Proposal for senior management
The following template is a starting point for you to create a proposal to senior managers. It may assist in engaging their support for a workplace health and wellnessstrategy in your organisation. Keep the proposal brief – a maximum of 2-3 pages is recommended.
Included in each section are prompts to {insert} information. Simply replace the bracketed words with the information requested. Some sections give prompts to {change as applicable}.
Date: {insert date}Proposal Name: Proposal for Workplace Health and WellnessStrategyat{insert organisation name}
Proposal Coordinator: {insert person’s name}
Executive Summary
{Insert brief summary 250-300 words, including:
- what you are proposing to implement
- the need the strategy is addressing
- key objectives and proposed strategy framework
- the anticipated benefits or outcomes}
{Insert information on:
- why a workplace health and wellbeing strategy will be beneficial for employees and the organisation
- what has already been happening in the organisation.
- key data you may have already attained regarding the cost of poor health and wellness to the workplace
- consultation that may have already occurred with internal/external stakeholders}
Overall vision/goal
{Insert information on:
- the overall vision/goal for the strategy linked to the organisation’s strategic goalse.g. ‘To develop a leading-edge health wellness strategy that supports an engaged, safe and resilient workforce’}
{Insert information on:
- the expected overarching objectives of the strategy
- how the strategy may link to the organisation’s strategic goals.}
Key Stakeholders
{Insert information on:
- key individuals or groups affected by the strategy}
Proposed strategy framework
{Insert information on:
- what will be delivered by the strategy.}
{Insert information on:
- what will be the impact of the strategy linked back to key objectives and organisational priorities}
{Insert information on:
- the expected resource usage, including human and physical resources
- the provision of any required training, support and/or assistance to relevant personnel}
Cost benefit analysis
{Insert information on:
- anticipated costs, including human resources
- anticipated benefits; ensure clear how expected return outweighs investment. This may draw on relevant research and/or utilise return on investment calculators to determine}
{Insert information on:
- governance structures within the organisation that will be involved in supporting/implementing the strategy, including steering committee, reference groups and/or working groups.}
Communication Strategies
{Insert information on:
- stakeholder communication management, e.g. employees, management, board members
- the appropriate medium for each communication, e.g. CEO announcements, newsletters, emails.}
Risk Assessment
{Insert information on:
- identified risks (at individual and organisational level) in proceeding and not proceeding with the strategy, possible mitigation strategies and barriers to completion.
- if available, you can use your organisations risk assessment template to present this information}
Due Diligence
{Insert information on:
- if applicable, external providers you are proposing to use to assist with implementation including areas of expertise, prior experience, insurance, intellectual property, procurement etc.}
{Insert information on:
- stages and/or elements of the intervention, noting the projected timelines (ie when each stage will begin and anticipated duration) }
Monitoring and Evaluation
{Insert information on:
- why monitoring and evaluation will be important to measuring impact
- how and when the intervention will be monitored and evaluated for effectiveness
- how the results and recommendations will be disseminated to key stakeholders
Adapted from:1. Worksafe Tasmania ‘Template: Proposal to Senior Managers’, Available: and 2. Comcare‘Presenting the Business Case for Investment in Health and Wellbeing’, Available:
Assessment item 2: wellness wise practitioner course / 1