Existing Language:


The standing committees of the Division shall be the Executive, Membership, Programs, Nominating, and Tellers. The Division Chairman, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint members of the standing committees executive the Executive Committee.

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers and shall give general supervision to the affairs and interest of the Division and its contacts with the Allegheny Society and the National Society; shall control the expenditures of all funds; and approve the place, date, and program of all meetings. At least one meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held annually.
  2. The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Vice Chairman and shall actively promote membership in the Society; carefully examine all applications and endorsements for membership from within the Division; represent the Division on the Allegheny Society Membership Committee and act for the Division in all other membership activities.
  3. The Program Committee shall consist of three members appointed annually by the Division Chairman. In consultation with and under the authority of the Executive Committee, this Committee shall prepare a program for the Division’s meetings and shall be responsible for all arrangements thereof.
  5. The Tellers Committee shall consist of two members. The committee counts the ballots and certifies the results of the elections.
  6. Special Committees – The Division Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint members of any special committees authorized by the Executive Committee.

Proposed Language:


Standing advisory committees of the Division shall include, but not be limited to, theMembership, Nominating, Policy, Communications, Program, Science & Technology, and Tellers Committees. The Chair of the Division with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a chair and members of the standing committees, except as specified below for the Executive Committee. The Chair of the Division serves as ex-officio member of each committee. All advisory committees shall operate in accordance with their committee charter.

A. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Division Chair-Elect and shall actively promote membership in the Society; represent the Division on the Allegheny SAF Membership Committee and act for the Division in all other membership activities.

B.NOMINATING COMMITTEE. The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the Division Immediate-Past Chair. This committee shall nominate from eligible Division members at least two candidates for each elective office and obtain agreement to serve if elected from each nominee, and send the nominations and agreements to serve to the Secretary or other officer by September 1 of odd-numbered years. If, for any reason, a nominee is found by the Secretary to be ineligible, the Nominating Committee shall provide another nomination by September 15 of odd-numbered years.

C.POLICY COMMITTEE. The Policy Committee shall advise the officers on matters of policy and legislation, and shall be responsible for researching and drafting Division position statements, as may become necessary.

D. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE. The Communications Committee shall be responsible for internal communications, including regular correspondence such as newsletters to the membership. This committee is also responsible for external communications such as outreach and education of the general public and media outreach, as directed.

E.PROGRAM COMMITTEE: The Program Committee shall, in consultation with the officers, prepare a program for the Division’s trainings and shall be responsible for all arrangements thereof.

F. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE: The Science & Technology Committee shall, in coordination with the Communications Committee, prepare information for the benefit of the membership regarding recent advancements and other pertinent information regarding forest science and technology and other associated fields within the broad field of forestry.

G.TELLERS COMMITTEE. The Tellers Committee shall assemble at the time and place set by the Secretary to count ballots and shall certify the results of elections to the Chair and Executive Committee.

Special advisory committees, authorized by the Executive Committee, shall be appointed by the chair.

All advisory committee members and chairs serve at the will of the Division Chair.

Explanatory statement:

The proposed amendments change the status of the Policy, Communications, and Science & Technology Committees from special to standing. The Executive Committee is moved from this section to Article 5, in order to emphasize the advisory nature of the standing and special committees mentioned in Article 8. The amendment also inserts firm deadlines for the Nominating Committee to identify, vet, and gain agreement from viable candidates for the Division election.

For some time, the situation in the public discourse has demanded that SAF and this Division be present at policy discussions and do what is necessary to engage the media and the general public. Division membership and leadership demand Division involvement in these matters. These changes permanently enshrine the need for functioning committees on policy and communications to advise and take direction from the Executive Committee on these matters.


Article VIII of the Society bylaws (2014 revision) and Articles 8 and 9 of Allegheny SAF by-laws (2009 revision).