
Aristoi Classical Academy

Grade 8 Mathematics

Math In Focus, course 3

Teacher contact information:

Mrs. Ulrey


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt: Math in Focus, Singapore Math, Course 3

Math in Focus is designed to help students gain depth of knowledge, fluency with skills, and confidence in problem solving. It employs a focus on problem solving and a concrete-visual-symbolic progression to help students build solid conceptual understanding.

Middle School Weighting:

tests/major grades ……… 50%

quizzes/labs/notebook ….. 20%

daily/homework .……..… 30%


(Have these and your math text book with you every day when you come to class. Other supplies may be requested.)

•  composition book

•  loose leaf binder paper

•  #2 pencils

•  eraser

•  graph paper

•  calculator (to be used with teacher permission only)

•  red checking pen or pencil

optional supplies:

(You can earn one 100 daily grade each for donating any of the following to the math classroom by August 26, 2016. There will be no penalty for not doing so. Put your name on any donation to assure that you will receive credit.)

•  a package of loose leaf binder paper

•  a package of 24 lb. weight colored copy paper

•  4 glue sticks

Classroom Rules (5 R’s):

1.  Students will have reverence for anything deserving honor.

2.  Students will have respect. (for parents and family, Aristoi teachers and staff, peers, and self)

3.  Students will take responsibility for their own learning, their actions, or their failure to act.

4.  Students will be ready to learn.

5.  Students will receive and offer help when appropriate.

Classroom Procedures:

and useful information (may be changed at the teacher’s discretion)

Additional procedures may be added in class.

1.  Be on time to class. You must be inside the classroom and ready to learn when the clock indicates it is time to start class. Be seated with supplies out and begin warm up work as quickly as possible.

2.  Have the listed supplies with you every day when you come to class, including at least 2 sharpened pencils or a mechanical pencil with extra lead. You may use the classroom supply of donated loose leaf paper in the classroom.

3.  Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late homework is not accepted and will be given a score of zero. See the Parent/Student Handbook for other information about late or make-up work.

4.  Use a full heading at the top of every assignment, including first and last name, class, date, teacher’s name, and title of assignment. Placement will be discussed in class.

5.  Speak with permission only. Raise your hand for permission during individual work or whole class discussion. Talk with a whisper during cooperative group discussion.

6.  All work must be legible and written in pencil to receive credit. Use an eraser for corrections, no mark-outs.

7.  Do your work vertically down the page in one or two columns.

8.  Use class changes and breaks for visits to the restroom. Ask to leave the classroom only when absolutely necessary. You will be responsible for anything you miss if you go out during class.

9.  In cooperative groups, you are responsible to make sure you understand your group’s work. You are also responsible to help others in your group understand.

10.  Ask questions! That is the only way I will know clarification is needed. Request help when you need it.

11.  I will be available for tutoring during the first half of your PE period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This will be a time for one-on-one or small group instruction. The purpose of this time is to offer additional help when needed.

12.  Your textbook must be covered with a paper cover at all times. This will be periodically checked and a daily grade will be given. No fabric (“stretchy”) book covers are allowed.

Sequence of Curriculum:

(The sequence and time spent for each topic may change at the discretion of the teacher depending on the needs of the students.)

1st Quarter

Chapter 1: Exponents

Chapter 2: Scientific Notation

Chapter 3: Algebraic Linear Equations

2nd Quarter

Chapter 4: Lines and Linear Equations

Chapter 5: Systems of Linear Equations

Chapter 6: Functions

3rd Quarter

Chapter 7: The Pythagorean Theorem

Chapter 8: Geometric Transformations

Chapter 9: Congruence and Similarity

4th Quarter

Chapter10: Statistics

Chapter 11: Probability

Financial Responsibility

Please fill out, sign, tear off, and return this confirmation by Friday, August 19, 2016.

Keep the rest of the syllabus for your records. (You will receive a 100 daily grade for turning it in on time.)


I have received, read, and understand the requirements for Aristoi Classical Academy eighth grade math for the 2016/17 school year.

Parent’s name (print): ______

Phone number(s): ______Date: ______

email address: ______

Parent’s signature: ______

Student’s name (print): ______

Student’s signature: ______