Course
/ Last Date
TS-1 / April 30, 2010 / TS-4 / October 31, 2010
TS-2 / April 30, 2010 / TS-5 / October 31, 2010
TS-3 / October 31, 2010 / TS-6 / October 31, 2010

For July Session

Compulsory Course
/ Last Date /
Optional Course
/ Last Date
TS-1 / October 31, 2010 / TS-4 / April 30, 2011
TS-2 / October 31, 2010 / TS-5 / April 30, 2011
TS-3 / April 30, 2011 / TS-6 / April 30, 2011



Course Code: TS-1

Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-1/TMA/2010-11

Note: This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.

Part II consists of 8 questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words. Each question carries 15 marks. Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1. What is Marketing? Explain the various promotional tools in tourism. 25

2. Explain the different modes of Transportation. 25


1. Discuss the various types of tourism. 15

2. Write a brief note on World Tourism Organisation (WTO). 15

3. Differentiate between Guide and Escort. Explain the role of Guide in tourism development. 15

4. Write a brief note on any tourist destination of your choice. 15

5. Explain the role of media in tourism development. 15

6. What are the different types of Museum? Explain with example. 15

7. Write brief note on:

a) National Action Plan 1992

b) The Manila Conference (7 ½ + 7 ½) 15

8. Discuss the social and political impact of tourism. 15



Course Code: TS-2

Total Marks: 100Assignment Code: TS-2/TMA/2010-11

Note:This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.

Part II consists of 8 questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.

Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1)What is the role of Travel Corporation of India (TCI) in promoting India as a tourist destination?25


2)Describe the concept of Ethnic Tourism and its positive and negative effects.25


1) Differentiate between eco-tourism and adventure tourism? 15

2)Make a 10 days itinerary combining some pilgrimage destinations of your choice in India.15

3) What are various seasonal and cultural festivals celebrated in India? 15

4)Write an essay on Palace on Wheels.15

5)Discuss about the hidden treasure of the land of solitude- Ladakh. 15

6) Discuss the organisational structure, recruitment and training processes in SITA 15

7) Discuss in detail about PATA. 15 pilgrim centre located in the Northern part of India. 15

8) Write short notes in about 250 words on each of the following 5+5+5=15

(a)Air India

(b)Wilderness tourism

(c)Heritage tourism



Course Code: TS-3
Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-3/TMA/2010-11

Note:This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.

Part II consists of 8 questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.

Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.



  1. Define Organisation. Explain the various components of Organisational Structure.25
  1. Discuss the importance of Human Resource Management in tourism? 25


1. What are the roles and responsibilities of a Manager 15

2. What is Controlling? Explain the various steps in the control process. 15

  1. Write a note in about 250 words on each of the following: (7 ½ + 7 ½) 15

a)Recruitment and Selection

b)Induction and training

4.What do you understand by Budgeting? 15

5.Write a note in about 250 words on each of the following:(7 ½ + 7 ½) 15

a)Break Even Point

b)Fixed assets and current assets

6.Explain the different categories of Hotel. 15

7. Discuss the services provided by a travel agency. 15

8. Discuss the function of Public Relation department. 15



Course Code: TS-4

Total Marks: 100Assignment Code: TS-4/TMA/2010-11

Note:This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.

Part II consists of ten questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.

Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1)Write an essay on features of Indian cultural heritage? 25


2)Elaborate different tradition of plays in India?25


1) What do you mean by “Conservation of culture”? 15

2)What is the basic dilemma faced by cultural tourism in India? 15

3) Describe social and econornical change during Gupta and post Gupta period? 15

4)What do you understand by sects? 15 15

5) Discuss role and importance of “Kumbh mela” in tourism field? 15

6)Discuss rock cut architecture of India? 15

7)What are the various types and forms of Indian sculpture? 15

8)Discuss the tourism potential of mature Harappan sites of India? 15

9)What do you understand by “Commoditization of handicrafts “And how it is done? 15

10)Write notes in about 250 words each an any three of the following:- 15

a) Day craft and pottery of India

b) Different weaving patterns of India

c) Tribal identity and its formation

d) Relationship between tourism and culture

e) Role of media in tourism



Course Code: TS-5Total Marks: 100 Assignment Code: TS-5/TMA/2010-2011

Note:This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.

Part II consists of eight questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.

Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1)What do you understand by the term “carrying capacity”? Discuss it in relation to tourism? 25


2)Define a Biome. Describe the various types of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomes of the world. 25


1)What do you understand by the terms ‘Preservation’ and “Conservation’? Discuss their significance in tourism development? 15 15

2)Explain the concept of Alternative tourism with appropriate examples.15

3)Critically examine the impact of tourism on the Environment, particularly the Wildlife.15

4)Describe in brief some of the major Acts passed by the Government of India for protecting the Environment 15

5)How is Tourism related to Ecosystem? Explain the linkages between the two. 15

6)Highlight the importance of local population participation in tourism development activities.15

7)Discuss how Visitor Behaviour at Tourist Sites affects its Environment.

8)Write Short Noteson any two of the following in about 200 words each. (3X5=15)

a)Multiplier Effect

b)Cross Culture Exchange




Course Code: TS-6Total Marks: 100Assignment Code: TS-6/TMA/2010-11

Note:This TMA consists of two parts.

Part I consists of two questions out of which you have to attempt any one. The question carries 25 marks and should be answered in about 700 words.

Part II consists of eight questions. Attempt any five in about 500 words each. Each question carries 15 marks.

Send your TMA to the Coordinator of your Study Centre.


1)Explain the various variables used for segmenting tourists markets.25 25

2)What do you mean by Seasonality in tourism? Explain its types and reasons. 25


1).Define Marketing Research.Discuss the scope andpurpose of market research in tourism? 15

2) Write short notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each. (3x5=15)

a)International and Domestic Tourists

b)Competitive Analysis of Tourism Markets

c)Information Technology in tourism Sector

3) Discuss the role of forecasting in tourism marketing. What are the different types of forecasting methods used in tourism? 15

4) Critically examine the role of Public Organisations, Local Bodies and NGO’s while marketing a destination 15

5) Describe in detail the 4P’s of Marketing Mix. Explain the relevance of the Fifth P in Tourism 15

6) Describe the various types of Accommodation facilities available to a tourist coming to India 15

7) Suggest strategies for developing and marketing the Local food of your area as a tourism product 15

8) What the various aspects that you would consider while developing a tourist transport product? 15