Questions for July 12, 2016
Note from Linda Anderson: Dear His Way Woman, This morning as I was praying for you and for His Way Women's Bible Study, I cried out to Father God to restore you. To better explain my prayer, I will copy what I wrote in my journal early this morning. “I believe the King wants the women to experience the sweetness and innocence that they have forgotten. The news has hurt their hearts and ravaged their emotions. They are afraid for their families and need hope for the future. They have been betrayed and lied to. O Righteous Father, how I usher in the true sweetness and goodness of Your fragrance?! That they may smell Your light and Your beauty! Restore their innocence and purity, O Jesus! Then they can walk in Your beautiful joy, smelling the flowers and feeling the lovely breeze of Your Presence! They shall say, 'Restore my soul' and You will!”
Your good, good Father wants to restore your soul (your mind, will and emotions)! As you answer the following questions and ponder the Lord's great love for you, I pray that you will smell His beauty and feel the sweet breeze of His Presence!
1. In Psalm 23, what does King David declare that the Lord restores?
Will you join with this Psalmist right now, and out loud proclaim by faith, “You, O Lord, restore my soul!”
2. There has been so much bad news in the media in the last several weeks. Being bombarded with news of calamities
and tragedies can take a toll on our hearts. What must we make sure of, in order to see God, according to Matt. 5:8?
3. According to the following quote (and Scriptures coming up in these questions) where is the doorway to your heart?
“Your heart is a fertile greenhouse ready to produce good fruit. Your mind is the doorway to your heart—the strategic place where you determine which seeds are sown and which seeds are discarded. The Holy Spirit is ready to help you manage and filter the thoughts that try to enter. He can help you guard your heart. He stands on the threshold. A thought approaches, a questionable thought. Do you throw open the door and let it enter? Of course not. You “fight to capture every thought until it acknowledges the authority of Christ” (II Corinthians 10:5). You don’t leave the door unguarded. You stand equipped with handcuffs and leg irons, ready to capture any thought not fit to enter.” Max Lucado, Just Like Jesus
4. According to Proverbs 4:23, what must be watched over and guarded carefully?
Are you being careful with what you hear, see and touch? (Pause and ask the Holy Spirit to show you His answer. He
knows things that you wouldn't even think of!) What did the Lord show you?
What will you do?
“For what shall we do when we wake up one day to find we have lost touch with our heart and with it the very refuge where God’s presence resides?” Brent Curtis and John Eldredge, The Sacred Romance, page 5
5. The Bible instructs us in the way that we can stay out of turmoil and walk in peace. What is way to do this, according
to Isaiah 26:3?
Now write the verse here so you don’t forget!
6. Your mind is susceptible to zillions of thoughts every day. But you have the power to decide what you think about!
Read the following Scripture and underline the things that you are instructed to think about:
“Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things . . . and the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:8-9).
7. What will what you think about determine, according to Proverbs 23:7?
8. Read II Corinthians 10:4, and fill in the blanks: We are instructed to capture ______thought and
make ______thought obey God! This is possible through PRACTICE!
9. To maintain right thoughts and good health, we must continually deal with sins of heart and attitude. Otherwise they
will fester, poisoning our lives and resulting in sickness, broken relationships and addictions. What does Acts 14:2
state as the way that minds get poisoned? (There is a simple answer and it is the same way the news can poison us -
and the answer is found in Proverbs 18:21 and James 3:5-8).
“No one can appreciate so fully as a doctor the amazingly large percentage of human disease and suffering which is directly traceable to worry; fear, conflict, immorality, dissipation, and ignorance-to unwholesome thinking and unclean living. The sincere acceptance of the principles and teachings of Christ with respect to the life of mental peace and joy, the life of unselfish thought and clean living, would at once wipe out more than half the difficulties, diseases, and sorrows of the human race.” Dr. William Sadler, None Of These Diseases, Page 64
10. The Lord knows what needs restoring in you today! Read the following Scripture and jot a note next to each one.
You will find your answer and healing somewhere in the following (it may be something you need to do as well)!
- Job 42:10
- Psalm 51:12
- Isaiah 58:12
- Jeremiah 30:17
- Daniel 10:18-19
- Joel 2:25
- Matthew 12:13
- Acts 3:19
What did you learn from the Scripture? Which one was about you?
What is your assignment from the Lord?
“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?" (Isaiah 43:19).
11. The following quote is about believing God - and not giving into the lie that God won’t or didn’thelp you:
“Here’s the scene: You are in a battle against sickness, oppression or some similar struggle. You seek God, and in some way, the grace of God touches your life. Your victory may have come through a word or prayer or some other encouragement, but you absolutely know the Lord has delivered you. But then, a few weeks or months or perhaps years later, all the old symptoms suddenly return with a vengeance. If you were struggling with an illness, it manifests itself now worse than ever; if your battle was regarding a relationship, it seems as though all progress has been lost and you are back to square one. It is very possible that what you are experiencing is not a loss of God's blessing but an entirely new spiritual battle. This new war is a very clever and effective deception that Satan uses to try and worm his way back into the lives of those delivered by God.”
Francis Frangipane, Goliath Had A Brother
To hold onto hope, you may need to speak to your soul. Read Psalm 42:5 out loud right now!
“Don’t ever give up, because little by little you are changing! The more you change your mind for the better, the more your life will also change for the better. When you begin to see God’s good plan for you in your thinking,
you will begin to walk in it.” Joyce Myers, Battlefield of the Mind
Linda Anderson/