Art, Pottery Disclosure
Welcome to the art department at WeberHigh School! We are excited to get to know you! We look forward to teaching you a variety of techniques and the use of many different media, such as: Drawing, Art History, Painting, 3-D, Pottery, etc. We hope you will enjoy the time spent in our classes and embrace the opportunity of learning and creating art.
Understand basic drawing, paintingand 3-D techniques.
Gain knowledge in design principles, elements and how to apply.
Learn curriculum terms, vocabulary and usage.
Experiment with a variety of techniques.
Study various artists.
Develop the art of seeing.
Instill an appreciation & understanding of art.
Have fun as you learn.
Be prepared with necessary materials and/or completed assignments.
Be on time, if late make sure teacher marks you present.
Use of the hall pass only with teacher’s approval and not at the beginning of class.
Keep in compliance with school policies and dress code.
No food or drink in class (except water bottles).
No hats, caps, head coverings in class.
The use of any electronic device, including cell phones, video games, MP3, ipods, etc., is not permitted during class time. However they may be used with the permission of the teacher for research, photos, or references pertaining to a project.
Respect other student’s right to learn. Respect their workspace, projects, personal items and use appropriate language and behavior.
Clean up after yourself and assist when needed in classroom cleaning.
Follow instructions and complete projects to the best of your ability.
$20 will cover everything the student may need to complete art assignments or 1 bag of clay and glazes for pottery. You may purchase your own pottery tools at a cost of $10.
The citizenship grade will be determined by the Weber High Citizenship Rubric which includes the students work habits, group work, respect, listening skills and responsibility. “H” (honors) = consistently, “S” (satisfactory) = usually, “N” (needs improvement) = sometimes, “U” (unsatisfactory) = seldom.
Academic Grade
Grading will be based on an individual basis according to participation, performance, test and quiz scores, completion and quality of assignments.
Scale: 93=A, 90=A-, 87=B+, 83=B, 80=B-, 77=C+, 73=C, 70=C-, 67=D+, 63=D, 60=D-, Below 60=F
Attendance and Make-up work
Students cannot produce quality work without time and commitment. They will be required to be in attendance to receive instructions and to monitor their progress. Daily points will not be awarded to students that are absent or excessively tardy for no reason. Make-up work is allowed for excused absences at the rate of one school day for each day missed. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the work is completed and turned in.
If there are any questions or concerns please email me at
I have read this disclosure, understand and support the policies explained. (Please return this bottom portion and keep disclosure)
Student name______Hour______
Student signature______Parent signature______