Ashleigh Kreider

Brenda Chan

Mike Eber

ORF/PSY322 Proposal

April 13, 2005

In my final project, I would like to use a survey to study the use of self check-out aisles in stores such as Wal-Mart. (The survey is included on the following pages.) I would like to first assess overall comfort with the machine for people of different genders, different ages, and different levels of computer experience. I will then try to figure out what factors make people in certain groups more or less willing to use the self-scanners and what factors are most important to people in certain groups. I predict that women and older people will be less comfort with the self-scanners, and will be much more reluctant to use them even when there is a long wait for a cashier. I predict that men will place more value on visual design and sound effects, while women will be more pleased with the idea of using the scanners as a tool to compare prices. I predict that women will place more importance on the presence of an employee to help with the machine. These predictions are based on our in-class discussion about gender differences in the use of technology.

The reasons why people are reluctant to use these self check-out aisles are very relevant to stores such as Wal-Mart. They cost money to implement and maintain. It is necessary to make sure that money is being spent only on the aspects of the machine that make it more appealing to customers.

1. What is your age?

Under 1818-3031-50Over 50

2. What is your gender?


3. What is your level of overall comfort using the self-checkout aisles in stores such as Wal-Mart where you can scan items and pay without the assistance of a cashier?

Very low / Medium / Very High

4. In which of the following cases will you prefer to use the self-checkout aisle instead of an aisle with a cashier?

(a) I would always prefer to use the self-checkout aisle.

(b) Only if the line is longer for the cashier

If you circled (b), how much longer?

1 person / 2 person / 3 people / 4 people / 5 people / 6 people / 7 or more people

(c) Only if I don’t have too many items to purchase

If you circled (c), how many is “too many”?

2 items / 3-4 items / 5-6 items / 7-8 items / 9-10 items / 11-12 items / 13 or more items

(d)Other ______

5. Would the following factors make you use the self-checkouts more or less?

(a) More creative visual design / sound effects

More / The Same / Less

(b) A reliable employee nearby and available to help you

More / The Same / Less

(a)Directions for use posted on a sign next to the self-scanner

More / The Same / Less

(b)Options on the scanner that allow you to compare prices of different brands.

More / The Same / Less

6. When you are unsuccessful with a self-checkout machine, what is your first thought?

(a) That you tend to have trouble using self check-out machines.

(b) That the machines tend to have trouble working correctly.

(c) That the programmer of the machine should have programmed it differently

7. How comfortable do you feel with computers?

Very Uncomfortable / Medium / Very Comfortable

8. How much experience have you had with computers?

Very Little / Medium / Very Much