As part our recruitment strategy, we would appreciate your assistance with the recruitment of new Carer Support Workers. To reward you for referring suitable applicants whom are subsequently employed for a minimum period of 6 months, CTEM will offer the referring employee a ‘Love 2 Shop’ voucher worth £250 for any carer support worker salaried positions (this includes 3 on/3 off shift workers) and £50 for zero hour care support workers net for each successful referral made. This is in accordance with the following provisions:
· For each qualified applicant referred, the referring employee must have completed the Employee Referral Slip below and returned it to the relevant Regional Office prior to the recruitment process commencing.
· Employees making a referral are responsible for informing the applicant of the vacancy, obtaining the individual’s consent and, where possible, having the individual submit an up-to-date CV and completed application form (available from our website or on request to Admin team).
· All applicants must meet the stated requirements and will receive equal consideration and be processed in the same way as other applicants.
· Successful applicants will have passed probationary period.
Employee Referral Slip
Referred Applicant:*First Name: / Surname:
Advertised Position:
Referred by:**
First Name / Surname:
Signed: / Date:
Office Use Only
Applicant Appointed? / Yes No6 Months Probationary period successfully completed? / Yes No
Approved by:
Signature: / Date:
Please note:
* The referred applicant must be a new introduction to Carers Trust East Midlands. They cannot be, or have been, previously employed by Carers Trust, CTEM or Crossroads Care in any capacity.
** The referring employee must be an existing staff member employed by Carers Trust East Midlands both at the time of referring the applicant and at the completion of the applicant’s probation. Office Staff Team are not eligible to participate in this program for vacancies in which they are involved in the assessment and decision making process. They must not act as a referee for the referred applicant. Human resources professionals are not eligible to participate in this program.
Ref: Z:Library/HR/RecruitmentTemplateDocs/EmployeeReferralProgramme/Form Created: November 2017
To be reviewed: October 2018