ASSIGNMENT SHEET #1: English Colonization of America, 1400 - 1750

ASSIGNMENT SHEET #1: English Colonization of America, 1400 - 1750

AP US HISTORY - Mr. Ludlam

ASSIGNMENT SHEET #1: English Colonization of America, 1400 - 1750

AMERICAN PAGEANT: Chap. 1 - 5, Read pp. 2 -105


History Disciplinary Practices and Reasoning Skills (HDPRS) and Thematic Learning Objectives (TLO) - Daily

Identify and explain how one of the HDPRS’s applies to the information from your reading.

Identify and explain how one of the seven TLO’s applies to the information from your reading.

Connect a HDPRS and TLO based on the information from your reading.

Beginning of each chapter - Must Know and Must Understand

End of each chapter – Chronology and/or Varying Viewpoint (If VV read first before reading chapter)

QUESTIONS: Think about and answer

  1. How did the Columbian Exchange impact the native populations in the Americas?
  2. What were the effects of the Catholic/Protestant rivalry in Europe and the New World?
  3. What problems did the natives meet with European settlement?
  4. How did tobacco effect the settlement of Jamestown?
  5. Why is the Mayflower Compact significant to the ideas of American government?
  6. Compare and contrast the settlements at Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay.
  7. How was Puritan society governed and organized? Why are Puritans usually depicted negatively?
  8. How did Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson help to develop government in America?
  9. What was the New England Confederation and what role did it play in early self rule in America?
  10. Describe the various labor systems that existed in the English colonies in North America.
  11. How did Bacon’s Rebellion reveal division in southern society?
  12. How and why did slavery flourish in the English colonies in America?
  13. How did the Great Awakening attempt to revive religion in the colonies?
  14. What do the maps on p. 79 (immigration) and p. 86 (colonial economy) indicate about the colonies?
  15. How did population growth and ethnic diversity create colonies that are more American?
  16. Describe the key ideas in the Varying Viewpoints section from Chapter 3 and 5.

IDENTIFICATIONS: (6 words or less) and why is it important – THINK SIGNIFICANCE - Connect to others (6 words or less)

Analyze map p. 9

Analyze maps p. 11

Columbian Exchange chart p. 15

Bartolome Las Casas

Cortes / Aztecs

Analyze map. 17

Spanish Armada

Joint-stock company, Virginia Co.

John Smith and John Rolfe

House of Burgesses

Lord Baltimore/Maryland

Chart p. 35

Mayflower Compact


Puritans/Massachusetts Bay

Maps p. 45


John Winthrop

Roger Williams

Anne Hutchinson

Rhode Island

New England Confederation

Dominion of New England

Edmund Andros

Navigation Laws/Acts

Glorious Revolution

William Penn/Quakers

Headright system

Indentured servants

Bacons Rebellion, Voices p. 64

Middle Passage, Slave trade 66-67

Half-Way Covenant

Salem Witch Trials

Triangular trade, Map p. 87

Molasses Act

Great Awakening

John Peter Zenger

Poor Richard's Almanac

Colonial assemblies

Be prepared to discuss individually or in a group -- Compare and contrast characteristics of the colonies and society

  1. New England colonies
  2. Middle Colonies
  3. Southern Colonies

Things to emphasize - Type of colony, daily life, government, economy, education, employment, religion, social structure

DBQ - Document Analysis - due on dates of lecture

Mayflower Compact - What is a “Civill body politick”? What are they agreeing to?

Essay by Roger Williams - What do you believe are the two key points that Williams is making?