Assesment Form for Preschoolers 2-5

Assesment Form for Preschoolers 2-5


Preschool: Teacher: Mrs. Tracy

Child's Name: ______Age/Birth Date: ______

Children will be introduced to many skills during their preschool years. Each child develops at an individual rate of growth. Mastery of these developmental skills will vary from child to child, as some skills might be easily mastered, while others might take a little more time. Remember LOTS of praises!

1 = All of the time

2 = Improving on this skill (w/h = with help)

3 = Needs more time (if blank, then we have not worked on that skill yet)


*Sits for a story[__][__][__]

*Completes tasks independently [__][__][__]

*Easily follows 2-step directions [__][__][__]

*Listens appropriately to requests [__][__][__]

* Responds appropriately to requests [__][__][__]


*Initiates activities [__][__][__]

*Interacts comfortably with adults [__][__][__]

*Interacts comfortably with peers [__][__][__]

*Expresses anger in age appropriate fashion [__][__][__]

* Controls aggressive behavior [__][__][__]

*Engages in cooperative play with peers [__][__][__]

*Attends to task at hand [__][__][__]

*Changes activities or routines w/o difficulties [__][__][__]

*Accepts adult limits [__][__][__]

*Waits for his/her turn [__][__][__]

*Shares willingly with other children [__][__][__]

*Uses equipment and materials properly [__][__][__]

*Asks for assistance when having difficulty [__][__][__]

*Accepts responsibility for own actions [__][__][__]

*Attempts to solve problems w/ minimal adult assistance [__][__][__]

*Follows daily routine with minimal adult assistance [__][__][__]

*Feels good about self [__][__][__]

*Displays pride about accomplishments [__][__][__]

* Plays and shares with others [__][__][__]

* Curious about the things around me [__][__][__]

*I rest at naptime [__][__][__]

*I take care of my personal needs [__][__][__]

*I listen and follow directions [__][__][__]


*Interested in letters [__][__][__]

*I know my first and last name [__][__][__]

*I sing songs and do finger plays and rhymes [__][__][__]

*I like stories and books [__][__][__]

*Enjoys being read to [__][__][__]

* Understands that reading is done from left to right and is

able to turn the pages for you in the right direction. [__][__][__]

* Points to pictures in the book when asked questions about

the pictures. (Where is the dog?" "... the blue ball?" etc.) [__][__][__]

* Understands that books are special and that we take very

good care of them.[__][__][__]

*Can say the alphabet without singing it.[__][__][__]

*Memorizes several short poems (nursery rhymes) [__][__][__]

*Can recognize own name [__][__][__]


*Retells a simple story [__][__][__]

* Communicates effectively with age appropriate vocabulary

and grammar [__][__][__]

*Able to recall and recite a simple finger play or song [__][__][__]


*Holds crayon correctly when coloring [__][__][__]

*Can trace straight lines (with a crayon, not a pencil) [__][__][__]

* Can trace curved and zigzag lines (with a crayon, not a

pencil) [__][__][__]

*Demonstrates proper posture while drawing/coloring [__][__][__]

VI.MATH READINESS (see attached)

*Can do math patterns [__][__][__]

*Knows numbers and colors [__][__][__]

*Identifies basic shapes [__][__][__]

*Can count out loud to 20 [__][__][__]

*Can count objects to 20 [__][__][__]

*Understands simple comparisons like:

"Katie, is this box big or little?" "Kelly, which ball is smaller,

the blue one or the green one?" [__][__][__]


* Knows all of the different family members names, mommy,

daddy, sister, brother, ant, uncle, etc. [__][__][__]

*Knows the name of common foods [__][__][__]

*Knows the names of the articles of clothing [__][__][__]

* Knows the names of things around the house; the rooms,

furniture etc. [__][__][__]

*Knows phone number [__][__][__]

*Knows town [__][__][__]

*Knows state [__][__][__]

*Knows address [__][__][__]

*Can point out their state on a U.S. map [__][__][__]


A.Fine motor skills

*I can use crayons [__][__][__]

*I can use scissors [__][__][__]

*Uses scissors for age appropriate cutting tasts [__][__][__]

*Uses age appropriate pencil grasp effectively when writing [__][__][__]

*I can use glue [__][__][__]

*Hand preference: right [_] left [_]

*Adept at small manipulations [__][__][__]

*How many 10 blocks can be stacked [______]

B.Gross motor skills

*Seems to enjoy large motor activities [__][__][__]

*Dresses him/herself with minimal assistance [__][__][__]

*Demonstrates normal activity (overactive? lethargic?) [__][__][__]

*Joins in outside play [__][__][__]

*Kicks a ball [__][__][__]

*Bounces a ball[__][__][__]


*Understands that God made everything [__][__][__]

*God made all of the plants and animals, and God made me! [__][__][__]

* Recognizes a variety of domestic and wild animal as well as

the sounds that they make [__][__][__]

* Knows the names of outside objects, i.e. sky, trees, grass,

sun, etc. [__][__][__]

* Starting to understand the basics of good health principles.

(Diet, hygiene, exercise, sleep, etc.) [__][__][__]

* Starting to understand basic safety principles. (We don't

touch the stove, don't run in the house, don't talk to

strangers, etc.) [__][__][__]


* Is familiar with and uses a variety of art mediums, colors,

And textures. [__][__][__]

*Takes care of own art supplies [__][__][__]


*Listens to a variety of music [__][__][__]

* Enjoys singing and knows the words to several children's

songs [__][__][__]

*Keeps simple time and rhythm by clapping hands [__][__][__]

* Uses simple instruments. Bangs on a pot, hits sticks or

blocks together, etc. [__][__][__]


Three to four year olds have a very short attention span. Therefore, it is best to help them accomplish their tasks rather than to expect them to complete the tasks on their own. Children of this age love to help their teachers/parents. Try not to damper their enthusiasm because it is easier for you to do the tasks yourself without their help. The attitude that they develop at this age will determine how willing they are to help when the get older. You want a child who understands his responsibilities as a member of the class/family and is happy to do their part.

*Helps with picking up toys and puts them away [__][__][__]

*Says please, thank you, you're welcome & excuse me [__][__][__]

*Learning to say yes/no sir/ma'am [__][__][__]

*Gets things for you and puts things in the trash when asked.[__][__][__]

This is only a short list. You can include your child in most of the classroom/household activities.


* Dresses self with minimal assistance (clothes are set out for

the child and the child can put them on correctly) [__][__][__]

* Washes and dries hands with minimal assistance after using

The bathroom and before meals [__][__][__]

XV.BIBLE AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH (If Christian program used)

Bible instruction and spiritual growth training during the four year/kindergarten years is a basic overview of the major stories and characters of the Old and New Testaments as well as the study of Christian character traits.

*Can say a short, memorized, morning prayer [__][__][__]

*Can say a short, memorized meal blessing [__][__][__]

*Can say a short, memorized, bedtime prayer [__][__][__]

* The child should have his own children's story Bible and

have a special place for it.[__][__][__]

* Understands that the Bible is a special book and that we

must take special care of it. [__][__][__]

*Familiar with several major Bible stories and characters, i.e.

Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah, Jesus' birth, etc. [__][__][__]

* Answers a few simple Bible questions like: Who made the

trees? sky? birds? us? etc. & who is God's Son? [__][__][__]

* Memorizes one short Bible verse a weeks but probably will

not be able to retain the verse for more than a week after

that. [__][__][__]

* Sings several simple Bible songs, i.e. "Jesus Loves Me"

and "God Is So Good" as well as some choruses [__][__][__]


Does child require additional adult attention and assistance? ______

Please explain: ______


Please comment on child's unusual talents, interests, and individual needs. Is there any reason why this child should be screened for possible special conditions before entering school in the fall?



If so, please indicate: ______


I plan to document 2-4 times a year and use the past ones for comparison. Remember to give lots of praise even for incorrect answers. Good try, Wow you were really close!