AQA – English Language Paper 2 (new spec)


/ AOs covered / What does Q assess- what do students need to look for / Marking bands, where marks are awarded.
1.List 4 things from () about () / AO1 Implicit/explicit, select and synthesise evidence / Shade in FOUR true statements
2.You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question.
(For example: The laws which apply to children working are different in the two time periods.)
Use details from both Sources to write a summary of the different laws / AO1
 Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas
 Select and synthesise evidence from different texts
To ensure AO met, after point with quotations,
This might suggest …
You could infer … / it is an “assessment of synthesis
  • pick out the point of connection in the question
  • search out the textual details relevant to the focus of the question
  • ask themselves: what does this lead me to infer/realise/appreciate about what I’ve been asked to focus on?
  • bring the two sets of details (and implied meanings) together in their own writing”
quotes used to inform– not to analyse. develop ability to make interpretations in relation to the question focus, eg:
  • what does this suggest to me about ….?
  • what might I imply from this about …?
  • what does it make me realise …?
/ Lvl 4 (7-8 marks)Shows perceptive synthesis/interpretationof both texts:perceptive inferences, textual detail relevant to the focus, perceptive differences
Level 3 (5-6 marks) - CLEARsynthesis and interpretation of
both texts. Clear inferences, clear textual details, clear differences
Level 2(3-4 marks) –Some interpretation from one or both
Attemptssome inference, some appropriate quotes, some difference between texts
Level 1 (1-2 marks) - SIMPLE awarenessOffers paraphrase rather than inference, simple reference from one or both text, simple differences.
3.You now need to refer only to Source B.
How does the boy use language to explain the situation he was in? / AO2 – Explain, comment and analyse – language structure to achieve effects and influence – using relevant terminology to support views / Look for word patterns , phrases, language features, language techniques, sentence forms
Look for sentence length to enhance mood, adjectives to enhance description, patterns in words or phrases, imagery (simile) adding to overall piece - command word: HOW - look for word patterns, phrases, language features, language techniques, sentence forms. Get students to look for sentence length to enhance mood, adjectives to enhance description, patterns in words or phrases, imagery (simile) adding to overall piece. / Level 4 (7-8 marks)Analyses effects of LANGUAGE, quotes and terminology sophisticated or confidently
Level 3 (5-6 marks) - CLEAR understandingExplains effect of choices, relevant quotes, terminology accurate
Level 2(3-4 marks) - Understanding of languageAttempts to comment on effect, relevant quotes, some terminology
Level 1 (1-2 marks) - SIMPLE awareness
Offers simple comments language/quotes/terminology
4.For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A together with the whole of Source B.
Compare how each Source conveys the issue of ………
In your answer, you could:
 compare the different issues
 compare the methods used to convey the issues
 support your response with references to both texts. / AO3
Compare writers’ ideas and perspectives, as well as how these are conveyed, across two or more texts
Convey (or its equivalent) requires students to consider effects of language as well as other methods (techniques) used by the writer to convey meaning. / This can be through different methods such as: direct address, word groups (adjectives), hyperbole, tone, dialogue, tone of the writing, use of image to reinforce meaning, testimonies, foregrounding or emphasis, bias (what is present or omitted), level of selectivity of information etc.
“This highlights the fact that writers craft their writing deliberately and use a range of techniques and methods in order to achieve their desired effect and create an impact on the reader.” A writer’s choices can tell the reader a lot about the writers own feelings towards a particular issue. / Level 4 (16-20 marks) – Compares ideas/perspectives in perceptiveway Analyses how writers’methods used
-judicioussupporting detail -detailed understanding of different ideas/perspectives in bothtexts
Level 3 (11-15 marks) – Compares ideas/perspectives clear relevant  Explains clearly how writers’ methods used relevant supporting detail  clear understandingof different ideas/perspectives in both texts
Level 2 (6-10 marks) Attempts to compare ideas/perspectives
 Makes some comment on methods  Selects some appropriatetextual detail/references, notalways supporting from one orboth texts Identifies some differences
Level 1 (1-5 marks) Makes simple cross referenceof ideas and perspectives simple identification ofwriters’ methods simple references from one orboth texts simple awareness ofideas and/or perspectives
Writing to persuade, inform, explain, argue
AO5 – content and organisation
Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, selecting and adapting tone, style and register for different forms purposes and audiences, organise info and ideas using structural and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts. (24 marks) / U Level 4 (22-24 marks)content convincing and crafted, organisation is structured developed complex and varied – communication convincing, tone, style matched, ambitious vocab and linguistic devices, highly structured complex ideas, fluently linked paragraphs, discourse markers, varied inventive structural features
L Level 4 (19-21 marks)content convincing and crafted, organisation is structured developed complex and varied – communication convincing, tone, style matched, extensive vocab and linguistic devices, structured complex ideas, linked paragraphs, discourse markers, varied effective structural features
U Level 3 16-18 marks)content is clear and chosen for effect, organisation is engaging connected – Consistent clearcommunicationand effective, tone, style matched to audience/purpose, increasing vocab chosen, linguistic devices, detailed connected ideas, coherent paragraphs, discourse markers, effective structural features
L Level 3 (13-15 marks)content is clear and chosen for effect, organisation is engaging connected-Clearcommunication tone, style matched to audience/purpose, vocab chosen, linguistic devices, connected ideas, coherent paragraphs, discourse markers, usuallyeffective structural features
U Level 2 (10-12 marks)content is successful and controlled organisation is linked/relevant and paragraphed -Some success, attempts to match audience/purpose, vocab chosen and linguistic devices, variety of linked ideas, some use of paragraphs, discourse markers, structuralfeatures
L Level 2 (7-9 marks) content is successful and controlled organisation is linked/relevant and paragraphed – -Attempted success, attempts to match audience/purpose, vocab chosen and linguistic devices, variety of linked ideas, attempted use of paragraphs, discourse markers, structural features
U Level 1 (4-6 marks)content is simple, organisation is simple and limited – Simple awareness of meaning, simple vocab, simple sense of purpose/audience. Random paragraphs, some linked ideas, simple structural features,
L Level 1 (1-3 marks)content is simple, organisation is simple and limited - some meaning, simple vocab, occasional sense of purpose/audience. No paragraphs, unlinked ideas, no structural features,
AO6- Technical Accuracy – must use range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect with accurate spelling and punctuation / Level 4 –(13-16 marks) sentence consistentlysecure, consistently accurate, wide range punctuation accurately used, full range of sentence forms, secure grammatical structures, high level spelling, extensive and ambitious vocab
Level 3 –(9-12 marks) sentence mostly secure, mostly accurate, range punctuation mostly accurately used, varietyof sentence forms, controlled grammatical structures, generally accurate spelling, increasing vocab
Level 2 (5-8 marks) sentence mostly secure, some control punctuation, attempts sentence forms, some accurate spelling, varied vocab
Level 1 (1-4 marks) occasional sentence demarcation, some punctuation, basic spelling, simple vocab