Assignment: By Monday, August 22, write a one-page essay, roughly 250-300 words, that revolves around a word or phrase that is increasingly overused and entirely ineffective. Explain how it is used, when the phrase began or gained popularity (if you are able), why it is futile, etc. You may follow the general outline of the essay above if you would like; however, this piece is over twice as long as what I am expecting from you, so you will have less creative license and less room to delve into your litany of reasons why your word or phrase is destroying the English language. You will be graded on content, organization, voice, word choice, mechanics, and format. Please reference the back of this page to see how the paper should be formatted according to MLA standards. 40 pts.
Assignment: by Monday, August 22, Write a One-Page Essay, Roughly 250-300 Words, That