Arbor Creek Apartments

Scholarship Application

Deadline: July 15 of each year

Arbor Creek Apartments will sponsor a scholarship that will provide a one bedroom apartment to serve as housing for a student pursuing a graduate degree at Midwestern State University. This scholarship will be needs based as determined by the scholarship committee according to the criteria listed below. This scholarship is for a one bedroom apartment and therefore available to graduate students with no more than one dependent (spouse or child). No pets are allowed.


  1. The recipient must either be in or remain in good academic standing and be making satisfactory progress in his/her graduate program.
  2. The recipient will pay no application fee or deposit to Arbor Creek Apartments.
  3. The recipient will be responsible for all utilities and any required deposits for utilities. Utilities include: electric, water, sewer, and trash.
  4. The recipient will be responsible for reporting this scholarship on his/her tax returns.
  5. The recipient and any other authorized occupants must consent to a credit check and criminal background check. He/She must meet Arbor Creek’s current acceptance guidelines. The recipient will be approved through credit check and criminal background check prior to the scholarship being awarded.
  6. The timeframe for the scholarship is one year. Recipients must be continually enrolled during the one year period of this award. Should the recipient not be enrolled, the student will be required to vacate the apartment. Recipients are ineligible to apply for subsequent Arbor Creek Scholarships.
  7. The recipient and any other authorized occupant will agree to abide by all normal tenant obligations. These include: all Community Policies and related rules and regulations and damages to the selected apartment above normal wear and tear.
  8. The value of the scholarship will range from $6500-$7500 depending on the one bedroom floor plan selected by Arbor Creek. Arbor Creek management will provide the selected floor plan and value of floor plan to the Vice President for University Advancement and Student Affairs at MSU.
  9. The final decision will be made by a scholarship committee appointed by MSU.
  10. The application and required documents must be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School, located in Hardin South 146, by July 15 of each year.

Required Information for all applicants:

Last Name: First Name: MI:

Mustangs ID Number: Email Address:

Mailing Address:

Phone Number:

Major: When do you expect to graduate?

How many hours do you plan to take in: Fall Spring

What is your current GPA? What are your cumulativeHours?

Are you married? Yes No

Do you have any children? Yes No If yes, do they live with you?

Please list any campus or community organizations or activities with which you are involved, awards and honors you have received, leadership experiences you have had, and any other significant commitments or hobbies:

Please provide the names of two faculty members who would be willing to serve as references for you: 1. 2.

Student’s Relationship to MSU’s Board of Regents Members

State law (Senate Bill 1325, TEC 51.969) requires that each student identify any relation to a current Board of Regent member. A student who is related to a current member of the governing board of that institution is prohibited from receiving scholarships unless the scholarship is awarded exclusively based on academic merit or is an athletic scholarship. It is a Class B misdemeanor to file a false statement.

Please review a list of current MidwesternStateUniversityBoard of Regents and then select the most appropriate answer below indicating your relation to any of the Board of Regent members.

Please select your answer:

Not related to a regent

Regent’s mother, father, daughter or son

Regent’s brother, sister, grandparent or grandchild

Regent’s great-grandchild, uncle (brother of parent), aunt (sister of parent), nephew (son of brother or sister), or niece (daughter of brother or sister)

Regent’s spouse; spouse’s child’s spouse’s mother or father; child’s spouse; or parent’s spouse

Regent’s spouse’s brother or sister; spouse’s grandparent; spouse’s grandchild; brother or sister’s spouse; grandparent’s spouse; or grandchild’s spouse

Need-based Eligibility Requirements:

Please provide the following information in order to determine financial need:

Please list your current places of employment, to include Graduate or Teacher Assistantship positions:

Current place of employment:


Current monthly salary:

Starting Date:

Current place of employment:


Current monthly salary:

Starting Date:

Any other monthly income, if applicable:

Child Support:



Other: Amount:

Other: Amount:

Do you expect to receive any other scholarships, grants or awards for the upcoming academic year?

Yes No

If yes, please list the names and amounts of the scholarships you expect to receive:

Name Amount

Name Amount

Name Amount

Current Living Expenses:

If your living expenses are shared, please list below the portion for which you are responsible.

Please provide the name and contact information for your most recent landlord:

Name Contact Information Amount of rent

Monthly estimated utility costs (electric, water, sewage, gas, cable, other)

Monthly estimated childcare expenses, if applicable:

Monthly Health Insurance expenses, if applicable:

Monthly Vehicle Payment, if applicable:

Monthly Vehicle Insurance, if applicable:

Other monthly loan payments, if applicable:

Other expenses, if applicable:

Name Amount

Name Amount

With this application, please also submit:

  • Your current resume.
  • An essay that explains how you will represent MSU, why you believe you are a good candidate for this scholarship and what receiving this scholarship would mean to you (no more than one typed page in length).

By signing below, I verify that the information included with my application is correct. I consent to all terms and requirements, including a criminal and financial background check if I am selected as the recipient of this scholarship. I authorize Maven Management and Arbor Creek Apartments to contact my previous landlord and check references. I understand that if I fail to submit all required documents, my application will not be considered.

Agreed to by: Date: