Arguments for Playground Surfacing

Loose Fill


The initial purchase cost of a loose fill surface is typically lower than a unitary rubberized surface. In spite of this, loose fill material demands additional life cycle costs that can significantly impact the total cost of ownership.

When considering a loose fill surface, the following additional requirements should be factored into the total cost of ownership:

  • Daily inspections
  • Raking and leveling
  • Replenishment
  • Debris removal
  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Limited use and risk of non-compliance under certain conditions

A four year time line projection factoring in 20 variables associated with various surfacing options, has shown SofTILE to be the most economical surfacing option.

Poured In Place (PIP)


  • Since PIP is installed in solid slab form, material costs increase significantly with higher fall height requirements
  • PIP requires more raw material inputs in order to achieve the required durability. Much higher resin ratios are needed to compensate for the inability to achieve sufficient durability through mechanical compression
  • PIP often requires the use of specialized out of town labor adding significant costs to the finished product. Smaller projects are particularly susceptible to higher costs
  • Surface patterns associated with PIP come at a high cost

The above factors are unavoidable costs associated with PIP surfacing, placing PIP in the highest cost category.

Alternate Molded Tile Products


Virtually all tile products require a solid sub-surface to be placed under the system. This is largely due to the fact that they lack a sufficient locking system or lack a locking system all together. The lack of a sufficient locking system will increase costs based on the following:

  • Enhanced sub-surface requirements such as concrete or asphalt
  • Increased adhesive requirements
  • Additional labor costs

When considering a tile product ensure that the price you receive is based on a turn key installation taking the above cost considerations into account.

Lack of a locking system will result in
increased initial and lifecycle costs.



  • The SofTILE installation process is user friendly. SofTILE can be installed utilizing local labor which significantly reduces installation costs
  • Due to KrosLOCK's unique locking design, SofTILE is the only molded product that can be successfully installed over properly compacted aggregate, thus eliminating costly sub-surface requirements. Tiles lacking a sufficient locking system require expensive concrete or asphalt sub-surfaces
  • SofTILE has been engineered with a hollow core support pedestal to reduce material inputs thus reducing costs
  • Surface patterns and designs can be incorporated without additional costs