ArtSue’s Minutes for 8/9/17

Meeting called to order by Marijane at 12:30 pm in Karen’s Quilt Shop. 14 present


Quilt Show: Several improvements helping to make things run smoother were mentioned; i.e. the demonstrations were very successful; and the entry procedure went faster. Labels might need to be re-visited: some obscured the art piece (perhaps a shift to the bottom of the piece), the themed pieces should have labels individually. A meeting devoted to the hows, whens and whys for submitting quilts to the show should be considered for the near future. Also, information about entries need to be continuously announced to our group beginning in January, plus a definite due date is needed on ArtSues entry forms.

Education: Hollis Chatelaine – we will still be sharing her with QA (Quilters Anonymous) in 2018 the week before Thanksgiving, Nov. 16, 17 and 18. The Shipley Ctr is our hopeful goal for venue. The lecture is still scheduled for Sat. morning. ArtSues are first on participant’s list, followed by SBSQC members in general and lastly the public – or non-members.

Project possibilities for next year – it is a mix from last year’s ideas and some new ones. Some are group (G) projects and others individual pieces using a theme (T).

New Suggestions from 2017

T – Pick an artist – as “in the style of…….” (Sometimes called channeling an artist
or Name that Artist!)

T – Poem interpretations- same poem interpreted by all participating artists

T – Single word quilts – “flight” was suggested – Anne Davies to coordinate

T – Inspirational fabrics turned into something completely different than the design on fabric

G – Shape shifting – non-objective shape on small block put together i.e. a “Y’ on bk/wt fabric

T – Picasso inspired portraits (which of his periods tbd)

G – Painted Forest – from Simply Modern Quilt Mania

G – Chuck Nohara style blocks with each participant doing one or two

T – I Dare You! exchange – “Good, Bad and Ugly” exchange

G - A bookshelf piece – Marilyn Hiestand has agreed to be coordinator

G – Secret Photo – Betty Cook being rumored to want to be coordinator

G – Round Robins (many books on this subject)

If any members who did not attend this meeting would like to submit 2018 project suggestions, please do so to Marijane before the September meeting so ballots can be made for them. Some blank ballots will be available for last minute suggestions.


North Olympic Faber Arts Festival deadline is Sept 9th @ 9pm. Festival runs Oct 6th – 25th

Beverly Beighle will be have quilts at the 5th Ave. the first Sun. in Oct.



Adjourned at 1:35