Assignment Title:- Look Out Hazards About!

I understand the rules of plagiarism and I declare that the work produced for this assignment is my own.
Student Signature ______Date______
Assignment Launch Date / Wednesday 16th February 2011
Assignment Hand in Dates / Assignment 1 / 14th February 2011
Assignment 2 / 29th March 2011
Assignment 3 / 6th April 2011
To achieve a pass grade you must show that you are able to: / To achieve a merit you must show that you are able to: / To achieve a distinction you must show that you are able to:
P1 explain potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each in a health or social careSetting.
P2 outline how legislation,
policies and proceduresrelating to health, safety andsecurity influence health andsocial care settings / M1 describe how health and
safety legislation, policies and
procedures promote thesafety of individuals in a healthor social care setting
P3 carry out a risk assessment in
a health or social care setting / M2 assess the hazards identified
in the health or social care
setting / D1make recommendations in
relation to identified hazards
to minimise the risks to the
service user group
P4 explain possible priorities and
responses when dealing with
two particular incidents or
emergencies in a health or
social care setting. / M3 discuss health, safety or security concerns arising from a specific incident or emergency in a health or social care setting. / D2justify responses to a
particular incident oremergency in a health or
social care setting.
Assignment 1
Successful completion of this task will allow you to generate evidence to meet Grading Criteria P1, P2, M1(February 14th2011)

You have applied for a new job as a Health and Safety officer. As part of interview process you have asked to do a presentation on hazards in health and social care settings and submit a report

Task 1(P1)–Produce a PowerPoint presentation with notes thatexplains potential hazards and the different harm and abuse that may arise from each in various health or social care settings. You should include:

a)the physical environment




e)working conditions

f)working practices

g)security systems

For each type of hazard discuss the potential harm and abuse it could cause in the health and social care setting you talk about and the type of service users who may be affected. Also explore how individuals such as staff, visitors or patients could cause the hazard.

Task 2(P2) or (M1)– Produce a written report to submit at the interview about different health and safety legislation, policies and procedures. To meet Pass criteria you need to summarise the main points of each and crucially how these things influence practice in health and social care settings. You need to include sections on the following:

a)Legislation and guidelines – HASAWA, COSHH, RIDDOR, Data protection, manual handling etc.

b)Safeguarding – vulnerable adults (POVA) and children and young people etc.

c)Policies and procedures – accidents, disposal of body waste, storage of medicines, fire, security, cleaning, food safety etc.

Please make sure you clearly outline in section c) how each policy and procedure reflects the requirement of legislation and guidelines. Throughout each section you need to discuss the roles and responsibilities of employers and employees of services as well as other individuals like visitors and relatives.

To achieve a Merit you need to describe how health and safety legislation, policies andprocedures promote the safety of individuals in a health or social care setting. This involves you returning to hazards that you identified in Task 1. Addressing each hazard you need to explain how legislation, policies and procedures you discuss can minimise the risk for service users, workers andvisitors

You are a health and social care student studying at university who is about to go out on a number of mini work placements as part of your degree course. Your placements include a residential nursing home, a hospital, a play centre and a secondary school. As part of your health and safety module you have been asked to look into risk assessment procedures whilst on placement.

Task 1(P3)–carry out a risk assessment in a health or social care setting. Fill in the school’s risk assessment form that identifies hazards, the risk and level of harm, the likelihood of any risk and action to reduce possible risks.

As you complete the risk assessment photographs taken can be used as evidence

Task 2(M2) To achieve M2, you need to assess the hazards you identified inyour risk assessment. Please produce a report thatreflects on the health, safety and security issues in the school environmentyou have assessed. Please explain in detail the level of harm that each hazard might cause and to which type of service user. You should also assess the probability that this danger might occur. Please form a conclusion about the acceptability of any risk to service users in the school. Finally make sure you support any explanations you make with referenced facts and data from official sources like the Health and Safety Executive and RoSPA.

Task 3(D1)Please write an action plan that explains possible ways of reducing risk to users in the school where you carried out your risk assessment. Remember to think about all the different activities that can take place in all the areas at different times.

Think back to your P2 work. Consider allthe different ways of reducing hazards and risks such as the application of legislation, safeguarding and policies and procedures in the setting. Discuss the role and responsibilities workers may have to undertake. Make sure that for any action you take you justify why you have done this.

TASK 1 -(P4)Produce an incident report that explains possible priorities and responses when dealing with two particular incidents or emergencies in a health or social care setting. Please consider two of the following:

a) Incidents of suspected/actual abuse – How to deal with disclosure of abuse

b) Exposure to infection/chemicals

c) Intruders

d) Fire

e) Major Disasters (floods, loss of water supply, terrorist attack)

Please make use of referenced photographs if possible to enhance your work.

Task 2(M3) –For Merit you need to discuss health, safety or security concerns arising from your two specific incidents or emergencies. This requires you to look back to your work on hazards and risks you have previously covered. Highlight any relevant legislation, policies and procedures in your explanations and include clear examples.

Task 3(D2)– For Distinction you are required to justify any responses to a particular incident or emergency you have discussed. Why do you think such action is necessary? What are the strengths and weaknesses of making these responses?

For each coursework task you must include the majority of the content below. Please cross off each item as you write your work then tick in the right column when finished.
Assign / Task / Required Content (cross off as you write) / Done (tick)
1 / Task 1
PowerPoint / Hazards: relating to the physical environment, equipment, infections, substances, working conditions, working practices, security systems
Harm and abuse: possibility of, eg abuse, injury, acquired infection, psychological distress, inappropriate care planning, exposure to danger, stress, loss of/damage to, eg belongings, premises
Setting: types, eg residential care, hospital, day care, pre-school, infant school, childminder, clinic, surgery,
any location where an individual receives care services (including in own home or the community); public environment, eg retail area, swimming pool, public park, sports ground, beach, transport
Individuals: those receiving care; workers in a setting: care staff (based in setting, visiting setting), support staff (eg caterers, cleaners, administrative), visitors (eg relatives, friends, volunteers)
Users of health and social care services: as relevant to setting, eg patients, older people, people withlearning disabilities, young people, young children, babies, those with physical disability or sensoryimpairment, people with mental health problems
Task 2
(P2 or M1)
Report / Legislation and guidelines: relevant sections for home country, eg Health and Safety at Work Act, Food Safety Act, Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations, Manual Handling Operations Regulations, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), Data Protection Act, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, Care Homes Regulations, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH), Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Care Minimum Standards (various supplements)
Safeguarding:vulnerable adults, children and young people; enhanced disclosures, Independent
Safeguarding Authority, Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA)
Influences: staff, eg staff-service user ratios, training; premises, eg location, facilities, access; practices
(policies and associated procedures)
Policies and procedures: for, eg safeguarding, health and safety, reporting accidents, disposal of body wastes, storage and dispensing of medicines, fire evacuation, lone working, security of premises,
possessions and individuals, cleaning, food safety
Roles: employers, employees, care staff, users of services, local authority, National Health Service Trust; other individuals, eg visitors, relatives, volunteers
Responsibilities: according to legal and organisational requirements; for, eg following organisational safety and security procedures, making risk assessments, minimising risks, dealing with incidents and emergencies, working with others to ensure health, safety and security, reporting of and maintaining records of incidents and emergencies, understanding limits of own responsibilities, keeping self safe
2 / Task 1
(P3) / Risk assessment: hazard identification, potential severity of harm resulting from each hazard, likelihood/ probability of each hazard causing harm, critical controls, eg HACCP in food safety
Calculating the degree of risk: likelihood of something happening, scale of 1 to 5 (1 is not very likely; low
risk, 3 moderate risk, 5 means very possible or even probable)
Controlling the risk: deciding what needs to be done to reduce or remove the risk
Monitoring how the risk is being controlled: taking precautions to reduce risk; clear instructions from health and safety officer
Reappraising the risk: risk reduction; regular evaluations by the health and safety officer
Task 2
Task 3
3 / Task 1
(P4) / Incidents and emergencies:types, eg incidents of suspected/actual abuse, accidents, exposure to infection/ chemicals, spillages, intruders, aggressive and dangerous encounters, fire, major disaster (eg flood, loss of water supply, civic emergency), other critical incidents
Responses:maintaining respect and dignity; minimising risk, accessing support for the incident or
emergency, working in partnership (eg with emergency services); others, eg dealing with suspected abuse, dealing with disclosure of abuse, role of first aid, evacuation procedure, reporting of accidents, follow-up review of critical incidents and emergencies, accessing support for own emotional reactions after an emergency
Priorities:when dealing with incidents and emergencies, eg ensuring safety of people, property,
environment, review of policies and procedures following critical incidents, implementing improvements
for the future
Task 2
Task 3


BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit 3 Assignment Brief TH FHS 10/11