Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT
Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration
LRC submission date:
Signature of LRC staff:
Learner Name:
Assessor/Teacher Name: / Owen Funnell
Unit number / Unit Title/Assessment Reference / Assessment number / Resubmission
24 / Controlling Systems Using IT / 1 / 2 / R
Assessment Checklist - When submitting your work make sure that you have: / Tick (ü)
·  Proof read your assessment and made corrections where necessary
·  Included an introduction, which should state the assessment criteria to be addressed
·  Included all the topics expected by your Assessor
·  Included details of all your references and resources that you have used when completing this assessment (include books, DVDs, journals, web sites and class presentations) – using the Harvard (APA) system of referencing
Learner declaration
I certify that the evidence submitted for this assessment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature: Date:

Assessor declaration

I confirm that the evidence submitted for this assessment is authentic and the learner’s own work.

Assessor signature: Date:

Assessment Brief – BTEC (QCF)

Qualification: BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT / Year: 2
Hand Out Date: 23/03/2017 / Assessor: Owen Funnell / Assessment No: 2
Unit No (s): 24 / Unit Title (s): Controlling Systems Using IT
You are employed by an electronics company as a design engineer in their control systems division. Your day to day activities include designing, building and testing control systems for a variety of purposes.
You have a work blog which is used to post up research and developments you make which can then be shared with others.
Hand in Date / Task Outline
26/05/2017 / Task 1:
You have been tasked with designing, building, testing and then demonstrating a prototype project using the Arduino hardware. It must use 1 input sensor. Examples:
·  Server room temperature monitor – Monitors the temperature with visual output
·  Alarm for a room – Motion Sensor with audio output
You will be required to provide a blog of the development of the project it must include (P6):
1.  Initial research
o  Initial research carried out into similar products
o  Initial pictures or ideas of the project
2.  The purpose of the system
o  What will the system do?
o  What problem will the system overcome?
3.  The components required
o  What input sensors and output devices are you going to use
4.  Build log showing each step of development of your system
o  Pictures of each stage of the build with a description of what you have done
o  A test log of your system using a test plan
You will also need to give a demonstration of your system to your tutor and peers. (P7)
This covers criteria:
P6 - Design a control system
P7 - Implement a control system
26/05/2017 / Task 2:
Document potential improvements you can make to your control system you built in P6/P7
This covers criteria:
M4 - Suggest potential improvements to a control system
26/05/2017 / Task 3:
You have been tasked with building a prototype device for a person with dementia. You are required to automate tasks and overcome safety concerns. Examples: A temperate sensor in a bath to alert when the water is to hot or cold and a movement sensor to automatically turn on lights.
Your system needs at least 2 different input sensors to achieve the criteria
You will be required to provide a blog of the development of the project it must include:
1.  Initial research
o  Initial research carried out into similar products if any
o  Initial research carried out into dementia and issues/problems that a device could overcome
o  Initial pictures or ideas of the project
2.  The purpose of the system
o  What problem will the system overcome?
3.  The components required
o  What input sensors and output devices are you going to use
4.  Build log showing each step of development of your system
o  Pictures of each stage of the build with a description of what you have done
o  A test log of your system using a test plan
This covers criteria:
D1 - Design a control system that uses different types of sensors
26/05/2017 / Task 5:
Evaluate your design and the performance for the automated house system you built in D1.
This covers criteria:
D2 - Evaluate the design and performance of a control system
Guidance to Students:
Include details of all your references and resources that you have used when completing this assessment (include books, DVDs, journals, web sites and class presentations) – ensure you use the Harvard (APA) format of referencing for this.
ALL PASS criteria must be gained to achieve an overall pass for this unit
PLUS ALL MERIT criteria for a Merit grade
PLUS ALL DISTINCTION criteria for Distinction grade overall


Student Name:
Qualification: / BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT
Unit Number & Title: / Unit 24 Controlling Systems Using IT
Description of activities undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Practical Tasks / Completed (Lecturer to Sign) / Assistance Required (Lecturer to Mark Y/N)
Working project demonstrated
Grading criteria (for which the activity provides evidence)
P7 - Implement a control system
How the activities met the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
See above for details of the activities. Activity took place at Wiltshire College in Chippenham B205
Student Signature: / Date:
Assessor Signature: / Date:
Assessor Name: / Owen Funnell

Assessment Record



/ /

Assessment/ Task No:


Unit No & Title:

/ /

Learner Name:




Achieved (Yes/No)

(Insert details of targeted criteria)
P6 - Design a control system
P7 - Implement a control system
M4 - Suggest potential improvements to a control system
D1 - Design a control system that uses different types of sensors
D2 - Evaluate the design and performance of a control system
Feedback at Pass
Feedback at Merit
Feedback at Distinction
General feedback (English, maths or employability skills)
Learner feedback and self-assessment
Assessor Name and signature: / Date:
Learner signature: / Date:
IV agreement with Assessor: / Yes / No / Date:
IV Name and signature:
Lead IV approval for resubmission: / Yes / No
Lead IV signature:
Date assessment to be resubmitted:
Date assessment resubmitted:
Original marked assessment included with resubmission: / Yes / No