Aquatic Warbler Reference List
State: 01.06.2006
a) Special papers on Aquatic Warbler
Afanas'ev, V. T. [About Aquatic Warbler in Desna valley] [in Russian]. - Ornithologia 28: 237.
Afanas'ev, V. T.; Gavris', G. G.; Klestov, N. L. (1992): Ornitofauna Desnyanskoi poimi i eio okhrana [in Russian]. Institut Zoologii AN Ukraini, Kiev.
Anonymus (1983): [Red Data Book of Russian Federation (Animals)] Krasnaya kniga RSFSR (zhivotnie) [in Russian]. Rossel'khozizdat, Moscow.
Anonymus (1984): [Red Data Book of USSR] Krasnaya kniga SSSR [in Russian]. Moscow.
Atienza, J.C.; Pinilla, J. & Justribó, J. H. (2001): Migration and conservation of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Spain. Ardeola 48 (2): 197-208.
Aquatic Warbler Conservation Team, AWCT (1999): World population, trends and threat status of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. - Vogelwelt 120: 65-85.
Aquatic Warbler Conservation Lithuanian Team (2000): Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) Conservation Action Plan for Lithuania (2000-2005). - unpublished.
As'keev, I. V.; As'keev, O. I. (1994): [New records of rare birds in Tatarstan] [in Russian]. - Russkii ornithologicheskii jurnal 3 (2): 275-276.
Balatsky, N. N. (1992): [Nesting of Aquatic Warbler in Novosibirsk vicinity] [in Russian]. - Bull. MOIP, Biol. ser. Moscow 93 (3): 23-24.
Batten, L. A.; Bibby, C. J.; Clement, P.; Elliott, G. D.; Porter R. F. (eds.), (1990): Red data birds in Britain: action for rare, threatened and important species. – T. and A. D. Poyser London.
Bauer, H.-G.; Berthold, P. (1997): Die Brutvögel Mitteleuropas. Bestand und Gefährdung. Aula-Verlag Wiesbaden.
Baumung S.; Flade M.; Kalyakin M.V. (2000): [Some ornithological results of the survey of coasts of Kama water-reservior] Materiali k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'e i Zapadnoi Sibiri [in Russian]. Ekaterinburg: 7-9.
Becker, M. & Heyne, K-H (1990): Ein Seggenrohrsänger (Acrocephalus paludicola) bei Wittlich. Dendrocopos 17: 54-55
Beckshtrem, E. A. (1927): [On the fauna of mammals and birds of the Ryazan Meshchera] Materiali k izucheniyu flori i fauni Central'no-promishlennoi oblasti [in Russian]. Museum of Central Industrial Region Moscow: 32-33.
Belousov, Y. A. (1990): [Rare birds of Yaroslavl Region] Redkie vidi ptits Central'nogo Nechernozem'ya [in Russian]. Moscow: 33-35.
Bezzel, E 1995: Blauracke Coracias garrulus und Seggenrohrsänger Acrocephalus paludicola in Bayern - ein kurzer Überblick. Garmischer vogelkdl. Ber. 24: 27-34
Birkhead, T. R. (1993): Avian mating systems: The Aquatic Warbler is unique ... - TREE 8: 390-391.
Birkhead, T. R.; Moller, A. P. (1992): Sperm competition in birds. Evolutionary causes and consequences. Academic Press London.
Blinova T. K.; Kudryavtsev A. V.; Mukhacheva M. M.; Romanova N. A.; Gromishev I. V. (2001): [Rare birds of middle reaches of the Chyulim River] - Materiali k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'e i Zapadnoi Sibiri [in Russian]. Ekaterinburg: 53-54.
Bobkov, Y. V.; Toropov, K. V.; Shorn, E. L.; Yudkin, V.A. (1997): [To the bird fauna of south taiga of West-Siberian Plain] - Materiali k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'e i Zapadnoi Sibiri [in Russian]. Ekaterinburg: 14-21.
Bochenski, Z. & P. Kusnierczyk (2003): Nesting of the Acrocephalus warblers. Acta zoologica cracoviensia 46 (2): 97-195.
Borodin, O. V.; Korol'kov, M. A. (1998): [Records of rare birds in Moscow Region] [in Russian]. In: V. T. But'ev (ed.): Redkie vidi ptits nechernozemnogo centra Rossii, Moscow: 47-49.
Buturlin S. A. (1908): [Interesting records] [in Russian]. - Nasha okhota 1: 3-8.
Catchpole, C. K.; Leisler, B. (1989): Variation in the song of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in response to playback of different song structures. - Behaviour 108: 125-138.
Catchpole, C. K.; Leisler, B. (1996): Female Aquatic Warblers (Acrocephalus paludicola) are attracted by playback of longer and more complicated song. - Behaviour 133: 1153-1164.
Chadwick, P (1984): Aquatic Warbler and steaked Sedge Warbler. Brit. Birds 77: 378
Christoleit, E . (1935): Zum Gesang des Seggenrohrsängers. Beitr. FortpflBiol. Vögel 11: 7-11
Collar, N. J.; Crosby, M. J.; Stattersfield, A. J. (1994): Birds to watch 2: the world list of threatened birds. BirdLife International Cambridge.
Cramp, S. (ed.)(1992): The birds of the western Palearctic. Oxford University Press Oxford.
Datskevich, V. A. (1972): [Avifauna of Bialowiez Forest and its vicinities] [in Russian]. - Bialowiez Forest Researches 5: 184-222.
de By, R. A. (1990): Migration of Aquatic Warbler in western Europe. - Dutch Birding 12: 165-181.
Dorofeev, A. M. (ed.)(1993): [Red Data book of the Republic of Belarus, Belarusian Encyclopedia] [in Russian and Belarusian].
Dittberner, H. & Dittberner, W. (1976): Der Seggenrohrsänger im Bezirk Frankfurt/O. Falke 23: 78-81.
Dyrcz, A. (1989): Polygyny in the Aquatic Warbler. - Ibis 131: 298-300.
Dyrcz, A. (1993a): Nesting biology of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in the Biebrza marshes (NE Poland). - Vogelwelt 114: 2-15.
Dyrcz, A. (1993b): Biometrical differences between sexes in the breeding population of Aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. - Ringing & Migration 14: 149-151.
Dyrcz, A 1994: Aquatic Warbler. In Tucker, G. M., Heath, M. F., Tomialojc, L. & Grimmet R. F. A.: Birds in Europe - their conservation status, pp. 394-395. BirdLife International, Cambridge
Dyrcz, A. (1995): Wodniczka Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieill.) - ptak o niezwyklej biologii rozrodu. - Wiadomosci ecologiczne 3: 117-185.
Dyrcz, A.; Borowiec, M.; Czapulak, A. (1994): Nestling growth and mating system in four Acrocephalus species. - Vogelwarte 37: 179-182.
Dyrcz, A.; Czeraszkiewicz, R. (1993): Liczebność, zagrożenia i sposoby ochrony populacji lęgowej (Acrocephalus paludicola) w Polsce. - Not. Ornit. 34: 3-4.
Dyrcz, A., Borowiec, M. & Czapulak, A. (1994): Nestling growth and mating system in four Acrocephalus species. Vogelwarte 37: 179-182
Dyrcz, A., A. Kruszewicz & M. Wink (2003): Male paternal success in the promiscuous aquatic warbler. Vogelwarte 42: 130.
Dyrcz, A.; Okulewicz, J.; Witkowski, J.; Jesionowski, J.; Nawrocki, P.; Winiecki, A. (1984): Ptaki torfowisk niskich Kotliny Biebrzanskiej, Opracowanie faunistyczne. - Acta orn. 20: 1-108.
Dyrcz, A., H. Sauer-Gürth, E. Tkadlec & M. Wink (2004): Offspring sex ratio variation in relation to brood size and mortality in a promiscuous species: the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Ibis 146: 269-280.
Dyrcz, A., Wink, M., Backhaus, Zdunek, W., Leisler, B. & Schulze-Hagen, K. (2002): XXX J. Ornithol. 143: 430-439
Dyrcz, A., M. Wink, A. Kruszewicz & B. Leisler (2005): Male reproductive success is correlated with blood parasite levels and body condition in the promiscuous Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola). Auk 122 (2): 558-565.
Dyrcz, A.; Zdunek, W. (1993a): Breeding statistics of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola on the Biebrza Marshes, northeast Poland. - J. Ornithol. 134: 317-323.
Dyrcz, A.; Zdunek, W. (1993b): Breeding ecology of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola on the Biebrza marshes, north-east Poland. - Ibis 135: 181-189.
Efimov, A. (1907): [Migration and reproduction of birds in the Oka River source in 1906] [in Russian]. - Izvestiya Obshchestva dlya issledovaniya prirodi Orlovskoi Gubernii 5: 1-33.
Ehlers, R., Kuhlemann, P. & Schmidt, M. (1961): Brutvorkommen des Seggenrohrsängers in den „Spätingen“ des Adolfskooges. Zwischen zwei Meeren 7: 9-11
Erard, C. (1961): Acrocephalus paludicola a niché en France. Alauda 29: 193-195
Filatov, V. A. (1915): Ptitsi Kaluzhskoi Gubernii [Birds of Kaluga District] [in Russian]. Moscow.
Fischer, S.; Bellebaum, J. (2001): Wiesenbrütern auf der Spur: Nationalpark Unteres Odertal - Heimat der letzten Seggenrohrsänger Deutschlands. - Berlin-Brandenburger Naturmagazin 15: 40-41.
Flade, M. (2001): In der Weite Sibiriens: eine Expedition auf der Suche nach dem Seggenrohrsänger. - Naturschutz heute 33: 48-49.
Flumm, D. S. (1984): Identification pitfalls: Aquatic Warbler. Brit. Birds 77: 377-378
Garushants, K. Y.; Morozov, V. V.; Mischenko, A. L. (1990): [New data on the occurrence and nesting of rare birds of Podmoskov'e] [in Russian]. - Ornithologia 24: 144-145.
Gengler, J.; Kawelin, E. (1909): Die Vögel von Koselsk und Umgebung. - Ornithologisches Jahrbuch 5/6: 165-191 (p. 174).
Gießing, B. (2002): Viele Väter für eine Brut – vorteilhaft oder unausweichlich für das Weibchen? Zum Paarungssystem und zur Populationsgenetik des Seggenrohrsängers (Acrocephalus paludicola). Diss. Univ. Köln.
Gladkov, N. A.; Ptushenko, E. S. (1934): [Experience of analysis of nea-lake bird fauna of Pereyaslavl Area] [in Russian]. - Ivanovskaya Promishlennaya zona 13 (2): 333-360.
Gloe, P. & Lensch, A. (1993): Ein neuer Singplatz des Seggenrohrsängers Acrocephalus paludicola im westlichen Schleswig-Holstein. Corax 15 (2): 160-162
Glowacinski, Z. (1992): Polska czerwona ksiega zwierzat [Polish Red Data Book of animals]. Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw.
Golubev, S. V.; Rusinov, A. A. (1998): [Modern list of rare bird species of Yaroslavl Region] Redkie vidi ptits nechernozemnogo centra Rossii [in Russian]. Moscow: 67-70.
Grange, P. (1978): Observation printanière du Phragmite aquatique Acrocephalus paludicola dans les Ardennes francaises. Oiseaux 48: 383
Grave, G. L. (1926): [Avifauna description of Smolensk Region] Obshchestvo izucheniya prirodi Smolenskogo kraya [in Russian]. - Proceeding of the society of the Smolensk Region investigation, Smolensk 3: 1-164.
Grazhdan K. V. (2000): [New species in ornithofauna of Tyumen Region] - Materiali k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'e i Zapadnoi Sibiri [in Russian]. Ekaterinburg: 64.
Grishanov, G. V. (1990): [Rare nesting birds of Kaliningrad Region and their conservation] Redkie vidi ptits Central'nogo Nechernozem'ya [in Russian]. Rare bird species of center of Nechernozem'e, Moscow: 163-164.
Groombridge, B. (ed.)(1993): 1994 IUCN Red List of threatened animals. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Gland (Switzerland) and Cambridge.
Gyngazov, A. M.; Milovidov, S. P. (1977): Ornitofauna Zapadno-Sibirskoi ravnini [Ornithofauna of West-Siberian Plain] [in Russian]. Tomsk.
Hagemann, K. (1941): Lokal häufiges Brutvorkommen des Seggenrohrsängers (Acrocephalus paludicola [Vieillot]) am Dümmer. - Deutsche Vogelwelt 66: 145-147.
Hahn, V. (1961): Seggenrohrsänger (Acrocephalus paludicola) an der Unterelbe. Mitt. Faunist. Argebeitsgem. Schleswig-Holstein 14: 3-4
Halupka, L. (1993): Nest defence in the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola: The in-fluence of offspring age, brood size, season and predation type. - Unpubl. Thesis Dept. Avian Ecology, Wroclaw University, Poland.
Heise, G. (1970): Zur Brutbiologie des Seggenrohrsängers (Acrocephalus paludicola). - J. Ornithol. 11: 54-67.
Heise, G. (1970): Zum Brutvorkommen des Seggenrohrsängers, Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieillot), im Norden der DDR. Beitr. Tierwelt Mark VI: 77-87.
Heise, G. (1974): Der Seggenrohrsänger - eine vom Aussterben bedrohte Art. Falke 21: 6-10.
Heise,G. (1977): Seggenrohrsänger - Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieill. 1817). In: Klafs, G. & J Stübs (Hrsg.): Die Vogelwelt Mecklenburgs. 1. Aufl. Jena: S. 232.
Helmecke, A., J. Bellebaum, S. Fischer & J. Sadlik (2003): Ungewisse Zukunft: Der Seggenrohrsänger (A. p.) in Brandenburg. J. Orn. 144: 24 (Tagungsbeitrag).
Helmecke, A., D. Sellin, S. Fischer, J. Sadlik & J. Bellebaum (2003): Die aktuelle Situation des Seggenrohrsängers Acrocephalus paludicola in Deutschland. Ber. Vogelschutz 40:81-90.
Heredia, B. (1993): The status and conservation of Aquatic Warbler. Birding World 6: 294-295
Heredia, B.; Rose, L.; Painter, M. (1996): Globally threatened birds in Europe. Action Plans. Council of Europe Strasbourg.
Hesse E. (1910): Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen während des Jahres 1909. J. Orn. 58: 489-519.
Hesse, E. (1911): Beobachtungen und Aufzeichnungen während des Jahres 1910. J. Orn. 59: 361-383.
Hesse, E. (1914): Die Vögel der Havelländischen Luchgebiete. J. Orn. 62: 334-386.
Heuwinkel, H. (1983): Biotopakustische Aspekte zum Gesang des Seggenrohrsängers. Vortrag 94. Jahresvers. DOG. J. Orn. 124: 321
Hlebeshko, V. G. (1991): Gnezdovanye vertlyavoij kamyshevki (Acrocephalus paludicola) w Zhitomirskoij oblast. - Vestn. Zool. 5: 86.
Ioffe, G. V. (1990): Sel'skoe khozyaistvo Nechernozem'ya: territorial'nie problemi [Farming of Nechernozem'ie: local aspects] [in Russian]. - Nauka, Moscow: 163 p.
Isakov, Y. A. (1982): [Degree of knowledge about avifauna of USSR] [in Russian]. In: V. D. Il'ichev, V. E. Flint et al. (eds.): Ptitsi SSSR, Moscow: 208-227.
Isenmann, P. (1979): Wo überwintert der Seggenrohrsänger (Acrocephalus paludicola)? Beitr. Vogelkde. 25: 366-367.
Izmailov, I. V. (1990): [List of rare breeding birds of Vladimir Region] Redkie vidi ptits Central'nogo Nechernozem'ya [in Russian]. Moscow: 43-44.
Johansen, H. (1954): Die Vogelfauna Westsiberiens. II Teil. Systematic und Verbreitung, Oekologie und Biologie der Einzelarten, 2. Fortsetzung: Muscicapidae-Sylviidae. - J. Ornithol. 95 (1/2): 64-110.
Joiris, C. (1975): The origin of British Aquatic Warblers. Brit. Birds 68: 519.
Jubete, F. (2001): La migración del carricerín cejudo en España. Quercus 184: 18-23.
Kalyakin, M. V. (1996): Aquatic Warbler in Russia. - Unpublished report for BirdLife/Vogelbescherming Nederland, Moscow: 45 p.
Kalyakin M. V. (2001): [Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieillot, 1817)] - Krasnaya Kniga Rossiiskoi Federatcii (zhivotnie) [Red Data Book of Russian Federation (animals)] [in Russian]. Moscow, AST, Astrel: 551-552.
Kalyakin M.V.; Flade M.; Gissing B.; Koerner S.; Kloskovskii J.; Kozulin A.V.; Kroguletc J.; Morozov V.V.; Ryslavi T.; Soloviev S.A.; Winter S. (2000) [Avifaunal records in Omsk Region] - Materiali k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'e i Zapadnoi Sibiri [in Russian]. Ekaterinburg: 92–94.
Kazakov V. P. (2000): [Birds of vicinities of Perm] - Materiali k rasprostraneniyu ptits na Urale, v Priural'e i Zapadnoi Sibiri [in Russian]. Ekaterinburg: 78–88.
Kirman, G. (1992): A record of Aquatic Warbler from Turkey. - Turkey Orn. So. Middle East Bull 28: 18-19.
Kloskowski, J.; Krogulec, J. (1999): Habitat selection by Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Poland: consequences for conservation of the breeding areas. - Vogelwelt 120: 113-120.
Kopylov P. V. [Discovery Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in «Bolshaia Kokshaga» Reserve, Mari El Republic] - Ornithologia 29: 298.
Kovács, G. (1982): A csíkosfej nádiposzáta (Acrocephalus paludicola) terjeszkedése a Hortobágyon. - Mad. Táj. 4: 277-280.
Kovács, G. (1991): A csíkosfej nádiposzáta Magyarországon [The Aquatic Warbler in Hungary]. – Unpublished Report: 1-7.
Kovács, G. (1994): Population increase and expansion of the Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) on the Hortobágy between 1977 and 1994. - Aquila 101: 133-143.
Kovács, G. (2002): Recent changes in the habitat selection of Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) on the Hortobagy. Aquila 107/108: 127-128.
Kovács, G.; Végvári, Z. (1999): The Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Hungary. - Vogelwelt 120: 121-125.
Kozulin, A.; Flade, M. (1999): Breeding habitat, abundance and threat status of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Belarus. - Vogelwelt 120 (2): 97-111.
Kozulin, A, Flade, M, Grichik, V. 1999. Fen mires and the benefit of mobility: a hypothesis for the origin of promiscuity in Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola. Subbuteo 2: 11-17.
Kozulin, A. V.; Flade, M.; Tishechkin, A. K.; Pareyko, O. A. (1998): Recent distribution and number of Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) in Belarus. - Subbuteo 1: 3-16.
Kozulin A., Vergeichik L., Stepanovich Y. 2004. Factors affecting fluctuations of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola population of Byelarussian mires. - Acta Ornithol. 39: 48-55.
Krogulec, J. (1995): Inwentaryzacja wodniczki (Acrocephalus paludicola) w Basenie Poludniowym Biebrzy [in Polish]. - Technical Report OTOP.
Krogulec, J.; Kloskowski, J. (1997): Występowanie, liczebnooć i wybiórczooć siedliskowa wodniczki (Acrocephalus paludicola) w Polsce w 1997 roku [in Polish]. - Technical Report OTOP.
Krogulec, J.; Kloskowski, J. (1998): Occurrence, Number and Habitat Selection of the Aquatic Warbler in Poland in 1997. - unpublished report, OTOP.
Krogulec, J. & Kloskowski, J. (2003). Monitoring Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola in Poland. – Ornis Hungarica 12-13: 191-196.
Kuznetsov, L. A. (1967): Nesting of Aquatic Warbler in the Penza Region [in Russian]. - Ornithologia 8: 362-363.
Kuznetsov, N. V.; Mackoveeva, I. M. (1959): Zhivotnii mir Yaroslavskoi Oblasti [Animal world of Yaroslavl Region] [in Russian]. Knizhnoe izdatel'stvo Yaroslavl.
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Leisler, B. (1981): Die ökologische Einnischung der mitteleuropäischen Rohrsänger (Acrocephalus, Sylviinae) I. Habitattrennung. - Vogelwarte 31: 45-74.
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Leisler, B. (1988): Intra- und interspezifische Agression bei Schilf- und Seggenrohrsänger (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, A. paludicola): Ein Fall akustischer Verwechselung? - Vogelwarte 34: 281-290.
Leisler, B.; Catchpole, C. K. (1992): The evolution of polygamy in European reed warblers of genus Acrocephalus: a comparative approach. - Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 4: 225-243.
Leisler, B.; Ley, H.-W.; Winkler, H. (1989): Habitat, behavior and morphology of Acrocephalus warblers: an integrated analysis. - Ornis Skand. 20: 181-186.
Lewartowski, Z., Walankiewicz, W. & Wesołowski, T. (1972): Występowanie wodniczki pod Koninem. Not. Przyr. 6: 34-36
Mauer, K. (1980): Captures of Aquatic Warblers on Putten in 1970-73. Dutch Birding 1: 122
Mester, H. (1967): Über den Zug des Seggenrohrsängers. - Anthus 4: 1-6.
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Paltanavicius, S. (1992): Red Data Book of Lithuania. Environmental Protection Department of the Republic of Lithuania Vilnius.
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