/ DeaneryC.E.Primary School
(Voluntary Aided)
Programme of Work in Year 3
English and Maths are taught following the Renewed Primary Framework. The aim of the Primary Framework for literacy and mathematics is to support and increase all children's access to excellent teaching, leading to exciting and successful learning.
Most children continue to develop reading comprehension using a range of strategies. They are becoming aware of varying text organisation and style. They identify and talk about the main points of a passage. Children in Year 3 need to be able to use underlying typical themes, plots and ideas of stories to make predictions. They need to use questions about how and why authors use certain words and features to express and describe ideas. The tasks for the
Year 3 readers are to develop reading stamina and fluency and to widen their reading range across fiction, poetry and non-fiction.
During the year, most children share and compare reasons for reading preferences and extend the range of books they read. They become more aware of authors, recognising common settings, characters or themes in an author’s work and being able to talk about their favourites. Children learn how to discuss and record their reaction to texts they have read, making simple evaluations and giving their reasons. They are developing personal tastes, for example avidly reading a series of books by the same author.
Narrative writing develops both in length and in structure, using good models from personal reading and stories read aloud. Children should begin to organise work into paragraphs. Learners should be increasingly using ambitious vocabulary and varied sentence construction to engage the reader.
Narrative: Stories with Familiar Settings
Non Fiction: Instructions
Poetry: Poems to Perform
This weekly session will develop the 4 generic targets in writing: Vocabulary, Connectives, Openings and Punctuation.
By the beginning of Year 3 it is expected that most children have acquired a sizable vocabularyof words they can access automatically for reading and spelling. Their broad knowledge of the phonic code and growing understanding of the morphemic structure of wordsenable them to learn to read and spell new words independently, so their reading and spelling vocabulary expands rapidly during Year 3. This is a critical year for moving from a primarily phonics based spelling approach to one that takes more account of morphemic word structure and etymology. The accuracy of spelling high frequency words increases as the year progresses. Spellings will be set on a Thursday and tested the following Thursday. In year 3 we will be using the Phonics to spelling scheme.
Teachers continue to teach and to provide practice time to support the correct formation of the four basic handwriting joins from Year 2. The majority of children use these in independent writing. They write with consistency in size and proportion of letters and spacing within and between words.
Mathematical Development
 / By the end of Key Stage 1, most children have a range of counting skills using whole-number steps.
They are becoming more confident in their understanding and use of all four number operations. They know all number pairs up to 10 and for 20 and the multiplication facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
They use signs and symbols to record and interpret number sentences and find the values of an unknown number. They partition two-digit numbers and add and subtract mentally single-digit numbers to and from two-digit numbers.
At the start of Year 3, the majority of children have a stronger understanding of the number system and of the four operations. They solve problems set in different contexts, recording the steps and information used, and checking solutions. They describe patterns that they observe, begin to make predictions and test them with examples. Children solve logical problems and, working with other children, follow a line of enquiry, making choices and decisions which they can explain. Children continue to develop and use informal written methods of calculation, supported by practical methods, while drawing on more secure recall and mental skills. They visualise and recognise simple properties of shapes. They use standard units of measure, including units of time.
 / Animals including humans
To reinforce and develop children’s knowledge of their personal health and how this relates to diet as well as how the teeth of humans and other animals relate to their diet.
Characteristics of materials
To extend children’s knowledge of the materials we use and the properties that characterise them.
 / Hinduism and the festival of Diwali
Using speculation skills and developing understanding of symbols through Diwali and Hindu beliefs.
 / Gymnastics, Dance and Invasion Games
Through gymnastics and dance, children will put together sequences. They will experience a range of moves. In games they will develop balls skills through invasion games. P.E. will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays.
 / Animation
Children will use learn to use basic computer programming to design and make short cartoons.
/ Cultural understanding and Communication
Learning facts about Spain
Developing facts for:
  • Greetings
  • Asking and answering questions
  • Having conversations with talk partners
  • Learning a Spanish greetings song

 / Well Being SEAL Units:
– New beginnings Class rules
- Getting on and Falling Out Fair Play Football
- Anti-Bullying unit
Creative Curriculum (replacing IPC)
 / Dinosaurs(Using Walking with Dinosaurs Videos)
In Historywe’ll be finding out:
  • About the different time periods when dinosaurs lived
  • How to make a timeline
  • About the lives and discoveries of palaeontologists from around the world
  • About different ideas to explain why the dinosaurs died out
In Science we’ll be finding out:
  • About evidence and how to make deductions from it
  • How the dinosaurs lived and moved and about what they ate
  • How to make a plaster cast of a dinosaur footprint for evidence, as scientists do
  • About how the continents emerged and about the other animals and plants which lived at the same time as the dinosaurs
In Art we’ll be finding out:
  • About patterns and how they are created
  • How to make patterns based on the shapes of bones
  • About the ways in which artists have used animals in their work
  • How to paint lifelike scenes of prehistoric times
  • How to make models of animals with natural materials
In International we’ll be finding out:
About the world’s continents at the times of dinosaurs
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
In Geographywe’ll be developing the following skills:
  • Researching through the use of different sources of information
  • Making simple comparisons between features of different places
  • Making observations about different geographical features
In Historywe’ll be developing the following skills:
  • Placing the time studied on a timeline, sequencing events and increasing language used to discuss time
  • Finding out about the everyday lives of people of the age, comparing to the modern day
  • Identifying the reasons for the actions of people from the past
In Art we’ll be developing the following skills:
  • Exploring the roles and purposes of artists and designers working in different times and cultures
  • Comparing ideas, methods and approaches
  • Use different media to achieve variations line, texture, tone, colour, shape and pattern

 / Reading is to be done on a daily basis at home (to be signed into homework diary). Books are to be returned to the library during Yr3 Librarytime on Wednesday afternoons. There is the option to change books more frequently at lunch times.
Homework diaries are to be taken home each day and signed weekly.
Wednesday is homework day! On this dayMaths homework will be set and due in the following Wednesday.
Literacy target books are an ongoing means of self assessment which aim to help the children to improve their writing. Everytwo weeks the children will be given a theme to write about but they are able to choose the form that the writing will take e.g. a story, letter, recipe etc. The overall aim is to meet their writing targets and this will be the marking focus.Children have one week to complete their homework and should hand it in the following Wednesday.

Programme of Work Year 3