Are We Really Post-trib or Mid-trib?

Pastor Daniel Rideout

(Lewiston, Maine)

I am appalled at the preachers in Maine where I live!!

Of course, the majority of preachers here preach a Pre-tribulation, secret rapture. On the other hand, we have a select few that claim to believe in a Post-tribulation rapture; but VERY, VERY few actually are truly Post-tribulation in their doctrine.

A true Post-tribulation doctrine teaches the Biblical belief that the Church will go through the tribulation till the last trumpet sounds. With God’s help ONLY, the man of God I’m in fellowship with, has tried to teach for years that this is not a bugle blowing, but the sound of an awakening.

There are 7 trumpets of God ONLY in the Book of Revelation. The 7th is the LAST!! The trumpets are the wrath of Almighty God revealed and poured out. Anyone who preys to God for Holy Ghost understanding and studies the Word of Almighty God will see that the 7 trumpets, the 7 vials, and the 7 seals all coincide. In other words, a seal will be opened, a trumpet sounded, and a vial poured out. The trumpets, vials, and seals are revealed all through the Great Tribulation.

The first seal - white horse and rider with the bow - is the Man of Sin posing himself as the Lord Jesus Christ. That transpires in the middle of the tribulation at the ushering in of the Great Tribulation. The wrath of Almighty God is poured out on the Beast and on those that have received the literal, physical, visible, microchip brand/stamp/mark of the Beast.

Those who refuse the mark and reject the Man of Sin as Jesus – and trust God fully – will be sealed by God and protected. Just as when our forefathers were in Goshen, God put a difference between God’s people and the Egyptians. While the plagues/wrath of God was poured out on Pharaoh and Egypt, such as when they were in darkness in Egypt, there was light in ALL the dwellings of the children of Israel.

At the Last/Seventh trump, that is the ushering in of the Millennium. That is the end! After the Millennium is Armageddon.

We are about ready to see the Man of Sin revealed for his true colors and set up his kingdom and issue his mark in fullness. We are at the time of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God being preached.

Either we believe God’s Word, the Authorized KJV, as God’s final authority, or we don’t. When writing the KJV, I understand that King James’ men tried to get every word as close to the original manuscripts as possible. Any time they couldn’t read or translate a word easily, they put it in italics. And when they would come to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, or any title for God, they would get up, wash their hands thoroughly, get a fresh quill and fresh ink, and begin again.

According to Brother Alberto Rivera, an ex-Jesuit priest and an acknowledged authority on the subject, there were undercover Jesuits who tried to infiltrate and influence the translation of the KJV but were found out and exposed before they had the chance. That’s why Jesuits invented the modern translations – to put in what they wanted and to deceive.

Please see these scriptures on the End Times: Matthew 24 (ALL), especially verses 21 & 29-31 (I Peter 1:2); 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-4; Acts 1:11 (“in like manner”); Zechariah 14:1-4; 1st Corinthians 15:51-52 (“last trump”); 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 (“descend”); Revelation 7:1-4; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:7; Revelation 11:15-19; Isaiah 10:24-25; and Job 19:25.

There is only one return of Christ for us – at the end of the Great Tribulation – which is at the resurrection of the saints and which is at the ushering in of the Millennium.

Catholic teaching is that Jesus is going to stick his head through the clouds secretly and such everybody out – Pre-tribulation. And then “return” at Armageddon. Think of the absurdity!! Jesus will have already returned before Armageddon! The Overcomers are with him at Armageddon.

But think of it, if he is peeking his head through the clouds only, and then on a white horse at Armageddon, and there is a blood bath to the horse’s bridles then, tell me – when does he actually descend and step his feet on the Mount of Olives?