Art History 20A, Survey of Art from Prehistoric Through Medieval Periods

Nancy R. Ruiz, Instructor, Cabrillo College, fall, 2011

Email: naruiz@

About this course (Section # 72041)

This course introduces students to the origins of art in the Paleolithic Era and continues to move on to succeeding periods, up to the late Medieval Period in Europe. Although Western Art traditions are emphasized, the works of Egypt, the Islamic World, Japan and China are included in our study. The role of art in each of these cultures will be discussed in the context of social, political, religious, and intellectual ideas. Class sessions are based on illustrated lectures, selected readings from the text, and discussions.

The required text is Art History (portable edition of volume I, in three parts) by Marilyn Stokstad, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Publishers.

Class Meeting Times:

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:10 am-12:30 pm in room 1001, Art History lecture hall. There may be a field trip to a museum. Advance notice and details will be given.

Grades are strongly influenced by the following factors:

1. Regular class attendance. Missing more than two classes unless it is a medical emergency will lower your class grade.

2. Participation in class discussions. Questions and comments are welcome and are an important part of learning. Please speak up! Class sessions are more interesting when there are questions and discussion of the material from a variety of students.

3. Careful reading of the text. You may need to read the material more than once.

4. Completion of assignments on time. Make-up assignments will only be given in cases of extreme emergency. All written assignments must be typed and checked for spelling and grammar.

5. All students must complete a final project (see separate sheet), take all tests, and take the final exam in order to pass the course. Make up tests will only be given in cases of medical emergency, at the discretion of the instructor. Early exams will not be given. An occasional “pop quiz” may be given.

6. Arriving to class on time and not leaving until class is dismissed is expected of all students. If you need to leave early for an appointment, please inform the instructor before class begins. Excessive tardiness will be considered absences and will lower your grade. If you are not able to attend class, please be sure to leave an email Email messages may be left at Telephone messages may be left with the VAPA office (479-6464).

7. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful adult manner. Any behaviors that, in the instructor’s opinion, interfere with the learning environment will be cause for dropping a student from the class.

8. If you have a cell phone, please make sure it is turned off. Please do not leave the classroom to take a phone call. Please do not text during class. These behaviors are disruptive for the class and disrespectful to the instructor.

9. Please do not bring food or beverages into class. We have a lovely classroom and it is important to take good care of this space.

10. Your total grade in the class is calculated by averaging your test scores (60%), your final project grade and short essay assisgnments (15%), attendance (5%), and your final examination (20%).

Instructor’s Office Hours

Your instructor will have office hours after each class session: Tuesdays, 12:45 to 1:l5 pm, and Thursdays 12:45- l:15 pm. My office is located next door to the Division Office.

Final Exam Date:_Tuesday, December 13, 10:00-12:50______ Please note that the time is different from our regular class meeting times.



If you are adding this class, be sure to process your registration promptly. If you decide to drop this class, please be sure you complete the necessary paper work. Pay attention to deadlines for this. Do not assume that the instructor will automatically drop you.


If you are a Veteran or a Special Needs Student please make an appointment with your

instructor if you need information on the resources available to you at Cabrillo to help you maximize your educational experience. If you are a high school student, your instructor would like to meet with you briefly, in the first week of class.


If you have not enrolled in the Art 50L Lab, please be sure you do so, unless you have completed two semesters of this already. It is a requirement for students taking my section of Art History 20A. This is a ½ unit, lab project which you can complete on your own time. There is a two semester limit to this requirement. A packet explaining the details will be available in class during the first meetings.