ARTICLE V: Executive Council

Section A. Membership

1.The Executive Council shall consist of the officers of the College Senate, members elected by and from the constituent groups of the College on a basis specified in the By-Laws of this College Senate Constitution, and three Adjunct Representatives for part time faculty and Administrative and Professional employees. The members of the

Executive Council shall be elected as specified in the By-Laws of this College Senate Constitution.

Adjunct contract personnel Part time faculty and Administrative and Professional employees are not members of the College Senate, but are valuable members of the Santa Fe College community and should have avoice in shared governance. Therefore, the Executive Council shall have three special adjunct seats for part time faculty and Administrative and Professional employees. These Adjunct

Representatives cannot be part of the College Senate but are full voting members of the Executive Council. The part time faculty and Administrative and Professional Adjunct Representatives shall be elected as specified in the By-Laws of this College Senate Constitution.


ARTICLE II: Executive Council

Section A. Membership

1.As provided in Article V of the Constitution, the Executive Council shall consist of the officers of the Senate, three AdjunctRepresentatives for part time faculty and Administrative and Professional employees, and representatives elected from constituent groups on the basis of one representative for each fifteen College Senate members, or major fraction thereof, with each group having at least one member.

5.Executive Council Representatives shall be elected as follows:

a.Full-Time Personnel:

Executive Council Representatives shall be nominated andelected by their constituent groups by the end of Spring term after the Senate

officers have been elected. These representatives shall serve for two years. Terms will begin the first day of Summer A term following the election.

b.Adjunct ContractPart-Time Faculty and Administrative and Professional Personnel:

Three part time faculty and Administrative and Professional Adjunct Representatives and three Adjunct Alternates shall be elected each year at the beginning of the Fall term by an at-large method (the three highest vote-getters are representatives, while the next three highest vote getters are the alternates). Prior supervisory approval is required to run for these seats. There will be one Adjunct Representative and one Adjunct Alternate from an Arts and

Sciences area (Fine Arts, Humanities and Foreign Languages, English, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences), one Adjunct Representative and one Adjunct Alternate from a Technology and Applied Science program, and one Adjunct Representative and one Adjunct Alternate from any other area. If no one runs for the any other area seat, the 3 Adjunct Alternate with the most votes will serve in that position.