APUSH: ID/Sig Ch. 2-28

Ch. 2

1. Royal Colonies:

2. Proprietary Colonies:

3. Primogeniture:

4. Roanoke Island:

5. Joint-Stock Company

6. Jamestown:

7. First Anglo-Powhatan War:

8. Second Anglo-Powhatan War:

9. Protestant Reformation

10. Act of Toleration

11. Barbados Slave Code

12. squatters

13. buffer

14. Iroquois Confederacy

15. Henry VIII

16. Elizabeth 1

17. Sir Francis Drake

18. Sir Walter Raleigh

20. James 1

21. Captain John Smith

22. Powhatan

23. Pocahontas

24. Lord De La Warr

25. John Rolfe

26. Lord Baltimore

27. James Oglethorpe

Ch. 3

1. Calvinism

2. Conversion

3. Puritans

4. Separatists

5. Mayflower Compact

6. Massachusetts Bay Colony

7. Great Migration

8. FundamentaOrders

9. PequotWar

10. King Philip's War

11. Dominion of New England

12. Navigation Laws

13. Glorious (Bloodless) Revolution

14. Salutary Neglect


William Bradford

John Winthrop

Anne Hutchinson

Roger Williams


Metacom (King Philip)

Charles II

Sir Edmond Andros

Henry Hudson

Peter Stuyvesant

Duke of York

William Penn

Ch. 4

indentured servants

headright system

Bacon’s Rebellion

Royal African Company

Middle passage

New York slave revolt

South Carolina slave revolt

Congregational church


Half-Way Covenant

Salem Witch Trials

Leisler’s Rebellion

William Berkeley

Nathaniel Bacon

Anthony Johnson

Ch. 5

Paxton Boys

Regulator movement

Triangular Trade

Molasses Act

The Great Awakening

Old Lights

New Lights

Poor Richard's Almanac

Peter Zenger and the Trial

Royal colonies

Proprietary colonies

Jacobus Arminius

Jonathan Edwards

George Whitefield

John Trumbull

John Singleton Copley

Phillis Wheatley

Ch. 6


Coureurs de Bois


King William’s War

Queen Anne's War

War of Jenkins's Ear

King George's War

French and Indian War (Seven Years' War)

Albany Congress 1754


Battle of Quebec

Pontiac's uprising

Proclamation of 1763

Louis XIV

Samuel de Champlain

Edward Braddock (general)

William Pitt

James Wolfe

Ottawa Chief Pontiac

Ch. 7


radical Whigs


Sugar Act

Quartering Act

Stamp Act

Royal Veto

George Grenville

Stamp Act Congress

nonimportation agreements

Son/Daughters of Liberty

Declaratory Act

Townshend Acts

Boston Massacre

Lord North

Samuel Adams

British East India Company

Boston Tea Party

Boston Port Act

New Quartering Act

Quebec Act

First Continental Congress of 1774

Declaration of Rights

The Association

Lexington and Concord


Marquis de Lafayette

Ch. 8

Second Continental Congress

Battle of Bunker Hill

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense


Richard Henry Lee

natural rights

Declaration of Independence

Loyalists, Tories, Patriots, and Whigs

Battle of Long Island

General William Howe

Battle of Saratoga

Treaty of Paris

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Paine

Richard Henry Lee

General Burgoyne

General Benedict Arnold

Baron von Steuben

Battle of Saratoga

General Nathanael Greene

Treaty of Fort Stanwix


Battle of Yorktown

Admiral de Grasse

John Jay

Treaty of Paris 1783


Ch. 9


Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Civic virtue

Articles of Confederation

Old Northwest

Land Ordinance of 1785

Northwest Ordinance

Shay’s Rebellion

Virginia Plan

New Jersey Plan

Great Compromise

Three-fifths compromise



The Federalist

Lord Sheffield

Daniel Shays

Patrick Henry

Alexander Hamilton

20. Thomas Jefferson

Ch. 10

Bill of Rights

Judiciary Act of 1789

Funding at par



Bank of the United States

Whiskey Rebellion

Reign of Terror

Neutrality Proclamation

Treaty of Greenville

Jay's Treaty

Pinckney's Treaty

Farewell Address

XYZ Affair

Convention of 1800

Alien Laws

Sedition Act

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

Edmond Genet

John Jay

John Adams

22. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Ch. 11

Revolution of 1800


Judiciary Act of 1801

Midnight judges

Marbury v. Madison

Tripolitan War

Louisiana Purchase

Orders in Council


Embargo Act

Non-Intercourse Act

Macon's Bill no. 2

War hawks

Battle of Tippecanoe

Albert Gallatin

John Marshall

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Aaron Burr

James Madison

20. Tecumseh

Ch. 12

War of 1812

Battle of New Orleans

Congress of Vienna

Treaty of Ghent

Hartford Convention

Rush-Bagot Agreement

Tariff of 1816

American System

Era of Good Feelings

Panic of 1819

Land Act of 1820

Tallmadge amendment

Missouri Compromise

Mcculloch v. Maryland

Loose construction

Cohens v. Virginia

Monroe Doctrine

Russo-American Treaty

Oliver Hazard Perry

Francis Scott Key

21. James Monroe

Ch. 13

Corrupt Bargain

Spoils system

Tariff of Abominations

Nullification crisis

Compromise Tariff of 1833

Force Bill

Indian Removal Act

Trail of Tears

Black Hawk War

Bank War

Anti-Masonic party

Pet banks

Specie Circular

Panic of 1837

Battle of San Jacinto

John Quincy Adams

Andrew Jackson

Denmark Vesey

John C. Calhoun

Nicholas Biddle

Daniel Webster

Henry Clay

Stephen Austin

Sam Houston

25. Santa Anna

Ch. 14

"Self Reliance"

Ancient Order of Hiberians

Molly Maguires

Tammany Hall

Know-Nothing Party

Awful Disclosures

Cotton gin

Patent Office

Commonwealth v. Hunt

Cult of domesticity

McCormick reaper


Erie Canal

Pony Express

Transportation revolution

Market revolution

Eli Whitney

Elias Howe

Isaac Singer

Samuel F.B. Morse

John Deere

Cyrus McCormick

Robert Fulton

24. John Jacob Astor

Ch. 15

The Age of Reason



Second Great Awakening



American Temperance Society

Maine Law of 1851

Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls

Oneida Community


Charles G. Finney

Joseph Smith

Horace Mann

Dorothea Dix

Neal S. Dow

Lucretia Mott

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

19. Robert Owen


Ch. 17 (do before Ch 16)

1. Tariff of 1842

2. Aroostook War

3. Manifest Destiny

4. "Fifty-four forty or fight"

5. Liberty party

6. Walker Tariff

7. spot resolutions

8. California Bear Flag Republic

9. Battle of Buena Vista

10. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

11. Conscience Whigs

12. Wilmot Proviso

13. John Tyler

14. James K. Polk

15. John C. Fremont

16. Winfield Scott

17. Nicholas Trist

18. David Wilmot

Ch. 16 (do after Ch 17)

1. Breakers

2. Black belt

3. Nat Turner's Rebellion

4. Amistad

5. American Colonization Society

6. Liberia

7. The Liberator

8. American Anti-Slavery Society

9. Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World

10. Mason-Dixon Line

11. Gag Resolution

12. Nat Turner

13. Theodore Dwight Weld

14. William Lloyd Garrison

15. Sojourner Truth

16. Frederick Douglass

Ch. 18

1. popular sovereignty

2. Free Soil party

3. California gold rush

4. Underground Railroad

5. Seventh of March speech

6. Compromise of 1850

7. Fugitive Slave Law

8. Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

9. Ostend Manifesto

10. Opium War

11. Treaty of Wanghia

12. Gadsden Purchase

13. Kansas-Nebraska Act

14. Lewis Cass

15. Zachary Taylor

16. Harriet Tubman

17. Millard Fillmore

18. Franklin Pierce

19. Caleb Cushing

20. Matthew C. Perry

Ch. 19

1. Uncle Tom's Cabin

2. The Impending Crisis of the South

3. New England Emigrant Company

4. Lecompton Constitution

5. Bleeding Kansas

6. Dred Scott v. Stanford

7. panic of 1857

8. Tariff of 1857

9. Lincoln-Douglas debates

10. Freeport Question

11. Freeport Doctrine

12. Harpers Ferry

13. Constitutional Union party

14. Confederate States of America

15. Crittenden amendments

16. Harriet Beecher Stowe

17. Henry Ward Beecher

18. James Buchanan

19. Charles Sumner

20. Preston S. Brooks

21. Dred Scott

22. Roger B. Taney

23. Stephen A Douglas

24. Abraham Lincoln

25. John Brown

26. John C. Breckinridge

27. John Jordan Crittenden

Ch. 20

1. Fort Sumter

2. Border States

3. West Virginia

4. Trent Affair

5. Alabama

6. Laird rams

7. Dominion of Canada

8. write of habeas corpus

9. New York draft riots

10. Morrill Tariff Act

11. greenbacks

12. National Banking System

13. Homestead Act

14. U.S. Sanitary Commission

15. Charles Francis Adams

16. Napoleon III

17. Maximilian

18. Jefferson Davis

19. Elizabeth Blackwell

20. Clara Barton

21. Sally Tompkins

Ch. 21

1. Battle of Bull Run

2. Peninsula Campaign

3. Merrimack

4. Monitor

5. Second Battle of Bull Run

6. Battle of Antietam

7. Emancipation Proclamation

8. Thirteenth Amendment

9. Battle of Fredericksburg

10. Battle of Gettysburg

11. Gettysburg Address

12. Battle of Shiloh

13. Copperheads

14. The Man Without a Country

15. Union Party

16. Wilderness Campaign

17. Appomattox Courthouse

18. Reform Bill of 1867

19. Thomas Stonewall Jackson

20. George B. McClellan

21. Robert E. Lee

22. John Pope

23. A. E. Burnside

24. Joseph Hooker

25. George G. Meade

26. George Pickett

27. Ulysses S. Grant

28. William Tecumseh Sherman

29. John Wilkes Booth

Ch. 22

1. Freedmen's Bureau

2. "10 percent" Reconstruction plan

3. Wade-Davis Bill

4. Black Codes

5. Pacific Railroad Act

6. Civil Rights Bill

7. Fourthteenth Amendment

8. Reconstruction Act

9. Fifteenth Amendment

10. Ex parte Milligan

11. Redeemers

12. Woman's Loyal League

13. Union League

14. scalawags

15. carpetbaggers

16. Ku Klux Klan

17. Force Acts

18. Tenure of Office Act

19. Seward's Folly

20. Andrew Johnson

21. Thaddeus Stevens

22. Edwin M. Stanton

23. William Seward

Ch. 23

1. "waving the bloody shirt"

2. Tweed Ring

3. Credit Mobilier scandal

4. panic of 1873

5. Gilded Age

6. patronage

7. Compromise of 1877

8. Civil Rights Act of 1875

9. sharecropping

10. Jim Crow

11. Plessy v. Ferguson

12. Chinese Exclusion Act

13. Pendleton Act

14. Homestead Strike

15. grandfather clause

16. Jay Gould

17. Horace Greeley

18. Rutherford B. Hayes

19. James A. Garfield

20. Chester Arthur

21. Grover Cleveland

22. William Jennings Bryan

23. J.P. Morgan


1. Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railroad Company v. Illinois

2. Interstate Commerce Act

3. vertical integration

4. horizontal integration

5. trust

6. interlocking directorates

7. Standard Oil Company

8. Social Darwinists

9. Sherman Anti-Trust Act

10. National Labor Union

11. Knights of Labor

12. Haymarket Square

13. American Federation of Labor

14. closed shop

15. Cornelius Vanderbilt

16. Alexander Graham Bell

17. Thomas Alva Edison

18. Andrew Carnegie

19. John D. Rockefeller

20. Samuel Gompers


1. New Immigrants

2. settlement houses

3. liberal Protestants

4. Tuskegee Institute

5. land-grant colleges

6. pragmatism

7. yellow journalism

8. National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

9. Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

10. World's Columbian Exposition

11. Jane Addams

12. Charles Darwin

13. Booker T. Washington

14. W. E. B. Du Bois

15. Joseph Pulitzer

16. William Randolph Hearst

17. John Dewey

18. Horatio Alger

19. Mark Twain

20. Carrie Chapman Catt


1. reservation system

2. Little Bighorn, Battle of the

3. Wounded Knee, Battle of

4. Dawes Severalty Act

5. mining industry

6. Homestead Act

7. mechanization of agriculture

8. Populists

9. Pullman strike

10. fourth party system

11. Gold Standard Act

12. Frederick Jackson Turner

13. Jacob S. Coxey

14. William McKinley

15. Marcus Alonzo Hanna


1. Big Sister policy

2. Great Rapprochement

3. McKinley Tariff

4. insurrectos

5. Maine

6. Teller Amendment

7. Rough Riders

8. Anti-Imperialist League

9. Foraker Act

10. Insular Cases

11. Platt Amendment

12. Open Door note

13. Boxer Rebellion

14. Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

15. Roosevelt Corollary

16. Josiah Strong

17. Alfred Thayer Maham

18. Richard Olney

19. Liliuokalani

20. "Butcher" Weyler

21. George Dewey

22. Emilio Aguinaldo

23. William H. Taft

24. John Hay

25. Theodore ("Teddy") Roosevelt


1. social gospel

2. muckrakers

3. initiative

4. referendum

5. recall

6. Muller v. Oregon

7. Lochner v. New York

8. Women's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU)

9. Elkins Act

10. Meat Inspection Act

11. Pure Food and Drug Act

12. dollar diplomacy

13. Payne-Aldrich Bill

14. Henry Demarest Lloyd

15. Jacob A. Riis

16. Robert M. ("Fighting Bob") La Follette

17. Hiram W. Johnson

18. Florence Kelley

19. Frances E. Willard

20. Gifford Pinchot

21. John Muir

Ch. 29

1.  New Freedom

2.  New Nationalism

3.  Underwood Tariff

4.  Federal Reserve Act

5.  Federal Trade Commission Act

6.  Clayton Anti-Trust Act

7.  Workingmen’s Compensation Act

8.  Adamson Act

9.  Jones Act

10. Tampico Incident

10.  Central Powers

11.  Allies

12.  U-boats

13.  Lusitania

14.  Louis D. Brandeis

15.  Victoriano Huerta

16.  Venustiano Carranza

17.  Francisco (“Pancho”) Villa

18.  John (“Black Jack”) Pershing

19.  Charles Evans Hughes