Art Sketchbook Warm-ups

  1. If you were given $500 to spend at an art supply store, what are supplies would you buy?
  2. Draw what you did over summer vacation
  3. Draw a brochure for America.
  4. Draw a movie poster for the movie of your life.
  5. Draw your dream bedroom.
  6. You are a toy designer. Design a new toy that does not yet exist.
  7. Draw a picture of what you think you’ll look like 20 years from now.
  8. Draw Spongebob!
  9. Draw an ad for your favorite music/musician.
  10. Design a cereal box for a new or existing cereal.
  11. Design a new playground.
  12. Draw your dream job.
  13. Draw Squidward!
  14. Draw things that remind you of your favorite smell.
  15. What is your favorite thing to do on Saturdays? Draw you participating in this activity.
  16. Draw a picture of a roller coaster park.
  17. Draw and color a picture of the country you would MOST like to visit. Then write a sentence describing why you’d like to visit that place.
  18. Draw some things you are good at doing.
  19. Draw your greatest fear.
  20. Draw a scene from your favorite TV show.
  21. Combine a plant and an animal to create a new life form!
  22. Express in your drawing the happiest time you’ve had in the past year.
  23. If you could invent a machine to help you do your chores, what would it be? Draw a picture of your invention doing your chores.
  24. Draw your favorite thing to eat for dinner.
  25. Draw your favorite animal with a human face.
  26. Draw something using this shape >------< NO STICK PEOPLE!
  27. Draw what you think you’d look like if you lived when Christopher Columbus cam to America in the 1400’s.
  28. Draw what you think cars will look like in the year 3000.
  29. Draw yourself as a robot.
  30. Create a spooktacular Halloween scene! Make sure it’s extra creepy and super scary…
  31. Draw your family but not in a posed format. Draw everyone the way YOU see them! (Is your brother a pest? How can you show that? Does your sister think she’s a princess? Draw her that way.)
  32. Draw an image of something magnified underneath a magnifying glass.
  33. Draw what you will be famous for in the future.
  34. Draw yourself as a superhero. Make sure to indicate what your super power is.
  35. List TEN things that reminds you of the color red you of on paper. Draw ONE of the objects from your list.
  36. You have made a startling discovery while scuba diving in the ocean. Draw what you discovered!
  37. What would the best classroom in the world look like? What types of things do you wish were in your classroom? Draw that awesome classroom!
  38. If you had a candy bar named after you, what would it look like and what would it be called? Draw the candy bar.
  39. Draw THREE things that come out of eggs.
  40. Draw what you did over Thanksgiving break.
  41. Draw a picture using ONLY straight lines and shapes.
  42. Draw a playground built with objects that wouldn’t necessarily be found there. For instance, use enormous kitchen utensils for playground equipment, etc. Change proportions/sizes of objects to make this more creative and interesting.
  43. Draw an object melting (does not have to be something that typically melts, be creative!).
  44. Draw an object freezing (see above!).
  45. Draw a winter wonderland.
  46. Draw a city from the future. What do the buildings look like? Transportation? Lights? Streets? Use one or two point perspective to show this scene.
  47. Draw a landscape scene using one or two point perspective.
  48. Draw the interior of a room and fill it with strange and unusual objects.
  49. Draw what you think a garden would look like from the perspective of an insect.
  50. Draw something you might find in a department store window.
  51. Draw your favorite thing about winter break…a present, a vacation, favorite activities, etc.
  52. Draw a picture of any new year’s resolutions you might have made. What goals do you want to accomplish this year?
  53. Draw a bowl of fruit. Make sure to make it look realistic.
  54. Draw what you and your friends or family would look like if you liked in ancient Greece.
  55. Draw your idea of paradise.
  56. Draw what you think you and your family/friends would look like if you lived as a pharaoh in ancient Egypt.
  57. Draw yourself performing your favorite kind of music on stage.
  58. Draw the cutest, most awesome animal (real or imagined).
  59. Draw a comic book or cartoon version of yourself and your friends and and/or family.
  60. Free Draw!!!
  61. Draw your thumbnail
  62. Draw something that represents “Spring” to you
  63. Design a spacecraft
  64. Draw 3 things you plan to do for Spring Break
  65. Draw your favorite memory from Spring Break.
  66. Draw your favorite candy wrapper
  67. Design a bicycle
  68. Draw plants emerging from the ground.
  69. Draw a something that represents your favorite smell
  70. Draw and label at least 4 types of lines
  71. Draw and label the two different kinds of Shapes and Forms
  72. Draw a color wheel and show a complementary color harmony
  73. Draw a something that represents your favorite smell.
  74. Draw an insect
  75. Draw yourself as an insect
  76. Draw your Family as insects
  77. Design a car based on an insect.
  78. Draw an evil flower
  79. Draw a rock with human characteristics
  80. Design a beautiful Easter Egg.
  81. Draw your neighbor’s ear.
  82. Design a banner for your favorite band or singer
  83. Draw your favorite game character
  84. Draw the inside of your closet
  85. What is your mood at this moment? Draw it without using words in your sketchbook.
  86. Draw something you plan to do this weekend
  87. Draw the Outline of 3 objects in the room
  88. Draw an object in the room using Contour Lines
  89. Design a shoe
  90. Draw the inside of your locker
  91. Draw a loud noise
  92. Draw and label a geometric shape and an organic shape
  93. Design an awesome bicycle
  94. Draw your plans for the long weekend.
  95. Draw yourself playing your favorite sport
  96. Design an animal print
  97. Design a snowflake
  98. Draw your family as abstract organic shapes
  99. Draw your favorite character from the movie we are watching
  100. Draw the palm of your hand
  101. Design a contemporary looking chair
  102. Create a cartoon character.
  103. Draw the bottom of your shoe
  104. Draw how your emotion-using abstract lines and shapes.
  105. Draw what you will be doing at 10 pm on Saturday evening.
  106. Draw your best day
  107. Use color to create your emotion
  108. Design a car
  109. Draw yourself exactly one year from now.
  110. Draw an object in the classroom
  111. Draw what you are wearing with the colors. Identify the color harmony of your outfit.
  112. Design an outfit using a color harmony
  113. Draw a tree outside using light and dark values
  114. Draw any object in the room using the technical advancement of the Renaissance for giving the illusion of volume. Extra point for those that can name that term
  115. Draw the best part of your Thanksgiving weekend.
  116. Design a concert ticket.

117.Draw your favorite winter activity

  1. Design a Sports Logo.
  2. Draw a Ninja Turtle
  3. Draw a forest.
  4. Design a road sign of your choice
  5. Draw a flower
  6. Draw something beautiful.
  7. Draw something ugly. Be kind…. not your neighbor or your teacher!
  8. Draw a 3-D form with a hole in it.
  9. Design a motorcycle or quad
  10. Draw something transparent.
  11. Draw your fist
  12. Design a ring
  13. Design a speedboat.
  14. Draw what “joy” looks like
  15. Draw what “despair” looks like
  16. Draw what “anger” looks like
  17. Draw what “boredom” looks like
  18. Design a personal symbol
  19. Draw your future career
  20. Design a CD cover for your favorite band.
  21. Design a soda pop label
  22. Draw a pet.
  23. Draw yourself as an animal
  24. Draw your favorite way to travel
  25. Design a candy wrapper
  26. Using words and drawings, describe what you see in this artwork (projected on the screen or on the poster). From what you see, what do you think the artist is trying to communicate? Is it worth communicating?