/ American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Project and Funding Information
Title / Description / Status / Funding for
Raleigh / Funding Source / CFDA
Number / Responsible Parties / Peoplesoft Acct Number
Administrative Services – Office of Sustainability
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy block grant / These funds are considered to be “an entitlement” for cities above 35,000 and are to be distinguished from a variety of other categorical grants that are available through a competitive process in various categories. The purpose of the funds is to reduce fossil fuel emissions by methods that are environmentally sustainable, reduce total energy use of eligible entities and improve energy efficiency in the transportation, building and other sectors.
There are 11 projects that are being funded by the EECBG Grant:
  1. Residential , Commercial Energy Efficiency & Weatherization Loan Program $764,080 – A new revolving loan program to provide affordable residential and commercial financing for energy efficiency/renewable energy improvements& weatherization for applicants. An RFP process will be used to select the most responsive non-profit organization to establish and administer this program with oversight by City of Raleigh.
  1. Climate Action Plan $250,000- Develop a detailed comprehensive city-wide strategic energy plan to reduce fossil fuel consumption and emissions and to increase energy efficiency within the City of Raleigh operations. The plan will include Green House Gases reduction action plan, Fleet transformation and alternate fueling strategy, Renewable Energy strategy and Energy Efficiency in Buildings plan. City will use RFP process to select consultant team with legal, financial, technical, construction and energy management experience and expertise.
  2. Government Buildings Energy Efficiency Performance Contracts $500,000- Funding to conduct energy audits and apply towards energy savings performance contracts for Two City Downtown Commercial facilities, the Avery C. Upchurch Municipal Building and the Dillon Building. Funding will be applied to buy down debt from performance contract agreement.
EnergyManagement Software & Climate Control Systems $500,000- Funding to purchase front end direct digital control system for various facilities throughout the City of Raleigh to tie into enterprise energy management software. This will allow for controlling, trending, measuring, monitoring and verification of energy usage, as well as operational programming and maximizing savings opportunities. / Awarded
Council approved combining the Weatherization, Residential & Commercial loan into one loan program 5/5/10. No monies have been spent to date
RFP to be advertised in the fall. No monies spent to date / $3,820,400 / The Department of Energy / 81.128 / Primary:
Paula Stroup
Lynn Graham
Administrative Services – Office of Sustainability CONTINUED…
  1. Solid Waste Services Pilot for Enhanced Recycling $165,000- Funds to purchase approximately 4,000 - 65 gallon residential recycling carts to evaluate opportunities for increased recyclables collection and associated energy and GHG emissions savings
  1. Vehicle Conversion to Electric Battery Powered $77,000- Funds to convert 7 existing hybrid vehicles to electric/ battery operation, increasing fuel efficiency, and reducing fossil fuel consumption and emissions.
  1. Electric Vehicle Charging Stations $30,000- Funding for two EV charging stations to be installed on City owned property/sites. This is in support of the Project Get Ready program and Clean Cities grant for preparing Raleigh for transportation electrification and associated infrastructure.
  1. Solar Thermal Water Heating $150,000- Funding for installation of 22 solar collectors at 9 different COR Fire Stations to reduce energy costs and dependence on fossil fuel for heating the stations’ domestic hot water. It is estimated that over 20 metric tons of CO2 will be reduced annually.
  2. Government Buildings Lighting Efficiency Improvements $500,000- Funding to retrofit existing T-12 and metal halide interior lighting with energy efficient T-8 and/or RS 24 LED lighting in One Exchange Plaza Building and all fire stations. Energy savings is estimated at 40%.
  3. Staff for Implementation & Project Management $431,800- The Sustainability office has been awarded 2 AmeriCorps Vista volunteers to provide support and assistance on COR energy efficiency related work. This funding will provide for the hiring of 2 additional staff positions for EECBG program implementation and project management, once the Vista service contracts expire. The Vista contracts expire September 2010.
  4. Green Builders Certification and Community Education Program $452,520- Funding for a comprehensive community education and training program to include training and certification for green builders, contractors and associated trades, inspectors and code enforcement staff, weatherization installations, and energy audits

City Manager’s Office – Emergency Management
Local Energy Assurance Planning (LEAP) Initiative / This initiative is to 1) strengthen and expand local government energy assurance planning and resiliency, 2) reduce the impacts from energy supply disruptions, and 3) create jobs in energy assurance planning at the City level.
With this grant, the City of Raleigh has hired a part-time temporary staff analyst to develop the energy assurance plan and begin training city staff. This person reports to James Mercer CEM, MEP, PCP, Emergency Management Director of the Raleigh Emergency Management Office. James currently serves as Raleigh’s Energy Assurance Coordinator as a part of his duties and will spend 25% of his time overseeing the project and coordinating with regional, state and national energy assurance planning teams.
1)Create an up-to-date energy assurance plan coordinated with regional and state plans and with utility partners that will incorporate new energy portfolios such as renewables, bio-fuels, and Smart Grid technologies.
2)Incorporate efficient and effective preparedness and response actions, reduce duplication, and decrease the time required to recover and restore the energy infrastructure in order to reduce the impacts of energy supply disruptions.
3)Hire a staff analyst to develop and assist in implementation of the energy assurance plan.
4)Develop the energy assurance expertise of the emergency management director and city staff in other departments including public utilities, public works, fire, police and building maintenance.
5)Conduct energy emergency training exercises to assure coordination within our city and with our energy suppliers and county emergency response teams.
/ Awarded 4/2010 / $199,972 ARRA / US Department of Energy / Primary:
James mercer
Community Development
(non-competitive) / Supplemental appropriation of CDBG to be used on CDBG-eligible activities (acquisition, housing rehabilitation, public works, parks, etc.) 70% of which must benefit low- and moderate-income persons as HUD defines that. “Recipients shall give priority to projects that can award contracts based on bids within 120 days of the grant agreement.”
A “substantial amendment” with proposed projects (St. Monica’s School reuse as teen center and supplemental funding for Youth Employment program was approved by City Council February 16, 2010. Approval of substantial amendment was received from HUD. CD staff currently is working to implement the two CDBG-R projects.
Planning and interdepartmental collaboration continues on all projects. One project is actively supporting job training in the SouthPark area of Raleigh. Ten youth and young adults are receiving training at this time. Work continues for the rehabilitation of the St. Monica’s school building as a teen center. 6.31 jobs were created or returned in the quarter ending 6/30/10. / $66,350.46 in eligible costs have been paid to date. / $648,148 / HUD.
Allocated nationally by formula to “CDBG entitlement” communities / 14.253 / Primary:
Joe Rappl
Ann Hunt
Community Development Continued…
Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing
(non-competitive) / Financial assistance and services to prevent individuals and families from becoming homeless and help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. The funds will provide for a variety of assistance, including: short-term or medium-term rental assistance and housing relocation and stabilization services, including such activities as mediation, credit counseling, security or utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance, and case management.
Substantial Amendment to Consolidated Plan approved by City Council May 5, 2009 and delivered to HUD prior to May 18, 2009 [approved by HUD July 2, 2009]. Joint City/County RFP for nonprofit and faith-based agencies was used to select Triangle Family Services and The Women’s Center to distribute funds on behalf of eligible households. Sixty percent of funds must be spent down within two years of grant agreement with HUD. 100% must be spent down within three years of grant agreement with HUD.
Over 108 families (246 people) have received assistance at this time. 3.62 jobs were created or retained in the quarter ending 6/30/10 / Payments of $395,316.38 in eligible expenses have been made to date. / $991,091 / HUD.
Allocated nationally by formula to “CDBG entitlement” communities / 14.257 / Primary:
Joe Rappl
Ann Hunt
Community Services Department
Raleigh Invests in People and Communities / AmeriCorps has selected the City of Raleigh to sponsor 12 members of the Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) program to spend a year working to improve the quality of life for residents in poverty. The City’s project, called “Raleigh Invests in People and Communities,” will assign VISTA members to areas where they can have the most impact in helping to build the capacities of impoverished individuals and communities. They will be assigned to five City departments; The City Manager’s Office, The Community Services Department, Public Utilities, Administrative Services and Information Technology. / Awarded / $249,270 / National Corporation for Community Service (CNCS) / Primary:
Marionna Poke-Stewart
Tahira Lewis
Community Services Department continued…
Raleigh Invests in People and Communities – VISTA Supervisors / AmeriCorps has granted the City of Raleigh $22,000.00 for a Volunteer in Service to America (VISTA) Supervisor to aid in the City’s VISTA project. Support Funding will be used to pay a part-time temporary project assistant, dedicated to 100% to the project, and averaging 15 hours per week. Mileage reimbursement will be allocated for all VISTA’s within the perimeters of their job functions related to this project. / Awarded / ARRA Funding:
$22,000 / National Corporation for Community Service (CNCS) / Primary:
Marionna Poke-Stewart
Laura Lewis
Fire Department and Public Works (Stormwater)
Rainwater Harvesting at Fire Stations / The Fire Station Rainwater Harvesting project is being divided into two separate construction contracts: one for the installation of rain gardens at 5 different project sites, and one for the installation of cisterns at 11 project sites.
The rain garden construction contract has been approved for Fluvial Solutions, Inc. and construction is 85% complete. The contract is for $106,174.51
The cistern construction project has been advertised and Cape Fear Rainwater Harvesting, Inc. was the low bidder. Construction is 60% complete. The contract is for $171,715.00 / Awarded / $ 279,516.51 / ARRA / Primary:
Danny Bowden
Zayda Esquivel
Parks and Recreation Department
Neuse River Greenway (Falls of Neuse Dam to Perry Creek Road – Soccer complex) / This project is a 7.9 mile section of the Neuse River Trail. This section is also part of the Mountains to Sea Trail. Contract awarded to Narron Construction, Contract is routing and will be fully executed by Dec. 31, 2009. Construction to begin late January or early February. / Awarded / $ 3,250,000,
Previous FWHA funding received is
$ 393,000.
City funding from NeuseRiver funds of
$ 2,857,000. / NCDOT – Bicycle Pedestrian Facilities Division. / Primary:
Kathy Capps
2009 RegionalWakeCountyJAG Grant / The 2009 Justice Assistance Grant provides funding the Raleigh Police Department and subsequently to the Wake County Sheriff’s Office, Cary, Garner, Fuquay-Varina, WakeForest, Apex, Zebulon and Knightdale Police Department. The grant will provide overtime funds and digital in-car cameras for the Raleigh Police Department and overtime, equipment and other items for the participating law enforcement agencies. / Awarded 5/19/2009 / $ 1,500,000 / Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance / 16.804 / Primary:
Belinda Barrow
Alternate: / 810-4010-513280-985-00000-GRT08-72690000
Public Utilities
NeuseRiver WWTP Phase III Reuse Spray Irrigation System / This project will expand the reuse spray irrigation system at the Neuse River WWTP to include an additional 106 acres of crop land. Use of this system will reduce the volume of wastewater and nutrients that are discharged to the NeuseRiver. The irrigation will enable staff to better manage growing conditions and improve nutrient uptake from the soils through farming. The funds are being administered through the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Construction Grants and Loans Section. Funding will be in the form of 50% interest free loan and 50% loan principle forgiveness. Contracts have been executed with Pipeline Utilities, Inc. and construction is expected to begin 1/4/09.
Project is substantially complete / $ 1,251,388 / ARRA – American Recovery and Reinvestment Act / Primary:
Whit Wheeler
Jennifer Alford
Public Works –Transit
CAT Bus Engine Upgrade / Funding for this project will include CAT bus engine upgrade. Funding is apart of 2009 ARRA State Clean Diesel Grant. / Awarded / ARRA Funding:
$ 80,000
COR Match:
$ 80,000 / North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources NCDENR
City of Raleigh Match / Primary:
Alternate: / 415-2211-513550-00000-GRT02-74410000
Public Works –Transit continued…
Capital Area Transit Operations and Maintenance Facility / The City of Raleigh purchased a 23 acre site located at 4104 Poole Road, RaleighN.C. for the construction of Capital Area Transit’s (CAT’s) new Operations and Maintenance Facility. CAT’s existing 50 bus facility is over 30 years old and currently houses approximately 90 buses and support vehicles. The new Capital Area Transit Operations & Maintenance Facility will be constructed to support 125 to 150 buses. It is anticipated that the 30 year build out of the facility will support over 200 buses.
This project currently resides as project number TD-4729 in the LTIP/STIP and an environmental Categorical Exclusion was granted by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) prior to the City of Raleigh’s purchase of the property.
The contract was awarded in October and a groundbreaking occurred on October 29, 2009. The project is currently 7% complete. / Awarded / ARRA Funding:
5307 Formula Fund:
$ 1,310,000
5309 Earmark (Omnibus Bill) $ 1,425,000
$ 723,125
COR Match
Transit Equip & Facility Reserve
$ 2,677,557
$ 4,759,134
$22,500,000 / ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Section 5307 Formula Funding
Section 5309 Earmark - Omnibus Bill
NCDOT Match - North Carolina Department of Transportation
LONP – COR – Letter of No Prejudice – Federal Transit Administration / Primary:
David Eatman
Kelli Yeager
Public Works –Transit continued….
NC 50 Corridor Study / The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) included in its 2009-2010 Unified Planning Work Program a project entitled NC 50 Corridor Study. This project will be a study of the NC 50 Corridor from 1-540 northward to Creedmoor and will provide alternatives for improvements needed to address transportation related issues along the corridor.
The City Council approved the City Manager to execute the agreement on 9/1/09. Contractor has been selected. / Awarded / ARRA Funding:
$ 200,000
$ 180,000
COR Match
$ 20,000
$ 400,000 / ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
NCDOT Match - North Carolina Department of Transportation
COR Match – City of Raleigh designate funds / 20.205 / Primary:
Richard EPPS
Alternate: / 810-2290-708900-985--GRT02-74040100
Solid Waste Services
Geothermal Technologies Program: Ground Source Heat Pumps / The WildersGroveSolidWasteServiceCenter facility is one of the initial Remote Operations service facility elements targeted for development. This 24,000 square foot facility will be located on the Wilders Grove borrow site, adjacent to the new Wilders Grove Transfer Station project, part of the existing Wilders Grove landfill property off New Bern Avenue. Using a renewable geothermal energy system for the new facility will promote energy conservation and result in substantial savings in energy costs through taking advantage of the relatively stable earth temperature below the ground surface to provide heating, air conditioning ad hot water for the facility. It is estimated that the proposed systems (HVAC and hot water plumbing combined) will provide energy savings of approximately 35% to 52% over conventional designs and are eligible for 9-10 LEED credits for energy conservation. / Awarded / $1,298,625 / The Department of Energy / 81.087 / Primary:
Fred Battle

Total Funding

ARRA Funds / $ 22,724,055.00
City Matched Funds / $ 10,393,691.00
Other Funds (Including NCDOT Match, Earmarks, and Formula Funds) / $ 3,638,125.00
Total Funding for All Projects / $ 39,820,410.51