Apushistory Semester 1 Review Sheet

Apushistory Semester 1 Review Sheet

apushistory semester 1 review sheet

-iran contra scandal

-impact of reaganomics

-supply-side economics

-perceptions of reagan era vs. real truth

-conditions in europe why europeans settled this land

-native tribes/confederacies before europeans

-voyages of spain and portugal

-columbian exchange

-differences between chesapeake, new england and restoration colonies

-anne hutchinson, jonathand edwards, john winthrop

-headright system

-beginnings of slavery in americas-triangle trade, cash crops, elkins theory

-how colonies became unified, culture of colonies

-proclamation of 1763

-french and indian war include whom it was fought, causes and outcomes

-events leading up to revolution (you have a worksheet on this)

-salutary neglect

-declaration of independence

-battles of american revolution

-olive branch petition

-intolerable acts

-thomas paine, common sense

-ARticles of confederation including its strengths and weaknesses

-shays’ rebellion

-land ordinance and northwest ordinance—what did they state? how did they help expansion?

-federalist reasons vs. antifederalists

-us Constitution including ratification, bill of rights—1st amendment!, compromises-slavery, representation, power of the branches

-impact of washington’s “split” cabinet

-loose vs. strict constructionists

-embargo act


-whiskey rebellion

-hamilton vs. jefferson and their opposing views

-washington’s warnings about direction of nation

-xyz affair, alien/sedition acts

-great awakening

-election of 1800 and its significanc

-major events of jefferson’s presidency

-war of 1812-causes, purpose, outcomes

-treaty of ghent

-adams-onis treaty

-hartford convention

-king cotton

-black codes

-slave life (nat turner, condition of slaves)

-impact of cotton gin

-monroe doctrine

-the american system

-marbury vs. madison

-missouri compromise

-appearance of sectional differences b/w north and south

-market revolution

-lowell girls

-gag rule

-corrupt bargain

-putting-out system

-impact of cash economy

-jackson’s presidency—pet banks, panics, trail of tears, destruction of national bank, common man, modern politics

-specie circular

-second american party system/whigs

-antebellum period

-apologists’ view of slavery

-uncle tom’s cabin

-reform! abolition, temperance, education, moral reform, transcendentalism, societal reform, suffrage, its leaders and impact

-seneca falls convention

-cult of domesticity

-manifest destiny, westward movement

-government policy towards native americans

-gold rush

-james k. polk

-westward trails

-west vs. south vs. north sectionalism

-clay, calhoun, webster

-alamo, texas’ indepdence movement


-mexican american war-causes, outcomes, protest

-treaty of guadalupe hidalgo

-wilmot proviso

-events leading to civil war-1830-1850

-1850 Compromise

-bleeding kansas

-lecompton constitution

-buchanan, pierce, fillmore’s presidencies and failure to act

-know-nothing party/free soilers

-underground rr

-fugitive slave law

-compromise of 1850

-popular sovereignty

-dred scott v sandford

-sumner day!

-lincoln-douglas debates (freeport doctrine) impact

-1860 election and outcomes

-basics on the civil war