Assessment Activity 2

1.  Clearly describe an application of enzymes. You need to show that you have a good knowledge of the biology and also clearly understand how this biology relates to its application.

2.  Clearly describe the effect of this application on society and/or the environment.

Need a crash course in enzymes?

BBC Revision materials about enzymes – why not complete the test and get some feedback /
Watch this revision video about enzymes /
General information about how enzymes work for you /
Enzymes in your jeans
Jeans would be boring if they all looked the same. That's why so many clothing companies strive to find new designs and new fashions for new jean styles. So, just what is it that makes so many different looks possible? Whether your denim is faded or worn, the design style is possible because of enzymes. / Enzyme washes for denim
Stonewash fibres in denim
Jeans and cellulase /
Enzymes in your wash
Perhaps the best known use is that of protease in biological washing powders. This enzyme helps to break down protein stains such as blood at lower washing machine temperatures. This means they save energy and are gentler on clothes. Some people are allergic to biological washing powders but this may be overcome by encapsulating the enzymes in wax from which they are only released during the wash. / Biological washing powder worksheet
How enzymes are changing your wash?
Enzyme technology in washing powders /
Enzymes in baby foods
Another wide spread use of enzymes is that of pectinases in food modification. Pectin is a substance which, is found in cell walls and helps to hold the structure together. Pectinase is the name given to a group of enzymes which, break down pectins. They are therefore used to partially digest fruit and vegetables in baby food and to help extract fruit/vegetable juices. / Enzymes in baby foods - Proteases
A discussion about why enzymes are used in baby foods /