Assignment 7 - Correspondence Analysis - (45 pts.)

Below is an excerpt from the paper which I took the data from:

In this assignment you examine several large contingency tables summarizing the responses to different survey items pertaining to perceived health.

1)  Relationship between gender, age, and perceived health status

a)  Conduct a chi-square test of independence for the relationships between gender-age and perceived health status. Summarize your results. (4 pts.)

b)  Construct a mosaic plot displaying the relationship between gender-age (X) and perceived health (Y). Briefly summarize any apparent trends/relationships. (5 pts.)

c) Summarize the relationship between gender-age and perceived health status using correspondence
analysis. Include your plot and a discussion. (6 pts.)

2)  Smoking, age, and perceived health status.

Explore the relationship between perceived health status and:

·  Smoking status (-, N, S, + = Never, Former, Occasional, Current)

·  Age group (16-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75+)

·  Smoking category (as shown in table above)

a)  Conduct a chi-square test of independence for the relationships between smoking-age group and perceived health status. Summarize your results. (4 pts.)

b)  Construct a mosaic plot displaying the relationship between smoking-age group (X) and perceived health (Y). Briefly summarize any apparent trends/relationships. (5 pts.)

c)  Summarize the relationship between smoking-age group and perceived health status using correspondence analysis. Include your plot and a discussion. (6 pts.)

3)  Reduced Leisure Activity and Perceived Health

Amongst respondents who said that their physical health limited their ability to participate in leisure activities the following data was obtained regarding the physical ailments the feel they are experiencing and their perceived health. Respondents could select as many physical ailments as they wanted to. The results are tabled below.

Examine the relationship between the physical ailments and the perceived health of this subpopulation of individuals.

a)  Conduct a chi-square test of independence for the relationships between ailments and perceived health status. Summarize your results. (4 pts.)

b)  Construct a mosaic plot displaying the relationship between ailments (X) and perceived health (Y). This one you could potentially reverse the roles of X and Y, does it matter? Briefly summarize any apparent trends/relationships. (5 pts.)

c)  Summarize the relationship between ailments and perceived health status using correspondence analysis. Include your plot and a discussion. (6 pts.)