Art 280 Sculpture Fall Quarter 2014
Instructor: Ross Brown
Phone: (425) 564-2586
Office: C154 A
Office hours: Monday through Thursday 12:30 to 1:30
Course Outcomes:
1)The student will through experimentation and manipulation experience the basic elements of sculpting in three dimensions,mass, space, time and light to create works of art that express aesthetic and/or cultural value.
2)Execute traditional carving techniques, both subtractive (stone and /or wood) and additive (clay), as well as metal casting techniques such as lost wax bronze casting and aluminum casting.
3)Analyze both orally and in writing in their own works of sculptural art in terms of meaning, success with conveying the intended message or meaning and appropriateness for use within a given context, and quality of production and craft.
4)Demonstrate their understanding of techniques and tools used to create 3-dimensional works of aesthetic value.
5)As audience, students will be able to: Identify mechanical elements of artistic media as well as basic elements of style (form, color, texture, composition, etc.) in contemporary sculpture. Identify features of sculpture from various cultural periods and genres in a variety
Shop Safety
Students will be given basic shop safety instructions and demonstrations on the safe and proper use of tools needed to complete their projects.
There will be three assigned projects. The first project “creating a relief and making a mold will not be evaluated as this project is designed to build a skill that will be needed in later projects.
The other two projects will be evaluated based on five areas: 1) Conceptualization 2) Creativity 3) Craftsmanship 4) Design 5) studio participation (Attendance). Each category will be valued from 0 up to 4 points. Then these will be averaged together to get a final number.
Books Required:
There are no books required for this course, but there are numerous resources that will be made available to the student for research on individual projects.
Materials Required:
There may be some additional material costs over and above what the course lab fee covers dependant on materials used in a particular project.
Instructors Expectation:
This is a design/ build studio class, which means that the instructor advises the student as he or she is working on a project. This conversation happens in real time as choices are being made as to the direction of the work. This means that attendance is critical for this to take place. Group critiques are also a way for the student to receive feedback on their work.
Note from the instructor:
As a professional artist over the past 40 years I have lived in a culture that gives me the right to express my visual thoughts as I see fit. With this freedom I have created works of art that have met with some success, but none with failure even though it may have felt like it at the time. I feel that for this freedom that is given I have a responsibility to share my visual opinions even if no one buys them. I share my passion for art by continuing to create it, by showing my work in professional art galleries, by displaying in public gardens, and most importantly by teaching what I love to do.
Affirmation of Inclusion
I feel that art is a global visual language and can be shared by anyone with anyone. So I invite you to have this conversation with your fellow students and me.
Division statements
Student Code
Student Code.asp
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Disability Resource Center (DRC)
The DRC serves students with a wide array learning challenges and disabilities. If you are a student who has a disability or learning challenge for which you have documentation of have seen someone for treatment and feel you may need accommodations in order to be successful in college, please contact us as soon as possible. If you are a person who requires assistance incase of an emergency situation, such as fire earth quake, etc. please meet with your instructor to develop a safety plan within the first week of the quarter.
Public Safety
Final Exam Schedule
Academic Calendar
Enrollment Calendar:
College Calendar: