Assignment 6 - Applying IT to Your Professional Context

Jessica Foley (Hingle)

March 25, 2009

Part 1

IT Need / Time / Space / Who/What / Authenticity
Adequate amount of marketing information for each technology project included in monthly educational materials / Should be addressed at the first Marketing Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour). / Meeting room (for a minimum of 7 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) is required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Adequate amount of IPR information for the status of each project included in informational briefings / Should be addressed at the first Knowledge Management Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 4 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) is required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Users are able talk to a help desk representative to communicate an issue / Help Desk should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Length of time dedicated to each customer call is not limited. / Full staff of Help Desk employees should be located in a DISA facility, each with access to a DISAnet terminal, ticketing system, and the DISA call center phone system. / Minimum of three help desk employees available to answer the call center phone at any given point in time. / Real object or simulated system to automatically answer common questions.
Knowledge Management Folder structure is easy for users to utilize on a daily basis in order to access informational materials / Daily spot checks by a member of the Knowledge Management Team to be sure that structure is intact and functioning (approximately 30 minutes per day). Weekly review of feedback from users (approximately 30 minutes per week). / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object.
Information is appropriately placed within monthly educational marketing materials / Should be addressed at the first Marketing Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour). / Meeting room (for a minimum of 7 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) is required to evaluate the arrangement of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Information is appropriately inserted into IPR informational briefings / Should be addressed at the first Knowledge Management Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 4 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) is required to evaluate the arrangement of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Help Desk Information is tailored to meet the users’ needs / Weekly evaluation by Knowledge Management Team of feedback from users (approximately 1 hour per week) and subsequent review/revision of information (approximately 1 hour per week) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 4 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, ticketing system access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) is required to evaluate the feedback from users. / Real object.
Each project has a uniquely identifiable location on the Knowledge Management Portal in which to store their own information / Monthly spot checks by a member of the Knowledge Management Team to be sure that each project has an intact and identifiable location (approximately 30 minutes per month). Weekly review of feedback from projects (approximately 30 minutes per week). / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object.
Each project’s folder is accessible to those who have a documented need for the contained information, but not accessible to those who do not have a documented need for the contained information / Weekly review of permissions by a member of the Knowledge Management Team to be sure those permissions are appropriate (approximately 2 hours per week). Daily review of permission requests from users (approximately 15 minutes per day). / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object.
Marketing material production is timely / Three days of coordination between the Marketing Team and DISA’s Visual Information Office, occurring as needed when materials are required. / Meeting room (for a minimum of 10 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. Room must be reserved for three one-hour time slots. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) and Visual Information Office representatives (3 individuals) are required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
IPR slide production is timely / One day of coordination between the Knowledge Management Team and DISA’s Visual Information Office, occurring once a month, one week prior to the IPR / Meeting room (for a minimum of 7 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (4 individuals) and Visual Information Office representatives (3 individuals) are required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Accurate marketing information for each technology project included in monthly educational materials / Should be addressed by Marketing Team two weeks prior to scheduled release of marketing item (approximately one hour per project) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 8 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector (one scheduled meeting per project). / Marketing Team (7 individuals) and project representative (1 individual) are required to evaluate the accuracy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Appropriate placement of information within monthly educational marketing materials / Should be addressed two weeks prior to scheduled release of marketing item (approximately one hour per project) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 8 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) and project representative (1 individual) are required to evaluate the placement of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Educational marketing material is available at appropriate sites within the Agency / Sites should be queried twice a month to locate material shortages (approximately one hour, twice a month) / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site, and access to a DISA telephone. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object.
Users are able to overcome confusion with using commercial-off-the-shelf software products / Help Desk should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Length of time dedicated to each customer call is not limited. / Full staff of Help Desk employees should be located in a DISA facility, each with access to a DISAnet terminal, ticketing system, and the DISA call center phone system. / Minimum of three help desk employees available to answer the call center phone at any given point in time. / Real object.
Accurate IPR information for each project included in informational briefings / Should be addressed by Knowledge Management Team two weeks prior to scheduled IPR (approximately one hour per project) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 5 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) and project representative (1 individual) are required to evaluate the accuracy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
Confirmation of appropriate IPR information placement within slide deck / Should be addressed by Knowledge Management Team two weeks prior to scheduled IPR (approximately one hour per project) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 5 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) and project representative (1 individual) are required to evaluate the placement of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object.
IPR slides are sent to the Chief Technology Officer / Should be sent ten days prior to scheduled IPR (approximately 15 minutes) / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management team and Chief Technology Officer. / Real object.

Part 2

IT Need / Time / Space / Who/What / Authenticity / Technology
Adequate amount of marketing information for each technology project included in monthly educational materials / Should be addressed at the first Marketing Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour). / Meeting room (for a minimum of 7 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) is required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Document production software
  • Projector
  • DISAnet Access
  • Telework toolset
  • Telework network access
  • Telephone bridge
  • Document routing process

Adequate amount of IPR information for the status of each project included in informational briefings / Should be addressed at the first Knowledge Management Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 4 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) is required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Slide production software
  • Projector
  • DISAnet Access
  • Telework toolset
  • Telework network access
  • Telephone bridge
  • Document routing process

Users are able talk to a help desk representative to communicate an issue / Help Desk should be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Length of time dedicated to each customer call is not limited. / Full staff of Help Desk employees should be located in a DISA facility, each with access to a DISAnet terminal, ticketing system, and the DISA call center phone system. / Minimum of three help desk employees available to answer the call center phone at any given point in time. / Real object or simulated system to automatically answer common questions. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Ticketing sytstem
  • DISAnet Access
  • Call Center phone system
  • Instant Message (real-time chat) access
  • Common Help Desk email address

Knowledge Management Folder structure is easy for users to utilize on a daily basis in order to access informational materials / Daily spot checks by a member of the Knowledge Management Team to be sure that structure is intact and functioning (approximately 30 minutes per day). Weekly review of feedback from users (approximately 30 minutes per week). / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • DISAnet access
  • Knowledge Management Portal access
  • Feedback system access
  • Automated survey to request opinions from the users

Information is appropriately placed within monthly educational marketing materials / Should be addressed at the first Marketing Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour). / Meeting room (for a minimum of 7 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) is required to evaluate the arrangement of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Document production software
  • Projector
  • DISAnet Access
  • Telework toolset
  • Telework network access
  • Telephone bridge
  • Document routing process

Information is appropriately inserted into IPR informational briefings / Should be addressed at the first Knowledge Management Team meeting each month (approximately 1 hour) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 4 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) is required to evaluate the arrangement of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Slide production software
  • Projector
  • DISAnet Access
  • Telework toolset
  • Telework network access
  • Telephone bridge
  • Document routing process

Help Desk Information is tailored to meet the users’ needs / Weekly evaluation by Knowledge Management Team of feedback from users (approximately 1 hour per week) and subsequent review/revision of information provided to users (approximately 1 hour per week) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 4 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, ticketing system access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Knowledge Management Team (4 individuals) is required to evaluate the feedback from users. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • DISAnet access
  • Knowledge Management Portal access
  • Help Desk Feedback system access
  • Projector
  • Automated survey to request opinions from the users

Each project has a uniquely identifiable location on the Knowledge Management Portal in which to store their own information / Monthly spot checks by a member of the Knowledge Management Team to be sure that each project has an intact and identifiable location (approximately 30 minutes per month). Weekly review of feedback from projects (approximately 30 minutes per week). / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • DISAnet access
  • Knowledge Management Portal access
  • Feedback system access
  • Automated survey to request opinions from the users

Each project’s folder is accessible to those who have a documented need for the contained information, but not accessible to those who do not have a documented need for the contained information / Weekly review of permissions by a member of the Knowledge Management Team to be sure those permissions are appropriate (approximately 2 hours per week). Daily review of permission requests from users (approximately 15 minutes per day). / Single computer system with access to the DISAnet, located at a DISA site. / Single member of the Knowledge Management Team. Does not need to be the same team member every time. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • DISAnet access
  • Knowledge Management Portal access
  • Feedback system access
  • List of access controls
  • Electronic list of who has requested new or altered access
  • Automated process for users to request access
  • Automated process for reviewing and approving access requests

Marketing material production is timely / Three days of coordination between the Marketing Team and DISA’s Visual Information Office, occurring as needed when materials are required. / Meeting room (for a minimum of 10 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. Room must be reserved for three one-hour time slots. / Marketing Team (7 individuals) and Visual Information Office representatives (3 individuals) are required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Document production software
  • Projector
  • DISAnet Access
  • Telework toolset
  • Telework network access
  • Telephone bridge
  • Document routing process

IPR slide production is timely / One day of coordination between the Knowledge Management Team and DISA’s Visual Information Office, occurring once a month, one week prior to the IPR / Meeting room (for a minimum of 7 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector. / Marketing Team (4 individuals) and Visual Information Office representatives (3 individuals) are required to evaluate the adequacy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard:
  • Computer
  • Slide production software
  • Projector
  • DISAnet Access
  • Telework toolset
  • Telework network access
  • Telephone bridge
  • Document routing process

Accurate marketing information for each technology project included in monthly educational materials / Should be addressed by Marketing Team two weeks prior to scheduled release of marketing item (approximately one hour per project) / Meeting room (for a minimum of 8 individuals) at the DISA Headquarters site, with DISAnet access, a computer terminal, and a projector (one scheduled meeting per project). / Marketing Team (7 individuals) and project representative (1 individual) are required to evaluate the accuracy of the information. As an alternative to a standard meeting, the Knowledge Management Portal’s document routing feature could be utilized to gather opinions. / Real object. / Standard: