National Vice President ORIENTATION

What is my role?

Leadership is ACTION, not a position. Become a trainer to your Nation.

Spend 30 minutes – daily self-development time.

Edify the company, upline, sideline, success line and your organization.

Avoid dictatorship – be a coach.

Identify the LEADERS on your team and work with them – even if they are down deep.

Communicate with your key people on a regular basis – WORK CLOSELY with all of your Regional Vice Presidents…train them; prepare them to become NVP’s.

Set your goal: Always work YOUR CENTRAL – you are looking for 6 nations direct to you (work the compensation plan! Your Central District needs to have minimum of $2500 ---your Central Area needs to have minimum of $10,000 -----your Central Region needs to have minimum of $40,000 ----your Central Nation needs to have minimum of $160,000


Send Welcome email to all light bulb consultants in Nation from the month before signups

Plan and Organize your Monthly National Meeting

Plan Challenge, Incentives from time to time. Be Timely!

Conduct 3 way Calls with Prospects for those in your Central Region

Meet, Email or Call Newly Promoted Area Managers about New Responsibilities

Review your business from month before, complete “Numbers Don’t Lie” Sheet-where are you needed?

Phase I – First day of the MONTH – Plan your SUCCESS PHASE

Your end of the month- starts at the beginning of the month

____Set your Personal Goals (volume, parties, and sponsoring goals)

____Collect your Team Goals (volume, parties, and sponsoring goals)

____Combine your personal goals and your team goals to get your overall business goals

____Write your Business Goals down in visible location – Good Great and Awesome


Send emails to personal Preferred Clients – for specials, or announcements

Send Renewal Letters to those needing to RENEW…and for those not doing the business

Send email Every Monday – on the Upcoming Events

Conduct all NATION email Communications – to inform, encourage, and communicate

Conduct Discover Arbonne’s for Nation – (make sure your central is participating)

Send email to Nation on the 25th of the month – reminding them to FIND VOLUME

15th – Begin Planning Nation Calendar (get information from RVP’s)

Phase II – 15th of the MONTH – EVALUATION PHASE

You are never halfway to your final volume for the month at this phase.

____Evaluate your personal goals

____Contact your leaders and evaluate their goals – make adjustments if necessary – provide coaching, inspiration and encouragement and STRATEGY to break down the goal

____Start booking your next month’s activities/parties:

Evaluation PROCESS:

  • How many parties left for you personally and your team?
  • How many one on ones left for you personally and your team?
  • How many samples are out?
  • How many are you and team launching and training this month?

KEY POINT: If you see not a lot of activity left in the month – go get more ACTIVITY!


Stay Focused: Your volume can DOUBLE between now and the end of the month - if you get your teams focused on their goals they set at the beginning of the month!

____Evaluate your personal and team goals – more parties needed?

____Create a BREAKDOWN plan for your team or yourself to hit your goal…. using the 200 for 100 specials, 50% RE9 sale, consultant specials/rsvp orders…see how many it would take of these to achieve the goal….give a BREAKDOWN to make it look achievable!

____Contact Light BULB consultants who have less than $100 order to inform them of the FREE gift from Arbonne if they place $100

____Contact anyone who attended your presentation and offer a special. Contact Preferred Clients for re-orders. Contact consultants that need to RENEW this month.

____Review entire BUSINESS goals…of each person on your team. Write down their current volume, and what is volume is still needed to hit their goal. Strategize with each person to hit their goals!


Phase IIII – Last Day of Month – Make your GOALS HAPPEN PHASE

Stay Focused: Your volume can grow 25-30% on this one DAY! Put on your BUSINESS SUIT!

____Create a TEAM ROSTER list including everyone in your business, whether they are direct to you or not

____Use the END OF MONTH CHECKLIST – and watch everyone on your team to ensure they meet all requirements necessary for their particular business

____Work your business and with your team until the last minute of the day…don’t give UP! And, teach your team the same thing!


Conduct WEEKLY Nation Training Conference Calls and Discover Call -Send Reminder on Friday

Conduct ONCE A MONTH Leadership Call for all AM, VPS in your nation

Conduct Live Discover Call once a WEEK (Rotate RVP’s AMs and DMS)

Participate in the ONCE A MONTH Home Office Call with CEO

Participate in Carleeta’s Leadership Call once a month – 2nd Wednesday of every month at noon CST


Plan and Organize – Nation Area Manager/VP Retreat

Plan and Organize – Nation VP Retreat

Plan and Organize – Central Region Retreat

Plan and Organize Gift Giving – for GTC

Corporate NVP Meeting


GTC GIFTS for RVP’s and Central Region

AM Retreat Gifts – the event and the gifts

VP Retreat – the event and the gifts

Promotion Gifts each month – give nation gift and conduct your central region

Christmas Gifts for ALL Managers and something special for VP’s on team

National Meeting – The room fee

Car Presentation Gifts

Challenges from Time to Time

Gifts for Team for Incentive Trip

Normal Business Expenses