Are you a SKEPTIC or a BELIEVER?

Part One

Choose the answer that you think describes what your actions would be in each scenario best.

1.You see the horoscopes in this morning’s newspaper. You:

a. Read your prediction carefully, taking the advice seriously. (3)

b. Pass right over them shaking your head. (1)

c. Read yours and other’s horoscopes, but mostly for amusement. (2)

2. On a news website, you read an article that says that a man was reportedly abducted by aliens. You:

a. Figure that since we don’t have scientific proof either way, it could be possible. (2)

b. Immediately decide that the site isn’t a reputable source. (1)

c. Whole-heartedly believe every word and check the sky for suspicious, blinking lights. (3)

3. On a cruise in the tropics, an eccentric-looking passenger near the railing shouts that he sees a mermaid. You:

a. Raise your eyebrows and nervously edge away from him. (1)

b. Grab your camera and rush over, yelling, “Where? Where?!” (3)

c. Think it’s probably just a dolphin but look over the edge anyway. (2)

4. One night in bed, you hear some strange noises. You:

a. Sit up and look around, telling yourself it’s a ghost. (3)

b. Know it’s just the wind outside. (1)

c. Listen a bit more carefully before making a judgement. (2)

5. Walking down a sidewalk, you step on a crack. You:

a. Think nothing of it. (1)

b. Consider the superstition, but take no action. (2)

c. Immediately call your mom to check that she’s okay. (3)

6. Your best friend is going to be in a huge play, and you want to give her a gift in honor of it. You:

a. Buy her some rune-engraved trinkets at the local metaphysical shop that the cashier says will bring good luck and confidence. (3)

b. Get her a book: “How TO Deal With Stage Fright.” (1)

c. Simply tell her to “break a leg” and give her a four-leaf clover key chain as a token. (2)

7. You’re looking for some reading material in the local library and turn to the generalities shelf. You:

a. Keep an open mind, and select whatever looks interesting. (2)

b. Grab a stack of paranormal info books. (3)

c. Look for something down-to-earth, like science or history. (1)

8. At a slumber party, some of your pals suggest a game of “Bloody Mary.” You:

a. Instantly refuse the nonsense and start setting up a game of Scrabble instead. (1)

b. Are the first one in the bathroom, hoping Mary will be benevolent. (3)

c. Decide to wait and see how others do before playing yourself. (2)

9. At school, someone mentions that scientists are seriously considering “Bigfoot’s” reality. You:

a. Think it’s probable but are on the fence about it. (2)

b. Try to convince everyone that it’s impossible. (1)

c. Readily agree, glad that the scientists have finally come to their senses. (3)

10. If you had to pick an honest way to describe yourself out of the following list, you’d choose:

a. Down-to-earth and stubborn. (1)

b. Dreamy and gullible. (3)

c. Reasonable and open. (2)

Part Two

Add up your score.

Part Three

Based on your score, find out your results. You are…

10-17 points: a skeptic. You certainly aren’t going to fall for any nonsense! This can be a good thing, but try to keep a more open mind. Having an imagination isn’t a bad thing by any means.

18-24 points: in the middle of the road. In this case, this is the best place to be. You keep an open mind and probably find it easy to get along with people. Bravo!

25-30 points: a believer. You believe in the more mysterious side of the world and have quite an imagination. But remember not to believe everything you hear; someone might be pulling your leg!