A proportion of your MAL/CPD time in 2016-17 will be development activities of your choosing – to help you progress down the route that you wish. Of course, we recommend you discuss this with your line manager and/or Appraiser. You need to select a combination of options that totals a minimum of ten credits for the whole academic year.
Your Options
Aspiring Headteachers Course(5 credits)
A year long course for current WSLT members run by a combination of providers including TiLA and SMRT Teaching School Alliance. Preparation for Headship through one residential, a small number of day-long courses and five days in another school work shadowing a Headteacher and completing a leadership project.This needs to be agreed with the Headteacher.
NAML (5 credits)
The start of a two year National Award for Middle Leadership working across the TiLA schools. The NAML is certificated by SSAT and provides routes to Masters level accreditation through the University of Nottingham and Lead Practitioner Accreditation. Middle leaders are expected to complete a school improvement project and professional learning journal to evidence the impact of course learning.This needs to be agreed with the JPP Team.
Teaching Leaders(5 credits)
Either TL Fellows – a two-year selective leadership development programme for high-potential secondary school middle leader; or TL Primary which is designed to improve pupil outcomes in reading, writing and numeracy, by unleashing the full potential of your middle leaders.This needs to be agreed with the Headteacher.
Postgraduate Study (5 credits)
For those who have an agreed postgraduate study course, such as MA, Med, PhD, NPQH, etc. This needs to be agreed with KFE.
The NQT & Teach First Package (5 credits)
For current Teach First participants and Newly Qualified Teachers, these are enriched CPD sessions to ensure your start to the best career in the world is as effective as possible.NQTs and Teach First Partners will automatically be part of this.
The Writing for TES Package (5 credits)
Launched on TiLA INSET Day on 21st October by Jon Severs, commissioning editor for TES, you will write at least three 500 word articles for submission to TES for possible publication – either in print or online. This will require you to meet deadlines, explore issues in education in depth and keep up to date with the latest developments.
Research Lesson Study : Resilience (5 credits) – to run Terms 1, 2 & 3
Using the RLS process, you will be part of a team of teachers to explore how we can build resilience in our learners to enable them to persevere in their learning. This will require you to conduct research in your classroom and also complete suitable reading to support your RLS.
Research Lesson Study :Excellence for All (5 credits) – to run Terms 4, 5 & 6
Using the RLS process, you will be part of a team of teachers to explore how we can best deliver excellence to all children, of all ages, of all abilities. This will require you to conduct research in your classroom and also complete suitable reading to support your RLS.
The Bristol Standard for EYFS (5 credits)
The Bristol Standard is a self-evaluation framework which helps Early Years settings, Childminders and Play settings to develop and improve the quality and effectiveness of their provision through an annual cycle of reflection.
Coaching (3 credits)
Either as the coach or the coachee, undertake two terms of professional coaching.
Evening/Weekend/Holiday Educational Conference (2 credits) – maximum of three
Choose to attend an educational event such as a TeachMeet or a Conference, and we can cover your attendance fee as well once this has been agreed.
Open Door Lesson (1 credits) – maximum of five
Open your door to learning walks by all other members of staff for them to see your fantastic practice, or experimentation, and gain one credit. An outline needs to be shared and publicized with colleagues a week in advance.
Enrichment (2 credits) – maximum of three
Offer a suitable after hours enrichment activity for children for one term. This enables you to develop relationships with students and encourage different types of learning.
Got another ideas?
If there is something you wish to undertake, will develop you professionally and have a positive impact on the children, talk to the JPP Team.