- Meeting Call To Order –6:35 P.M. - Roberta Ringstrom, President
- Verification of Quorum – Roberta Ringstrom, President
- Directors Present:
Otto Schwartz; Geri Juen; Chris Dorsett; Karen Mazur; Roberta Ringstrom
Quorum – Verified
Wyatt Kondris, Secretary, (Not a Director), Present
- Introductions: Board Members, Members and Guests
- Member Forum – Questions Asked and Answered. No Board Actions.
- Minutes of November 20, 2014 Annual Membership Meeting
RobertaRingstrom made a motion to approve the 2014 Minutes of the November 20, 2014 Annual Membership Meeting and the December 3, 2014 Organizational Meeting. Motion seconded by Karen Mazur. Discussion. Geri Juen requested two edits to the draft Minutes. The Board agreed that votingon the Minutes can then be done by the Board via email [Meeting Without A Meeting].
- Minutes of December 3, 2014 Organizational Meeting. Above Motion. No Discussion. President Ringstrom called for a vote on the motion to approve the Minutes of the December 3, 2014 Organizational Meeting. Geri Juen, Yes; Otto Schwartz, Yes; Chris Dorsett, Yes; Karen Mazur, Yes; Roberta Ringstrom, Yes. The motion was approved unanimously.
- Minutes of January 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting– Wyatt Kondris, Secretary
Wyatt Kondris saidthat there are two proposed formats for meetingminutes being discussed by the Board.
Roberta Ringstrom made a motion to approve the Minutes of the January 21, 2015Regular Board Meeting in the existing format that has been used by Arbors Boards for several yearss. Motion was seconded by Karen Mazur. Discussion. The majority of the Board and the Secretary agreed that the existing format is easier to read and to search for topics. Wyatt Kondris said that he will draft hisJanuary 21, 2015 minutes in the existing format and email the minutes to the Board for review. The Board agreed that the Minutes of the January 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting can be approved via email [Meeting Without A Meeting].
- Professional Parliamentarian. The Board discussed the idea of Board consultation with a Professional Parliamentarian regarding meeting minute contents and formats. Roberta Ringstrom reported that Mary Anne Tebedo, a Professional Parliamentarian in Colorado Springs,said she could come to a one (1) hour meeting of the Board to discuss meeting minute contents and a format for a cost of $100. Wyatt Kondris commented that if we record the actions of the Board and include two to four sentences regarding the subject matter, that the existing format should work,and avoida $100 expense. Jan Doran, CONO, said that she has known a lot of Parliamentarians and that a Parliamentarian could assist with more thanjust minutes. Jan said that Mary Anne Tebedo is an excellent Parliamentarian and an ex-state legislator. Jan said that she thinks a one (1) hour meeting with Mary Ann Tebedo would show the best way to conduct a meeting, lend a great deal of expertise, and be $100 well spent. No action was taken by the Board.
- New Business
- Treasurer’s Report– Month Ending December 31, 2014 - Karen Mazur,Treasurer
- Financial Reports - Otto Schwartz asked questions regarding the financial reports. A discussion followed. Roberta Ringstrom presented a month-by-month Profit & Loss statement for 2014 that was provided by Balanced Bookkeeping, and mentioned that some of the information is confidential. The Board discussed a ‘detailed’ P&L statement for the Board Members each month. Ringstrom explained that Colorado laws determine the method of accounting to be used by Community Associations, and that if the Board wants Balanced Bookkeeping to use a different method of accounting, the Board will need to make such a request in writing. Ringstrom also explained that the Division of Real Estate has developed Rules to implement the new Community Association Manager Licensing Program that address methods of accounting. The Board postponed further discussion until after review of theJanuary 2015 detailed P&L statement and receipt of additional information on accounting methodsfor homeowner associations.
- Contractor Bids To Repair Entrance To Mail Kiosk – Roberta Ringstrom
RobertaRingstrom gave an update report and explained the delays on repair of the wood structure, thearbor (aka pergola), at the entrance to the mail kiosk that was accidentally destroyed in an auto accident by a resident on November 11, 2014.
Roberta Ringstrom made a motion to accept the bid from the successful bidder, RC Services, Inc., and that the President be authorized to sign the bid sheet and the contract, upon receipt from RC Services, Inc. Motion was seconded by Chris Dorsett. Discussion. Ringstrom explained that she will check again with the PPRBD to ensure that the RC Services, Inc. license is current,and that the contractor’s Certificate(s) of Insurance are received before the contract is signed. Ringstrom called for a vote. The votes were unanimous in favor of the motion. The motion was approved.
- Update - Arbors 2014 Federal & State Income Tax Returns – Roberta Ringstrom
RobertaRingstrom stated that the Arbors is a non-profit corporation and is required to file Federal and State Income Taxes Every Year. The 2014 taxeswere prepared by the CPA firm, Waugh Goodwin, and no payment is required from the Arbors for the 2014 Federal or Colorado Income Tax Returns.
- Roberta Ringstrom made a motion that the President be authorized to sign and mail the 2014 Federal and Colorado Income Tax Returns in February 2015. There were no questions and no discussion. Ringstrom called for a vote on the motion. The motion was approved unamiously.
- Update - Arbors Annual Review By CPA For 2014 – Roberta Ringstrom
RobertaRingstrom reported that an Annual Review was prepared for year ending December 31, 2014, by the CPA Firm, Waugh Goodwin. The Review Report stated that the CPA firm was not aware of any material modifications that should be made to the accompanying financial statements, and the need for supplementary information about future major repairs and replacements of common property. The Board discussed progress made in 2014 by the Arbors Reserve Study Committee and the importance of obtaining additional cost estimatesfor future major capital repairs and replacements from contractors in 2015 for the internal Reserve Study, for next year’s audit or review, and for the HUD-Recertification application due again in January 2016.
- Expense Approval Process – Chris Dorsett
Chris Dorsett explained that he would like to discuss ideas about the expense approval process. A discussion followed. Chris Dorsett recommended that Ringstrom be given blanket approval to obtain and use Not to Exceed Estimates for maintenance up to $500. The Board agreed. Roberta Ringstrom recommended that one or two additional plumbers be pre-approved by the Board for Ringstrom to call in case of emergency pipe leaks. The names of possible plumbers were discussed. Ringstrom recommended that the Board develop a Bidding Policy on when the Association will request bids for work and how bids will be solicited and reviewed. Ringstrom said that she will attempt to prepare a preliminary draft Bidding Policy for review by the Board at the March Board meeting. The Board agreed.
- Bookkeeping Spreadsheet View – Chris Dorsett
Detailed P&L Statements Discussed Above
- Proxies For Future Voting – Chris Dorsett
Chris Dorsett said he wanted the Board to discuss ideas regarding how to handle proxies for future elections. A Discussion followed. Ringstrom recommended that the Board use a neutral third party, such as the Association attorney or the CPA firm,to receive proxies that are returned to the Board for Annual Membership Meetings in the future, and that the neutral third party deliver the proxies unopened to the Annual Membership Meetings. A discussion followed. Dave Munger, CONO, said that CONO also offers neutral third party services for a fee, and he can present some ideas at the March Board meeting.
- Site Manager Report – January 2015 – R. Ringstrom:
Ringstrom reported that on Thursday, February 19, 2015, a resident reported oil leaking that had been dumped in the dumpster near 2120 Alicia Point and discussed the response using the CSFD and a contractor for the cleanup.
Miscellaneous Maintenance Expenses–“Approved InJanuary 2015”:
i.Clubhouse Janitorial - $75.00 +$4.99 Supplies = $79.99
ii.Water Leak - 2187 Denton Grove #103 – Plumbing Repairs - $1,794.95
iii.Dog Waste Cleanup Entire Property - $289.00
iv.Snow & Ice Removal - $7,269.00
v.Landscaping – Monthly - $2,544.75
vi.Electrical – Repair of Electrical Boxes Falling Off 3 Buildings - $156.00
vii.Pest Control - $115.00
viii.Clubhouse – Workout Room Equipment Maintenance - $125.00
ix.Colorado Springs Utilities – $1,658.58
x.Miscellaneous Maintenance – Clubhouse – Lighting Repairs - $30.00
xi.Miscellaneous Maintenance – Dumpster Gate Repairs - $25.00
xii.Arbors Fidelity (Crime) Insurance - $876.00
- 8:55 P.M. - Meeting Adjournment By President Ringstrom
- Board Contact Gmail:
Arbors Website: