100 Hour Industrial Technology – Graphics Technology

Assessment Task 4 – House Model Construction

Student Name______

Value 20%

Assessment Task Due: Week 9 Term 4


The A3 floor plan of the 3 bedroom house created during Term 3 has now been finalised and presented to your client. While he thinks he likes the layout, he is having difficulty visualising the structure.

He has commissioned you to construct an actual model of the house as large as possible.


You are required to construct the model house on A3 white card

The floor plan layout should be identical to the A3 drawing.

You will need to:

STAGE 1 60 marks

·  Calculate the new scale and ensure it fits on A3 size card

·  Draw the A3 floor plan on the card

·  Scale the wall height and draw the external and internal walls

·  Cut out the doors and Windows in the correct location

·  Attach the interior and exterior walls accurately to the floor plan

STAGE 2 30 Marks

·  Create the roof which will not be attached to the walls, but will be sitting correctly on top of them so it can be easily removed to view the interior

·  Coloured paper and coloured corrugated card can be added to the structure to present interior feature walls and a realistic roof

STAGE 3 10 Marks

·  Paint can be used on the interior and exterior to give the house an aesthetically pleasing character.

·  Furniture can be constructed and attached to the interior/exterior to create a “livedin” effect.

Your presentation must include your A3 drawing and your completed model with this assessment task with your name clearly written on it.

If you lose the assessment task, ask your teacher for another before the due date.


Student Name______

STAGE 1 / Mark ______/60
·  Scale is calculated accurately
·  Largest model for the A2 size has been chosen
·  A2 floor plan layout accurately portrays the A3 drawing
·  Interior and exterior walls have been cut out cleanly and accurately
·  Doors and windows have been cut out evenly and cleanly
·  Ceiling of the model shows accurately attached walls of uniform height / 10
STAGE 2 / Mark ______/30
·  The roof has been drawn and constructed.
·  The roof is a good fit for the house and sits evenly on the walls
·  Feature walls and a corrugated roof have been added and add value to the look of the house / 15
STAGE 3 / Mark ______/10
·  The exterior of the house has been painted or otherwise coloured to a high quality and adds value to the house
·  The interior of the house has been painted or otherwise coloured to a high quality and adds value to the house / 5