Argumentative EssayName

Topic: Gun Control DebateDate:Per:

BACKGROUND: On June 26, 2008, the Supreme Court made a landmark ruling upholding the right of individuals to bear arms for hunting and for self-defense. This struck down Washington DC’s blanket ban on handgun ownership. However, the court did not rule out that guns could be regulated in any number of ways. Methods of regulation include making it harder for dangerous persons to buy a gun, improving safety of guns, regulating sales at gun shows, and banning certain types of weapons.

1994’s assault weapons ban expired in 2004 and attempts to renew it have failed. After the Dec.14, 2012 shooting that claimed the lives of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Pres. Obama asked Congress for increased background checks and regulation of guns (including a ban on the sale of military-style assault weapons, and a ban on the sale of high-capacity magazines). On April 17, 2013 the Manchin-Toomey amendment proposed background checks on all commercial sales of guns, but failed to pass the US Senate. Many senators who opposed the amendment received substantial financial support from gun rights groups. In January 2016, President Obama promised to make an executive order to make stricter gun laws. This has sparked outrage from key Republican leaders and gun rights advocates.

The most visible group that is against more federal regulations is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The most visible group that is in favor of more federal regulations is Handgun Control (The Brady Center), along with its affiliate organization, the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence.

ESSAY QUESTION: Are you opposed to or in favor of increasing government regulation of firearms? This can include more background checks and limiting assault weapons.Regulation does not mean all guns will be banned. Write an essay with logical and well supported arguments to be published in a local paper to convince your community to support your position. Use logical, moral and emotional appeals to persuade those who disagree with you. Apply evidence from current research and experts to support your claims.

(Arguments againstmore gun control) / Pro
(Arguments to supportmore gun control)
Team Discussion:
Class Discussion:

Gathering Evidence:

Read4 or morevalid articles to find different types of evidence to support the most reasonable position on the issue. You may continue on another paper if you need more room. Cite sources to avoid plagiarism.

Quoteif expert testimony and identify job title and name.
Paraphrase facts and info. / Justification/CM
(Why it supports your claim? What argument it proves?) / Type of evidence?
(factual, anecdotal, expert, statistics) / Bibliographical Entry for Source (use