Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan. Survey 2015
We are asking each person aged 11 years or more in Askerswell Parish to help us by completing the survey now delivered to you. It will be collected by the same contact by appointment about 10-14 days after delivery. The contact will answer any queries you have on delivery and collection of the survey and can explain any questions as required.
The need for a Neighbourhood Plan
The Neighbourhood Plan is to promote sustainable development in accordance with national planning policy and the Local Development Framework for West Dorset being developed by WDDC. The results of this survey will help formulate a plan based on residents’ needs and hopes for the future. The Neighbourhood Plan provides us with a say in the future development within the Parish. It also helps both WDDC and us to ensure development is appropriate for the needs of the community.
The survey
A comprehensive survey is necessary to collect all the information needed without having to distribute a supplementary survey later! Please do help us by answering it. Your return is essential to ensure all views are obtained. The survey will help develop a general vision for the Parish as well as being an essential step in developing a Neighbourhood Plan.
Your contact will ask the number in the household to provide an up to date census and to ensure all those younger than requested to complete the survey are counted.
Please willeach member of your household aged 11 years or more complete a copy of the survey.
Use of the survey
The data collected from the questionnaires will be analysed statistically. Our Neighbourhood Forum of over 30 members will consider the collated analysis only, and from it identify issues that the Parishioners prioritise. There will then be further consultation opportunities e.g. to discuss and choose options before a draft Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan is prepared. That will be circulated to you for comment and revision before a final version is eventually submitted to WDDC.
Adoption of our plan
If WDDC accept our plan, it is considered by an external examiner and amended as needed. Finally, it must gain a majority vote in favour of adoption by residents in a referendum. It then sits alongside the Local Development Framework for all of West Dorset. WDDC will take decisions on planning applications using both documents.
All answers are completely confidential and all returns will be anonymous. You will seal your completed survey into the envelope provided. There is no indication on the survey of who you are or of your address. Your contact will not pass any such information on to others. Your survey form will remain securely within the Parish until shredded when the process has been completed.
Any information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be used for the purposes of developing the Neighbourhood Plan and any developments arising therefrom. Your information will not be shared with any other parties, but please note that any comments you make may appear anonymously in the published results as examples of opinion.
More information needed
Please contact Howard Atkinson (Chair of The Askerswell Neighbourhood Forum) if you have any questions on 485765 or by e-mail . Please join the Forum at any time to become more involved in the process.
Thank you
Introduction and DemographicsThis section is needed to set the context of your responses and your connection to the Parish
- Please your age grouping(optional)
- What is your connection with the Parish?
- Live; primary home
- Live; not primary home
- Work
- Landowner (other than freehold home and garden)
- Business
- Other
- Do you agree access to the following are important to you?
- Unspoilt countryside
- Good education/schools
- Facilities for leisure and sport
- Health and caring services within 5 miles
- The community and its spirit
- Pleasant physical environment
- Peaceful and safe neighbourhood
- Services and shops within 5 miles
- Lots of things going on
- Good public transport
- Right housing available
- Local employment opportunities
- Having a say in decisions that affect the Parish
- Additional Comments for question 3?
- Do you feel that the current population contains?
- Too many older people
- Good mix of ages
- Too many younger people
- Not enough younger people
- If the community was to develop, do you see the Parish as primarily a residential village acting as a dormitory for larger areas of employment, or as an economic centre in its own right with new jobs created?
- Residential dormitory
- Economic centre
- Neither
Your views of the extent and type of new homes to be planned over the 10 years of the Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan is important
- Has your current home in Askerswell been newly built or modified to be a dwelling for the first time, since 2004?
- Yes
- No
- Do not know
- Are any members of your family or household experiencing unmet housing need in the neighbourhood?
- Yes
- No
If yes to question 8, what is required?
Comment here.
- Are you expecting to have different housing needs in the next 10 years?
- Yes
- No
- Do not know
- If yes, what is your different housing need?
- Current home too small
- Current home too large
- To set up an independent home
- Current home not energy efficient
- Renting and would like to buy
- Access difficulties (e.g. steps and stairs)
- Need more specialised housing
- Private tenancy and would like to be more secure
- Other
- Add any comment you wish to make on any points you ticked in question 10 above.
- Has anyone in your household moved away from the Parish in the last 5 years due to lack of affordable housing?
- Yes
- No
- Should the Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan favour the principle of affordable housing to meet local needs?
- Yes
- No
- No opinion
- Should the Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan favour the principle of housing for sale on the open market?
- Yes
- No
- No opinion
- What are your views on housing growth within the Parish over the plan period of 10 years?
- less than 5 dwellings in 10 years as in the last decade
- no more than 10 dwellings over 10 years
- no more than 15 dwellings over 10 years
- more than 15 dwellings over 10 years
- No more dwellings
- If new homes are to be built, which of the following tenures should be encouraged?
- Social rented – Houses which are owned and managed by a Housing Association
- Private rented – Privately owned houses rented directly from the landlord/owner
- Shared ownership (houses that are provided through Housing Associations but tenants can buy a share of the house and rent the remaining share)
- Owner occupied – The residents both fully own the house and live there
- What types of homes are needed across the Parish?
- Detached private houses (3, 4 or more bedrooms)
- Semi-detached/terraced private houses (2 or 3 bedrooms)
- Houses with workshops attached for cottage industries
- Bungalows
- Affordable homes for sale or rent
- Sheltered accommodation for elderly people
- Houses for multiple-occupancy (shared houses and bedsits)
- Holiday accommodation
- No new housing
- Other (Comment below)
Add any Comment linked to question 17j.
- Should priority be given to?
- Restoring and refurbishing current housing and empty homes
- Barn conversions or similar re-use of existing redundant buildings
- Self-building by local people for their own use
- New build on brownfield sites
- New build on greenfield sites
- New build by infilling within the village only
- No opinion
- If new homes are built, where would you suggest is the best location?
- Within the Askerswell village
- On the edge of the main settlement
- Elsewhere in the Parish
20.Are there any locations that you think are suitable for new houses? Comment here.
Future planning must consider this matter which is relevant for some parishioners
21.Where is your main place of work? / one
- In Askerswell Parish
- Bridport
- Dorchester
- Elsewhere in WDDC area
- Outside WDDC area (less than 25 miles)
- Outside WDDC area (more than 25 miles)
- Work at home
- Unemployed
- Retired
22.What is, or would be, your main means of transport to any work, training or study? / one
- Car/Van
- Bus
- Train
- Taxi
- Bicycle
- Motorcycle
- Walking
- Other
- None, work from home
24.If you are an employer, how many more or less employees are you likely to recruit in the coming 12 months? If not an employer skip this question / Number?
- More employees
- Less employees
- Do not know
25.Should Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan make provisions for economic development? / one
- Yes
- No
- Do not know
26.Should the following be encouraged around the Parish to promote jobs and economic development? / strongly agree / agree / neither / disagree / strongly disagree
- Agriculture/
- Small businesses on individual sites
- Small businesses on an industrial estate
- People working from home
- High-tech companies
- Office development
- Renewable energy generation
- Retail/service companies
- Tourism development/
- Major employers in WDDC
27.Should the Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan allocate sites for economic development? / one
- Yes; go to question 27 & 28
- No; go to question 29
29.Which types of site should be allocated for employment use? / all relevant
- Greenfield
- Brownfield
- Disused buildings
30.Where should employment land be allocated? / one
- In or around the village
- Elsewhere in the Parish
- Both
31.Should employment sites be protected from change of use? / one
- Yes
- No
32.Is anyone in your family likely to seek local employment in the next 5 years? / one
- Yes
- No
- Do not know
33.What would encourage new businesses to locate in the Parish? / one
- More purpose-built premises
- Better broadband
- Other.
32.Comment on question 31 please.
Natural and historic heritage
33.How important is it to you that any future development in the Parish should be in keeping with the existing landscape and character setting? / one
- Important
- Not important
- No opinion
34.Should Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan aim to protect and enhance the quality of the built environment by promoting the following? / all relevant
- Design that respects the scale of the existing area
- Use of traditional local building materials
- Green space and parks within settlements
- Signage, advertising and street furniture that respects the locality
35.Other comment on question 34please.
36.Should the Neighbourhood Development Plan aim to promote the following: / all relevant
- Increased provision of green space
- Enhanced protection of historic and natural features
- Enhanced protection of the landscape
- Positive management of the varied local wildlife
- Improved flood prevention measures
37.Are there any buildings, spaces or views that you consider that should be protected from development? Comment here.
Community services and facilities
38.How often do you go into Bridport or Dorchester? / one
- Everyday
- More than once a week
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Less than once a month
- Never
39.Which of the following do you think our Neighbourhood Development Plan should consider? / all relevant
- Allotments
- Car parking
- Leisure and recreational facilities
- Facilities for young people
- Facilities for older people
40.What is your view of a village shop in Askerswell? / one
- Essential
- Quite necessary
- Not necessary
41.Comment here, if you think the Village Hall facilities and the Washingpool area could be improved.
42.Comment here if you think facilities for young people are needed please advise how and where this could be achieved.
Energy, water & waste
Sustainability is relevant to neighbourhood plans
43.Do you favour a localised renewable energy supply? / one
- Yes (complete question below)
- No (omit question below)
44.If you answered yes above, would you support: / all relevant
- Domestic wind turbines powering a single home
- Commercial wind turbines powering multiple homes
- Hydropower from local streams
- Biomass plants
- Anaerobic digesters
- Solar panels ( tick i, ii or both below)
i. In designated fields
ii.On poultry houses and other agricultural buildings
- Ground heat pumps
Roads, bridleways, cycle paths, pavements and footpaths
Aspects of this affect most of us
45.Are there sufficient bridleways/footpaths in the Parish? / one
- Yes
- No
- Do not know
46.Are the local public rights of way adequate and sufficiently well maintained? / one
- Yes
- No
47.Should Askerswell village be linked to the future cycle route along the former rail track from Bridport to Maiden Newton, possibly near Nettlecombe? / one
- Yes
- No
- No opinion
48.What improvements would you like to see relevant to this section? Comment here.
West Dorset is an important Tourist area. How much connection should our Parish have to this industry?
49.Should the Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan encourage tourism within the Parish? / one
- Yes (complete question 50)
- No ( omit question 50)
- Do not know (omit question 50)
50.If yes to question 49, what is required? / all
- More holiday lets
- More B&B accommodation
- More hotel/inn accommodation
- More caravan sites
- More camping sites
- New visitor attractions
- Other
51.Do you have adequate reception? / Unacceptable / Meets need / Reception good / Reception
very good
- Mobile phone
- Broadband
Any other matters?
52.What do you like about the Parish? Comment here if not covered by the survey.
53.What do you dislike about the Parish? Comment here if not covered by the survey.
55.What do you prioritise for inclusion in the Askerswell Neighbourhood Plan? Comment here.
56.Are there any question(s) we have forgotten to ask?Comment here.