Statement of Qualifications



Architectural, Engineering, and Other Professional Services

for the Term

July 2004 to June 2006

(Post June 7, 2004 Submittals)



Introduction 1

Service Areas, Focus Improvements, and Tasks 2

Submittal Instructions 7

Submittal Order 8

Statement of Qualifications Document Forms 9

Section I - General Information

Form “A” - General Information

Form “B” - Personnel Experience - Professional Staff

Form “C” - Personnel Experience - Other Technical and Key Staff

Form “D” - Applicable Equipment and Resources

Section II - Service Area Specific Information

Form “E” - Tentative Project Team

Federal Standard Form 255, Block 7- Resumes

Form “F” - Applicable Project Experience

Form “G” - Geotechnical and Materials Testing Capabilities

(Service Area Nos. 3, 4, & 10 only)

Federal Standard Form 255, Block 10 - Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions 23



On Thursday, July 1, 2004, the City of North Las Vegas, (City), Public Works Department, Engineering Services Division (Division) will discard all Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) and Technical Proposals currently on file. The City is now requesting updated SOQs from qualified consultants to provide various Architectural, Engineering, and Other Professional Services, for the term July 2004 to June 2006, to facilitate the implementation of the City’s Capital Improvement Program and other municipal programs.

When Capital Improvement Projects and municipal programs become funded during this term, these SOQs may be evaluated by committee to short-list and select best qualified consultants to provide services to the City, depending on the size and/or technical complexity of the Project, funding availability, and the type of services required.

This packet contains all forms necessary for firms to respond to the City’s Request for Statement of Qualifications (SOQs) for Professional Architectural, Engineering, and Other Professional Services for the term July 2004 to June 2006. Firms are advised to carefully review all contents of this packet. Only submittals properly completed as instructed in this packet will be accepted for evaluation.

The original SOQ submittal deadline, for the term July 2004 to June 2006, was June 7, 2004 at 5:00 p.m. Firms that missed the deadline, are new to the area, or previously-submitted firms that undergo significant corporate changes (such as a merger) may also submit a post-deadline SOQ. Firms that qualify and are interested in providing one or more of these services must complete a separate SOQ Submittal for each Service Area using the information and forms contained in this packet but only for the Service Areas listed. Requirements for Service Areas not listed will be addressed by separate Requests for SOQs if and when needed. Submittals received for a Service Area in which submittals were received prior to June 7, 2004 and were already ranked, will be placed at the end of the list. Submittals received for unranked Service Areas will be considered with the pre-June 7, 2004 submittals, if and when those Service Areas are ranked.

Electronic copies of the forms may be obtained online at: / Departments / Public Works / Engineering Services / SOQ Information, Consultant Selection Criteria, and Rankings / Current Requests For Proposals, or may be picked up in person at the Engineering Services Counter.

Submittals shall be delivered to and submittal packets are available at, the following address between the hours or 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday:

City of North Las Vegas

Public Works Department, Engineering Services Division

Mr. Robert M. Harary, P.E.

Assistant Director of Public Works/Engineering Services

2288 Civic Center Drive

North Las Vegas, NV 89030

Any questions regarding this solicitation for services shall be directed to Ms. Kelly J. Moon, Engineering Project Coordinator, at phone number (702) 633-1363, TDD (800) 326-6868, fax number (702)642-0390, or by email at . Please note that the Engineering Services Division and other City Staff do not intend to personally meet with any proposing firm to discuss this solicitation prior to the submission deadline.

The City is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and women-owned and minority business enterprises are encouraged to submit



During the term identified above, the City anticipates seeking qualified consultants to provide expertise in the 21 Service Areas listed below to assist City staff with the implementation of various municipal programs as well as during the planning, design, bidding, and construction phases of a wide variety of Capital Improvement Projects if they become funded. Some programs and projects may not be funded during this term, and these corresponding Service Areas will not be required during the term identified. Therefore, SOQs submitted in these particular Service Areas may never be evaluated nor ranked. Also, the City reserves the right to request SOQs for additional Service Areas and project-specific Technical Proposals, and/or perform interviews with qualified firms.

Firms interested in providing services in one or more of these Service Areas must be the prime consultant for that service.

1. / Architecture / New Buildings such as Senior Center, Police Headquarters, Golf Course Club House, Recreation Center, Fire Stations.
Remodels, Renovations, or Expansions of City Hall, Community Development Center, Central Garage, Detention Center, Police, Utilities, and Maintenance Buildings. / Site Selection, Master Planning, Space Planning, Feasibility Studies, Renderings, ADA Evaluation and Mitigation, Life Cycle Cost Estimates, Peer Review of Building Designs by Others, FF&Es, On-Call Services.
Schematic Design, Design Development, Final Design, Technical Studies, Reports, Presentations, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services.
2. / Civil Engineering / Municipal Improvements. / Constructibility /Bidibility Reviews, Peer Review of Plans, Specifications, and Reports by Others (for Roadways, Flood Control, Parks, or Utilities), Value Engineering, Cost Estimates, AutoCAD Drafting, Design of General Civil Engineering Projects, On-Call Services.
3. / Construction Management & Inspection Services - Horizontal Construction
/ Roadways, Street Improvements, Bridges, Traffic Signals, Flood Control Channels, Detention Basins, New and Renovated Parks, Trails, Storm Drainage Systems, and Utility Pipelines.
/ Constructibility /Bidibility Reviews, Construction Management, Contract Administration, Inspection Services, Materials Testing, Reporting, Permit Monitoring, Project Closeout, Claims Prevention and Analysis.
4 / Construction Management & Inspection Services - Vertical Construction / New Buildings such as Aliante Library, Senior Center, Police Headquarters, Golf Course Club House, Recreation Center, Fire Stations, Remodels or Expansions. / Constructibility / Bidibility Reviews, Construction Management, Contract Administration, Inspection Services, Materials Testing, Reporting, Permit Monitoring, Project Closeout, Claims Prevention and Analysis.
5 / Electrical Engineering / Area and Park Lighting, Standby Generators and UPS, Overhead to Underground Utility Conversions, Utility Relocations, Facility Systems for Buildings, Energy Conservation, Communication Systems, Telecommunication Systems and Computer Wiring, Facility Security and Fire Alarm Systems, and Telephony. / Feasibility Studies, Preliminary and Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services, On-Call Services.
6. / Emergency Management / Emergency Preparedness Planning, Training Programs, Full-Scale Exercises, and Renovations of Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Related Support Systems.
/ Design and Develop Technical Studies and Reports, Make Presentations, Design, Develop, and Conduct Full-Scale Emergency Management Exercises, Assess and Conduct City-Wide Training for Emergency Preparedness and Response, Update Emergency Operations and Response Plan, Inventory and Consolidate City Resources in One Database for EOC Retrieval.
7. / Environmental Services / Municipal Improvements and Environmental Programs. / Biological and Cultural Resource Surveys, NEPA Documentation, Environmental Assessments (Phase I & II), Environmental Impact Statements and Categorical Exclusions, Permitting, Inter-agency Consultations, Testing and Abatement of Asbestos, Molds, and Hazardous Materials, Spill Response, Wetlands Mitigation, Air Quality Modeling, Dust Control, Noise Monitoring and Mitigation, On-Call Services.
8. / Financial Services / Municipal Improvements and
Financial Programs. / Accounting, Bond Estimates, Debt Financing, Cash Flow Projections, Financial Projections, Actuarial Services, Grant Research and Applications, Prepare CIP Budgets, Spreadsheets, and Graphs, Prevailing Wage Enforcement, On-Call Services.
9. / Flood Control Design / Detention Basins, Channels, Transition Structures, Maintenance Access Ramps, Storm Drainage Collection and Conduit Systems, Dual Use Facilities. / Hydrology/Hydraulic Analyses, Preparation of SID and Right-of-Way Acquisition Documents, Design Surveying, Coordination with Clark County Regional Flood Control District.
Preliminary Engineering, Prepare Technical Studies and Reports, Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services.
10. / Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Testing / Municipal Improvements. / Site Investigations, Laboratory Testing, Prepare Geotechnical Reports, Nondestructive Testing, Pavement Condition Surveys, Pavement Section Design, Grading Observations, Multi-trades Building Inspections, Materials Testing (Asphalt, Concrete, Masonry, Steel), On-Call Services.
11. / Land Development Reviews / Private Development Infrastructure / Review Private Development Technical Drainage and Traffic Studies, Infrastructure Plans (Grading and Drainage, Street Improvements, Utilities), and Maps, Cost Estimating, On-Call Services.
12. / Landscape Architecture / New Parks, Renovation of Mature Parks, Landscaping, Streetscapes, Water Conserving Irrigation Systems, Highway/ Bridge Aesthetic Treatments. / Master Planning, Renderings, Peer Review of Park Designs by Others.
Schematic Design, Design Development, Final Design, Presentations, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services, On-Call Services.
13. / Mechanical Engineering / HVAC Systems, Plumbing, Fire Sprinkler Systems, Instrumentation, Energy Management, Security Equipment, Modernize Outdated Mechanical Systems. / Feasibility Studies, Preliminary and Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services, On-Call Services.
14. / Public Relations / City-wide Programs. / Write and Produce Publications, Event Marketing, Video Production, News Release Distribution, Special Event Management, Advertisement Creation and Placement, Media Buys, Media and Public Relations Training, On-Call Services.
15. / Redevelopment Planning / Redevelopment Programs.
/ Inventory Existing Land Uses, Land Use Planning, Economic and Market Research, Market Summary, Redevelopment Area Visioning, Organizational Strategies, Feasibility Studies, Identify Resources, Prioritization of Project Strategies, Implementation Plans.
16. / Roadway Design / Roadways, Super Arterials and Limited Access Roads, Bridges, Grade Separations, Interchange Modifications, Street Improvements, Road Widenings, Intersection Modifications, Pavement Resurfacing, Multi-Use Trail Systems.
/ Pavement Design, Design Surveying, Preparation of SID and Right-of-Way Acquisition Documents, Environmental Permitting, Coordination with Regional Transportation Commission and NDOT.
Preliminary Engineering, Prepare Technical Studies and Reports, Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services.
17. / Sewer and Water Utilities Design / New and Rehabilitated Sewer and Water Pipelines, Pipe Linings, Reservoirs, Wells, Lift Stations, Pump Stations, Meter Stations, and Wet Utility Relocations. / Master Planning, Preliminary Design, Technical Studies and Reports, Presentations, Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services.
18. / Software Application Development, Support, and Implementation / Corel Suite and Microsoft Office Applications, Hansen and Oracle Applications, Oracle, C#.Net and Visual Basic 6 Development, IT Project Management, and Web Graphics/HTML Development. / Prepare Documentation, Conduct On-Site Training, Develop Applications or Customizations, Manage IT Projects, Develop Graphics for Website, Maintain Graphics Library, and Provide Quality Assurance for IT Development and Implementation Projects.
19. / Structural Engineering / Roadway and Pedestrian Bridges, Box Culverts, Retaining Walls, Utility Vaults, Concrete and Steel Light Poles, Transmission Towers. / Structural Analysis and Design, Seismic Design, Structural Modifications, Testing, Cost Analysis, Review Vendor Submittals.
Preliminary and Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services, On-Call Services
20. / Surveying / Emphasis will be on Construction Staking of Horizontal Construction Projects (Roadways, Flood Control Channels, Detention Basins, Parks, Trails, and Pipelines) / Construction Control Surveys and Staking, Quality Assurance of Contractor’s Staking, Prepare Plats and Legal Descriptions, Topographic and Photogrammatic Surveys, On-Call Services.
21. / Traffic Engineering / Traffic Signals, Signal Equipment, Roundabouts, Fiber Optics, Interconnect Improvements, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Infrastructure and Software Applications, Parking Lots, Parking Garage, Light Rail Feasibility Study, Transit Systems Planning. / Prepare and Review Traffic Studies, Traffic Counts, Warrant Studies, Signage and Striping, Traffic Control and Barricading Plans, ITS Software Development and Modifications.
Preliminary Engineering, Prepare Technical Studies and Reports, Final Design, Bid and Construction Phase Support Services, On-Call Services.



1. Each firm must submit a separate submittal for each Service Area.

2. Each firm must provide three (3) copies of each Service Area submittal.

3. Every copy must be bound.

4. Each SOQ must include Section I and Section II. Section I (General Information) may be the same for each Service Area submitted. Section II (Service Area Specific Information) must be unique for each Service Area.

5. Submittals must follow the organization, order, and numbering presented in the Section entitled Submittal Order found on page 8.

6. All submittals must be typed on the forms provided in this package, except where otherwise instructed in the Submittal Order. Facsimiles of the forms, created with computer word processing programs, are acceptable. These facsimiles, however, must use the same layout and format as the original forms.

Slight adjustments to the forms, such as margin and paragraph spacing, are acceptable. These adjustments must not change the wording or numbering of questions, the order of requested information, or increase or decrease the amount of information requested for each page of a form.

7. Typing on the forms should be in ten to twelve point font, using font types such as Times Roman, Helvetica, Courier, Pica, or Elite. Do not use cursive, script, or brush type fonts. Tab and separator sheets may use larger font sizes.

8. Each submittal Section must have a clearly recognizable divider. This divider must be a tabbed sheet or a colored, heavy bond paper with the name of the Section clearly noted.

9. One copy of each form is included in this package. Photocopies of blank forms should be made, as one form may be required in several areas.



Each Service Area submittal must conform (order, numbering, page limits, and contents) as follows:

Cover Must identify the Service Area and name of firm

Letter Provide a one (1) page cover letter clearly identifying the Service Area and name of firm. The letter must also state the following:

(1) Whether or not the firm has a local office in the Las Vegas Valley;

(2) Whether or not a majority of the work will be performed locally;

(3) The name of a local office representative who is able to legally execute agreements and amendments with the City.

(4) An officer of the firm must sign the letter.

Section I - General Information

Form “A” - General Information - Limit 1 page