AS Level Physics
Particles, quantum phenomena and electricity
Independent Study Booklet
Name ______
You should aim to complete 2-3 hours of work from this booklet per week, keeping up with the topics covered during lessons.
Your teachers will check to see if you are completing work from this booklet twice per half term.
Failure to carry out sufficient independent study could lead you to being placed on subject contract
Each topic, or chapter in your textbook, has three tasks associated with it. These are listed on the following page. Use the task checklist to record when you have completed each task.
Tasks for each topic/chapter
- Notes
- Create some notes for the topic – these will be helpful for revision. Choose a format which suits you e.g. mind maps, notes cards etc.
- Must include a glossary of all key terms and definitions.
- Must include all content from textbook.
- Must show evidence of reading around the subject and use of alternative notes (one set is provided online).
- Research task
- Conduct research into the specified topic. You should prepare a written report to cover the success criteria listed.
- The research topics are included in this pack.
- Practice exam questions
- Complete the exam questions associated with the chapter (these are the examination-style questions at the end of each textbook chapter).
- A mark scheme will be provided – you should self-mark your answers in a different colour.
- Add notes and correct your answers.
- Seek support from your teacher with any questions you still do not understand.
Task checklist
Topic / Task / Date completed / Teacher checkpoints1. Matter and radiation / Notes
Research task
Exam questions
2. Quarks and leptons / Notes
Research task
Exam questions
3. Quantum phenomena / Notes
Research task
Exam questions
4. Electric current / Notes
Research task
Exam questions
5. Direct current circuits / Notes
Research task
Exam questions
6. Alternating currents / Notes
Research task
Exam questions
Research topics
1. Matter and radiationFocus:Positron Emission Tomography (PET scans)
Success criteria:
Explain how the scan is taken
- Explain the particle physics behind the technology
- List advantages and disadvantages of PET scanning compared to other methods, e.g. X-rays or CAT scans.
2. Quarks and leptons
Focus: Neutrinos
Success criteria:
- List the different types, or ‘flavours’ of neutrino.
- State where most neutrinos on Earth come from.
- Explain what the ‘solar neutrino problem’ was.
- Explain how the problem is resolved by ‘neutrino oscillation’ – refer to the Super-Kamiokande experiment.
3. Quantum phenomena
Focus: Quantum physics and wave-particle duality
Success criteria:- Complete the Kerboodle Webquest ‘Wave or Particle’, using the sources to answer the questions in ‘Task’.
4. Electric current
Focus: Developments in the physics of electricity
Success criteria:
- Create a historical timeline showing the main developments including those of The Greeks (and the elektron), Edison, Tesla, Franklin, Galvani, Volta.
- Describe the physics of superconductors (you could look into explaining this if you wish!) and explain how they are used in at least 3 applications.
5. Direct current circuits
Focus:Electrical circuits in everyday life
Success criteria:
- Discuss applications where a) a low internal resistance and b) a high internal resistance are required.
- Draw at least 3 potential dividers circuits which are found in everyday life. Explain how each circuit functions to give the desired effect.
6. Alternating currents
Focus: AC/DC – Advantages and disadvantages
Success criteria:- List some advantages and disadvantages of AC electricity compared to DC electricity. Include applications/devices for which each is suitable.