45th Annual State Convention

Code of Conduct

The Arizona Association of Junior High Student Councils is a membership driven, student-centered organization dedicated to developing leadership skills. We expect our student leaders to be role models at all times. We expect all delegates who participate in the AAJHSC State Convention to…

·  Be with an adult at all times for their safety. Delegates cannot be anywhere at the convention center or the hotel without adult supervision.

·  Attend all sessions of the convention with their advisor/chaperone.

·  Wear nametags clearly visible at all times, including the dinner and the dance.

·  Be attentive and display appropriate audience behavior.

·  Behave in a responsible and safe manner.

·  Dress in appropriate attire at all times. Delegates may not wear short shorts, short skirts, and tops with spaghetti straps, halter or strapless tops. They may not roll up shirts to show midriffs. Female delegates are asked to wear a dress, suit, or nice slacks and a blouse. Male delegates are asked to wear nice pants, a dress shirt and a tie. Delegates who do not follow the dress code will be asked to change their clothes or leave the convention.

·  Silence all cell phones and remember that texting is not appropriate during the convention.

·  Understand that the use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Any delegate found in the possession of or under the influence of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs while attending the convention will be placed in the direct supervision of their advisor and will be removed from the convention facilities. Parents and a school administrator will be notified if such an infraction occurs.

·  Respect the rights and property of others.

·  Be courteous and respectful to other delegates and all adults at the convention center.

Advisors will be notified by the AAJHSC/hotel/convention center if any delegates violate the above code of conduct. Advisors will be responsible for correcting the situation. The AAJHSC is not responsible (liable) for any incidents that occur past the adjournment of the convention.

The AAJHSC Executive Director will notify the principal of a student’s school of any infractions of the AAJHSC Code of Conduct.

School Name: ______

Student name (please print) ______

Student signature: ______Today’s Date: ______

Parent/Guardian signature: ______

Today’s Date: ______

45th Annual State Convention

Advisor/Chaperone Responsibilities

1.  Your number one responsibility is the safety of the delegates at all time.

2.  All advisors/chaperones are expected to attend all activities at the convention with their students.

3.  Advisors/chaperons/parents should follow the same expectations as the students in regards to nametags and appropriate attire. Remind students to wear nametags at all times and be courteous to all adults in attendance.

4.  You are expected to supervise your students at all times during the convention and at the dance. All advisors/chaperons are expected to take an active role in monitoring ALL students during the convention and dance.

5.  Remind your delegates to be attentive and display appropriate audience behavior. Your delegates should not be talking during speeches and/or presentations. Delegates should be appreciative of the efforts of others and applaud appropriately.

6.  Please make sure ALL cell phones are silenced. Delegates are not to use phones or be texting at all during the general session/dinner. Adults please limit the use of your phones and please step outside if necessary.

7.  Please discuss the AAJHSC Code of Conduct with your students who will be attending the Convention.

8.  It is the advisor’s responsibility to monitor student behavior and attire. You may want to preview your students’ attire before arriving at the convention. Make certain they understand appropriate behavior and proper attire.

For Councils staying at the hotel:

9.  Make sure delegates are not allowed in hotel rooms with delegates of the opposite gender at any time.

10.  At curfew time, check to see that your delegates are in their rooms and quiet.

11.  If you see inappropriate behavior on the part of a student who is not in your council, speak to the student involved, and, if necessary bring the situation to the attention of the student’s advisor. Please notify a member of the AAJHSC executive board as soon as possible about the situation.