APUSH Unit 13 Kennedy through Carter. Pageant Ch 39, 40. Flag Ch 28, 29.

Pageant Ch 39 HW: The Stormy Sixties, 1960-1968.


1. Analyze the theory and practice of Kennedy’s doctrine of “flexible response” in Asia and Latin America.

2. Describe LBJ’s Great Society successes and failures.

3. Discuss the civil rights movement and cultural rebellions of the 1960s.

4. Discuss the escalation of the Vietnam War and the conflicts it created at home.


  1. Describe some of the highlights of JFK’s “New Frontier.”
  2. What was the significance of the Berlin Wall?
  3. Why did JFK and Secretary McNamara develop the doctrine of “flexible response”?
  4. How did JFK react to the attempts to overthrow Ngo Dinh Diem of Vietnam?
  5. Describe the Alliance for Progress.
  6. Describe the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
  7. Describe the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  8. Describe the assassination of President Kennedy.
  9. Explain Barry Goldwater’s positions in the election of 1964.
  10. List some of the achievements of the “War on Poverty.”
  11. What are Medicare and Medicaid?
  12. Describe the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.
  13. Describe Project Head Start.
  14. Who were the Freedom Riders?
  15. Why did Attorney General Robert Kennedy spy on Martin Luther King, Jr.?
  16. Describe Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
  17. Who was Medgar Evers?
  18. Explain the major points of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  19. Describe the 24th Amendment (1964).
  20. Describe the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  21. Describe the beliefs and positions of Malcolm X.
  22. Describe Stokely Carmichael’s “Black Power.”
  23. Describe the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  24. What specific cities and towns saw the most notable racial violence in the 1960s?
  25. Describe the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
  26. Describe LBJ’s escalation and Operation Rolling Thunder.
  27. Describe the Six-Day War in 1967.
  28. Describe some of the protests against the Vietnam War.
  29. How did LBJ use the CIA and FBI against the antiwar movement?
  30. Describe the Tet Offensive.
  31. Why did LBJ withdraw from the 1968 presidential campaign?
  32. Describe the riots at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
  33. Describe the American Independent candidacy of George Wallace.
  34. What was the counterculture?
  35. Explain “trust no one over thirty.”
  36. What were the major themes of beat poets such as Allen Ginsburg and writers such as Jack Kerouac?
  37. Describe the “Free Speech Movement” at Berkeley.
  38. Briefly describe the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
  39. Explain the significance of the Stonewall Inn.
  40. Who were the SDS and the Weathermen?

Pageant Ch 40 HW: The Stalemated Seventies, 1968-1980.


1. Describe the conduct of the Vietnam War under Nixon and Ford.

2. Analyze domestic events and policy during the 1970s, including Watergate and stagflation.

3. Analyze the successes and failures of the détente with Moscow and the opening to Beijing (Peking).

4. Discuss foreign policy under Ford and Carter.


  1. Explain “Vietnamization” and the Nixon Doctrine.
  2. What was the “silent majority”?
  3. What was the significance of My Lai?
  4. Why did Nixon order the bombing of Cambodia?
  5. What happened at Kent State University?
  6. What was the 26th Amendment and why was it passed?
  7. What were the Pentagon Papers?
  8. What was “peace with honor”?
  9. Who was Pol Pot?
  10. Explain the War Powers Act of 1973.
  11. Describe the Yom Kippur War (October 1973).
  12. How did the Arab oil embargo lead to an energy crisis?
  13. List some of the causes of the economic troubles of the 1970s.

Briefly summarize the effects of these major Warren Court decisions:

  1. Griswold v. Connecticut (1965):
  2. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963):
  3. Escobedo v. Illinois (1964):
  4. Miranda v. Arizona (1966):
  5. Engel v. Vitale (1962):
  1. By 1971, how had Nixon changed the composition of the Supreme Court?
  2. How did Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan promote affirmative action?
  3. List some of the environmental laws and agencies created during Nixon’s administration.
  4. What was the significance of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring?
  5. What actions did Nixon take in response to rising inflation?
  6. What was the “southern strategy”?
  7. Describe George McGovern’s candidacy for the 1972 Democratic nomination.
  8. Why did Nixon seek détente with China and the Soviet Union separately?
  9. What was the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty?
  10. What were the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks?
  11. How did both the US and the USSR work around these agreements?
  12. What is Title IX of the Education Amendments?
  13. Explain the Equal Rights Amendment and its eventual fate.
  14. How did Supreme Court decisions in Reed v. Reed and Roe v. Wade support modern feminism?
  15. How did Supreme Court decisions affect integration (Milliken) and affirmative action (Bakke)?
  16. How did the Native American civil rights movement differ from that of African-Americans?
  17. What event marked the beginning of the Watergate scandal?
  18. What was CREEP?
  19. What was the significance of the White House tapes?
  20. What was the Supreme Court’s decision in US v. Nixon (July 1974)?
  21. Describe Richard Nixon’s resignation.
  22. Describe Gerald Ford’s pardon of Nixon.
  23. Explain the Helsinki Accords.
  24. Describe the end of the Vietnam War and its consequences for America.
  25. Describe the appeal of Jimmy Carter in the 1976 election.
  26. Describe the economic troubles, including stagflation, faced by Ford and Carter.
  27. Describe the “malaise speech” (pg.973).
  28. Describe the Camp David Accords.
  29. What did Carter do with the Panama Canal?
  30. Describe the Iranian Revolution of 1979.
  31. Why did the Senate refuse to ratify SALT II?
  32. Describe Carter’s reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
  33. Describe the Iranian Hostage Crisis.