

Argument Essay

When I was a kid I would run around the pool edge. Transfixed on how the water moved but I was scared to jump in. I thought it was so weird that my Mom would jump into the pool without knowing what would happen. It took seeing the act of other kids bravery and the knowledge of safety that she would catch me to jump into the water for the first time. It tool seeing my Mom’s bravery to jump in the pool, to do it myself. Being brave is what everyone aspires to be. Seeing someone else be brave makes even the most shy speak out for what they believe in, whether it’s hate or compassion. Bravery is a powerful influence on people because it can make them realize that there are not alone, empowers them to overcome obstacles and gains respect from their peers.

Sometimes it takes the realization that someone else see things the way that you do to commit an act of bravery. In Kurt Vonnegut's story, “Harrison Bergeron”, Harrison, after taking off his many handicaps, asks for a dance partner. A ballerina stands and he takes off her handicaps and she takes his hand. “And the ballerina arose, swaying like a willow.” The realization that someone felt the way she did gave her the strength she needed to stand up. I remember the time when I was nervous to go to the mall by myself for the first time alone. But when I realized my friends felt the same way we went together and felt braver. When we have numbers behind our fears and beliefs we come together and conquer them. When you do realize that you are not alone you can empower yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

Bravery is sometimes the only answer. When life puts you in a box that makes you do things that aren't you, you become so uncomfortable that you have to empower yourself to overcome your circumstances. For Harrison’s whole life he has seen people wear little to no handicaps. When he has finally had enough; he takes matters into his own hands, “ Harrison tore the straps of his handicap harness like wet tissue paper.” When people have had enough restrictions on their lives they empower themselves to become who they really are. Another example of self-empowerment is a gay or lesbian person coming out to their parents for the first time. No matter how hard it was they still did it, because some people can't hide who they are. Self-empowerment is seen as bravery even if people don't agree with what the self-empowered did. Standing up for yourself is respected. Gaining the respect of others is another reason why people act bravely.

Seeing the act of bravery gains the respect of the unwilling. A fireman runs into a building that is engulfed in flames. Exhausted and sweaty, she still save lives. We respect the ones that risk their lives for others, because most of us wouldn't do the same. We respect the firemen because we want to be like them, to live a life of meaning. For me seeing people not benervous or stumble on their words in front of a crowd is one of the things I want to be able to do. I respect those that already can. Seeing someone do something that you are afraid to do promotes envy and respect.

Seeing bravery makes us realize that we are not alone, empowers us to be ourselves, and gains respect from our acts. Bravery is what makes us stand out from the crowd. It gives us the freedom to be our true selves.