Artlink Centre for Community Arts

Application for the post of Arts Development Manager

Closing date for applications: Tuesday 10th January 2017 at 12noon.

Return form to Artlink Centre for Community Arts, 87 Princes Avenue, Hull, HU5 3QP

Please complete the form fully, as letters and CV’s alone will not be considered. Please type, or write clearly in black ink. If you use additional sheets, please ensure that they are firmly attached to your application. If you feel you may have difficulties in filling in this form, please contact us for an alternative format.


Surname .………………...... ………......

Forename/s ...... ………………......

Home address ......

...... ……………………………………………………......

Postcode ...... …

Telephone - Daytime ...... Evening ......

Do you have a driving licence? Yes/No Do you have the use of a vehicle? Yes/No

2) PRESENT EMPLOYMENT (if applicable)

Job Title
Date Appointed
Current wage/salary
Period of notice required
Main duties and responsibilities

3) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY - most recent employment first

Employer / Job Title / Brief outline of duties and responsibilities / Wage/
Salary / From / To


University attended / From / To / Qualifications gained or pending / Grade

5) RELEVANT TRAINING - please give details of any relevant training that you have attended.

Course / From / To / Qualification


Please use this space to state your reasons for applying for the post, relating your skills, experience and personal qualities to the requirements of the vacancy. You may also include here any other information that you feel is relevant to your application.

If you continue on another sheet, please attach it firmly to the application.


Please give the names and addresses of two referees, and the capacity in which you are known to them. At least one should be your current or most recent employer if applicable.

Name:...... Name:......

Position held:...... Position held:......

Address:...... Address:......

...... …

...... ….

Telephone:...... Telephone:...... …

Capacity in which known to you:...... Capacity in which known to you:......

...... …...

Are you happy for us to contact your referees before interview? Yes/No

Do you have any access needs if you are invited to an interview? Yes/No

8) Do you have any criminal convictions, other than those considered spent under the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974? Yes/No

If yes, please provide details ......


9) Please can you tell us where you saw this post advertised: ......


I declare that all the information given in this application form is correct.

Signed:...... Dated:......

Office use only:

Application received......

Short-listed...... ……......



Equal Opportunities monitoring form

Artlink Centre for Community Arts believes in equal opportunities, and we welcome applications from all regardless of age, class, disability, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. This form is designed to help us monitor our Equal Opportunities procedures. All information given will be treated confidentially and not passed to other organisations.

This form will be separated from your application as soon as it is received, and will not form any part of the selection process.

Ethnic origin

Are you?

White ÿ

Asian or British Asian ÿ

Black or British Black ÿ

Chinese ÿ

Mixed Heritage ÿ

Any other ethnic group (please specify) ……………


Are you?

Male …………… Female ……………


Are you?

Under 20 …………… 20-25 …………… 25-34 …………… 35-44 ……………

45-54 …………… 55-64 …………… 65 or over ……………


Are you?

Registered Disabled …………… Disabled but not registered ……………

Not disabled ……………

Do you have any access requirements? ……………………………………………..

Post applied for: STAFF MEMBER

Date: ………………………………….

Thank you for your help.