Constitution for Buckeye Block Watch
We, the advocates of the Off-Campus Students of The Ohio State University, believing that a student organization is necessary to enhance the university experience for that assembly of students, do ordain and establish this Constitution of Buckeye Block Watch.
Article 1: Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy
Section I: Organization Name: Buckeye Block Watch
Section II: Purpose: The purposes of this organization shall be:
- To act as an advisory group to the off-campus student population at The Ohio State University.
- To communicate the interests of off-campus students concerning campus issues (e.g. safety).
- To sponsor activities and encourage collaboration among off-campus students in order to provide for the continuing growth of students’ involvement, participation, and belonging to The Ohio State University.
- To assist in the planning of programs for off-campus students, including social events, welcome activities and other such programs.
- To create an organization through which off-campus students of The Ohio State University can take leadership roles and contribute to the involvement of off-campus students to the off-campus community.
Section III: Non-Discrimination Policy:This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Article 2: Membership: Qualifications and Categories
Section I: Officers:Officers will be Ohio State students who have been members of the organization for at least one semester. They will be elected by the voting members of the organization.
Section II: General Members: General membership is open to all full-time and part-time students at the Ohio State University.
Article 3: Organization Leadership: Titles, Terms of Office, Selection of Leaders, and Removal of Leaders From Office
Section I: Titles:Within Buckeye Block Watch, there shall be four Officers, a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, and a Communications Director.
Section II: Terms of Office: The Executive Board of Buckeye Block Watch shall have term lengths of approximately one year, from the beginning of Fall Semester to the end of Spring Semester.
Section III: Type of Selection:Officers will be elected by the majority vote of general membership of Buckeye Block Watch.
Section IV: Official Duties of the President: The President of the organization shall be responsible for conducting the organization’s meetings. This function includes calling to and maintaining order throughout the duration of the meetings. The President shall give the introduction to each meeting, introduce the meeting agenda, and conduct any preliminary discussions on new business. In addition, the President will serve as the official liaison to theStaff Advisor ofBuckeye Block Watch. Furthermore, the President will be the official diplomat and dignitary on behalf of the Off-Campus body at university functions and events that require a representative on the program’s behalf, unless otherwise chosen by the Staff Advisor or by circumstance.
Section V: Official Duties of the Vice-President: The Vice-President of the organization shall first and foremost assume all duties of the President, should the President not be able to fulfill them for any reason. In addition, the Vice-President shall be the convener of the Executive Board. This duty shall encompass monitoring the productivity of the general members and their roles.
Section VI: Official Duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer of the organization shall be responsible for keeping records of the organization’s finances. The Treasurer, along with the organization’s advisor, will be responsible for signing the organization’s checks in order to make purchases, pay debts, or otherwise exchange funds of the organization. Also, the Treasurer will be responsible for informing all members of the organization’s financial status.
Section VII: Official Duties of the Communications Director: The Communications Director of the organization shall be responsible for keeping written records of meetings. The Communications Director shall produce for each meeting, a written record complete with all necessary details of the meeting and information regarding the time and location of the next official meeting. In addition, the Communications Director shall be responsible for marketing and social media materials.
Article 4: Method of Selecting and Removing Officers
Section I: Method of Selection: General membership is open to all Ohio State students. Officers will be elected by the voting majority of the general membership.
Section I: Removal of Leaders from Office: If an Executive Board member of Buckeye Block Watch fails to perform his or her duties, he or she may be subject to dismissal from at the hands of the remaining members. Any Officers may make a proposal to dismiss an Officer to the Staff Advisor of Buckeye Block Watch. The Faculty Advisor will then make the final decision, after a discussion with the Officer in question. Furthermore, dismissal from The Ohio State University will immediately end the term of office for an Executive Board member without a vote being cast.
Article 5: Advisors Qualification Criteria
Section I: Number of Advisors: The Program Manager of the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services at The Ohio State University will serve as the principal advisor to the organization at all times, and thus, there must always be at least one advisor to Buckeye Block Watch.
Section II: Qualifications for Secondary Advisors: Secondary Advisors to the organization must be above the undergraduate level of study and must be either enrolled as graduate/professional students at The Ohio State University or faculty/staff members of The Ohio State University. In addition, the Staff Advisor may supplement these requirements at his or her discretion.
Section III: Official Duties of the Advisor: The Advisor(s) are responsible for the supervision of the group’s activities and the management of the organization’s duties to its Constitution and to all the policies of The Ohio State University. Furthermore, at least one Advisor, along with the organization’s Treasurer, is responsible for co-signing each check issued on behalf of the organization.
Article 6: Meetings of the Organization:
Section I: Meeting Style: In order to proceed, either the President or the Vice-President, acting as President, must be present. In the event that only the President is present, he or she shall act as both acting President and Vice-President, encompassing all the duties of both roles. The same is true if only the Vice-President is present. The President of the organization shall begin and end each meeting, introduce topics of discussion, and introduce any guest speakers.
Section II: Frequency of Meetings: Meetings of Buckeye Block Watch will be held monthly during the academic year at a regular meeting time to be decided semesterly by the members of Buckeye Block Watch, including all Officers.
Section III: Cancellation of Meetings: Meetings of Buckeye Block Watch may be cancelled via a vote of the organization at the meeting preceding the meeting that has been brought up for cancellation. Only the acting President and the StaffAdvisormay have the final decision in the cancellation a regularly scheduled meeting of the organization.
SectionIV: Calling of Special Meetings: A special meeting may be called during the academic year by two methods. The Staff Advisor of Buckeye Block Watch may call a special meeting, so long as he or she gives three days notice to members of the organization.
Article 7: Method of Amending the Constitution:
Section I: Proposal of Amendments: Proposals for amendments to the Constitution of Buckeye Block Watch shall be made at meetings of Buckeye Block Watch. Anyone in attendance at a meeting may make a proposal for an amendment, but the amendment must be submitted to the President of the organization with at least one week’s notice in order to be considered.
Section II: Passage of Amendments: Amendments will only be added to the Constitution after a rigorous discussion process. First, Buckeye Block Watch must pass the proposed amendment by a 4/5 majority vote of the Executive Board. After passage by the Board, the proposed amendment shall be put before the general membership of the organization. An amendment to the Constitution shall become active immediately upon its passage by the general body of the organization
Article 8: Dissolution of the Organization:
Section I: Method of Dissolution: The dissolution may occur via a recommendation of dissolution from the Staff Advisor, who may end the organization at any time. The Staff Advisor to the organization must, however, provide a written statement to the organization detailing the reasons for dissolution.
Section II: Disposing of Assets and Debts Upon Dissolution: Should the organization be dissolved for any reasons, any monetary assets that the group has attained shall be given to The Office for Off-Campus Students at The Ohio State University. Any non-monetary assets shall be distributed at the discretion of the Executive Board and StaffAdvisor of Buckeye Block Watch. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer and the StaffAdvisor of the organization, whose names appear on the organization’s checks, to deal with any debt that has been incurred by the organization at the time of dissolution. Also, the responsibility of closing any bank accounts in the name of the organization shall fall upon the Treasurer and the StaffAdvisor, whose names appear on the checks at the time of dissolution.