27 April 2015 / School :
Pleasanton HS / School Address:
900 West Adams St. Pleasanton, TX 78064
JROTC Unit Name:
Pleasanton HS / Unit Telephone Number:
8305691382 / Unit Email Address:
JLAB Team Member Names:
Sophia Romero, Team CPT; Morgan Olivarii; Mason Moore, and Elijah Martinez / Name of SAI/AI:
LTC (Retired) Alan W. Maitland
JROTC Unit Best Practice (one per form only):
Cadet of the Month (COTM) Board
Discussion (The who, what, when, where and how of the Best Practice, e.g., components of the function, organization (staff responsibilities, command and control), resources needed (money, people, supplies, transportation, and equipment) timeline from planning to completion, etc.):
Leaders should always seek the opportunity to train and recognize their cadets. At Pleasanton High School, we use the Cadet of the Month Board (COTM) to accomplish both of these leader responsibilities. We believe that when General MacArthur’s “Invest in Training” organizational management principle is applied to COTM Boards, cadet general knowledge and morale greatly increases. Additionally, we find that our cadet Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Corps become better trainers of junior cadets and take great pride when one of their own wins the Board. The Board provides a professional development opportunity for the evaluated cadet and their platoon sergeant. (SEE CONTINUATION SHEET.
At JLAB, you will participate in a forum on JROTC Unit Best Practices and Challenges You are to prepare and submit three reports on JROTC Unit Best Practices. You must submit a report on how your unit recruits students for JROTC (Cadet Enrollment) and at least two additional reports on any other aspect of JROTC unit administration, logistics, management, or operations.
Below is a non-all inclusive list of possible unit best practices.
· Academic Team
· Drill Team
· Orienteering Team
· Raider Challenge Team
· Rifle Team
· Color Guard
· Marksmanship Training
· Awards Ceremony
· Awards support from outside organizations
· Cadet retention in JROTC / · Fundraising
· Annual Inspection
· Service Learning/Community Service
· Military Ball
· Cadet Commander and Staff Organization and Functions
· Cadet Scholarships
· Technology support of unit from school and community
· Educational and Orientation Trips
· Cadet Challenge
Continuation Sheet BP-JLAB2015-Cadet-of-the-Month-Board-Pleasanton
How to Prepare for a COTM Board
The policies and procedures for the COTM Board should be standardized and published in your unit’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The COTM Board should be held every four weeks, generally at the same time on the same day of the week each month—consider your weekly uniform day as the designated Board day.
Each Cadet Company First Sergeant (C/1SG) chooses their best cadet to represent the company. The C/1SG should confer with their platoon sergeants as to who should be their candidate. The cadet NCOs should consider the cadet’s conduct, personal appearance (military manner), demeanor, and proficiency. The selected cadets must be notified at least three (3) weeks prior to the Board; allowing adequate time to prepare for the Board. The C/1SG has the final say on who represents the company. Remember, the purpose of the Board is to recognize cadet’s outstanding performance and to enhance leadership excellence through training and hands on experience which promotes future leaders and enhances unit morale.
Each company candidate must complete a standardized Personal Data Sheet (PDS) and submit to the Cadet Command Sergeant Major (C/CSM) through their platoon sergeant and C/1SG. The PDS serves several purposes to include an introduction to the Board and used by the Battalion S5 (Public Affairs Officer) to write up publicity articles. Although not an all-inclusive list, the candidate’s PDS should include the following information:
a. Place of birth
b. Family members and pets
c. Hobbies and interests
d. Special talents
e. Goals and future plans—“Life after High School”
After the company’s candidate is designed, the cadet’s platoon sergeant has the responsibility to prepare their cadet for their Board appearance. The candidate must have an approved COTM Study Guide developed by the C/CSM. Although not an all-inclusive list, the Study Guide should consider questions covering the following subjects:
a. Basic Knowledge
b. Leadership Questions
c. Drill and Ceremonies
d. Military Customs and Courtesies
e. Map Reading
f. First Aid
g. Chain of Command
h. Current Events
The Board shall consist of both voting and non-voting members. The voting members as well as the Army Instructor (AI) are permanent members while the platoon sergeants are temporary members and non-voting. The following personal are voting members:
a. Cadet Command Sergeant Major, President
b. Cadet Company First Sergeants
NOTES: (1) The AI and candidates’ platoon sergeant are present, but they are not voting members of the Board. The cadet platoon sergeant should be recording notes to be able to conduct an AAR with their candidate and use to prepare future company candidates. (2) All Board members and COTM candidates must prepare to participate in the designed cadet and AI uniform (Class A or B) per C/CSM.
All company C/1SGs have the responsibility to prepare at least three (3) questions each based on assigned categories by C/CSM. The questions should be typed and submitted to the C/CSM for approval at least one (1) week before the Board convenes. This practice ensures quality control and that all candidates are asked the exact same question.
How to Execute the COTM Board
The COTM Board must be standardized and operated in accordance with the unit’s SOP. The following COTM Board procedures are provided for consideration:
a. Board will begin precisely at ______hrs. Points will be deducted for tardiness!
b. The order of cadets appearing before the board will be Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and then Echo or according to your unit’s established procedures.
c. The cadet’s platoon sergeant will be seated in the back of the room. He/she will remain silent at all times and take notes of the Board proceedings. (NOTE: The platoon sergeant is responsible to brief and prepare the cadet for his/her appearance---follow the Platoon checklist!)
d. The cadet will knock firmly on the Board room door. The cadet will only enter when given the order, “Enter!” by the C/CSM. (NOTE: Assessment begins with the cadet striking the door.)
e. The cadet enters the room, conducts an about face and closes the door, executes another about face and uses the most direct route to move to a position centered on the President of the Board (C/CSM).
f. The cadet renders a hand salute, and report in as follows, “Sergeant Major, Cadet RANK LAST NAME reporting to the Cadet of the Month Board for ______!” CSM will exchange salutes.
g. C/CSM will give the order, “Recite the Cadet Creed.” The Cadet will recite then Creed.
h. C/CSM will give (4) right faces while standing while the C/1SGs inspect the cadet for uniform and precision stationery drill.
i. C/CSM will direct “You may be seated.” Cadet will sit down at the position of parade rest (NOTE: arms are fully extended out to knees, hands are cuffed, and feet are flat on the floor).
j. C/CSM directs “At ease”. (NOTE: All Board members should make it a point to make the candidate feel relaxed, but in interview mode).
k. C/CSM will introduce him/herself and then introduce the Board members. The cadet will then introduce him/herself. The cadet is encouraged to talk about their accomplishments and achievements they’ve earned in and outside of JROTC.
l. Make sure the candidates properly addresses the C/1SGs and C/CSM by their rank. For example: “Sergeant Major, (answer the question in complete sentences first by restating the question).
m. C/CSM and C/1SGs ask all candidates the same approved questions in order from Alpha C/1SG through the last C/1SG. The C/CSM should be the last Board member to ask questions and make appropriate comments.
n. After all questions are presented, the C/CSM will stand up—this is the queue for the candidate to state at attention. (NOTE: The C/CSM will not give an order for the cadet to stand up; the cadet must remember).
o. C/CSM provides appropriate immediate feedback to the cadet and afterwards says “Cadet, you are dismissed.”
p. The cadet will report out as follows. “Sergeant Major, Cadet RANK LAST NAME reports out of the Cadet of the Month Board!” CSM will exchange the salute and say “Cadet ______, you are dismissed!”
q. The cadet will then march directly to the exit.
Evaluation: The Board must use an approved rubric as the standard to evaluate the candidates. A cadet’s performance is evaluated by each voting Board member using a rating system of 1 to 4. The Rating of four (4) points means the cadet is “squared away” while 1 point means the cadet did not prepare. A rating of two (2) to four (4) points means there is room for improvement. (See Cadet of the Month Board Evaluation Rubric example below):
Cadet of the Month Board Evaluation Rubric
Evaluator Name: ______
Cadet Name: ______
Date: ______
Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Uniform
Points: __/4 / Very presentable and has professional and sharp look. Shoes, hair, and gigline are correct. / Mostly presentable. Good grooming. Good military bearing. / Somewhat presentable/wrinkled and/or stained. Grooming is somewhat sloppy. Sometimes breaks military bearing. / Not appropriate for presenting. Cadet has no proper grooming. Many obvious infractions.
Enthusiasm and Confidence
Points: __/4 / Generates strong confidence in presenting in front of the board. / Sometimes generates confidence and enthusiasm. / Some confidence and interest. Few filler statements. / Not confident. Often mumbles. Mostly uses filler statements.
Oral Communication and Reporting
Points: __/4 / Always addresses in complete sentences. By interview’s rank / Mostly addresses in complete sentences. / Sometimes addresses in complete sentences. / Rarely addresses in complete sentences
Points:__/4 / Cadet is completely prepared and has obviously prepared. Cadet responds quickly without interrupting and confident answers. / Cadet seems pretty prepared but might have needed more preparation. / Somewhat prepared. Not confident about answering questions. Cadet takes too long to respond. / Cadet does not seem prepared to present. Cadet was not on time.
COTM Board Timeline for Actions and Requirements:
Ø 21-30 days prior- C/1SG nominates one cadet in their company; receives study guide.
Ø 15-20 days prior- Candidate completes and returns a Personal Data Sheet.
Ø 15th day prior- PLT SGT one-on-one training and provides insight from previous boards and is there to help for preparation
Ø 10th day prior- Cadet should have “Class B” uniform squared away. No procrastination!
Ø 5-10 days prior- C/1SGs must provide C/CSM typed Board questions for approval.
Ø 1-5 days prior- Ask questions that have not yet been answered
Ø Day of-Board - 0600 hours staff building is unlocked for cadets and staff members to enter.
Ø Day of-Board, 0630 hours- COTM Board begins and doors are locked
Ø Day of-Board, 0730 hours- Conclusion of COTM Board and proceeds with an after action review
Cadet Task List: The following tasks must be completed by the designee:
1. Cadet Platoon Sergeants: The candidate’s platoon sergeant must be present at the COTM Board and be prepared to record notes—must bring a writing utensil and a notebook. The recorded information is to be used as feedback for the nominee, and for the next Platoon Sergeant to help prepare the platoon’s future COTM nominees.
2. Cadet First Sergeants:
a. Nominate candidates
b. Ensure candidate’s PLT SGT is actively assisting in the training and preparation of the candidate.
c. Prepare and submit Board questions to C/CSM
d. Serve as a voting Board member the day of the Board.
3. Cadet Command Sergeant Major:
a. Take overall responsibility for conducting the Board.
b. Oversee the COTM Photo Board where all monthly winners are displayed with a short biography.
c. Write a short biography on the winner; post under photo.
d. Work with Battalion S5 (Public Affairs Officer) to publish a news article on the JROTC and school website and the local newspaper.
4. Cadet Battalion Battalion S5 (Public Affairs Officer) to publish a news article on the JROTC and school website and the local newspaper.
5. Cadet Battalion S1 to publish the orders for awards and promotions if applicable.
Items to Consider:
1. The cadet winner earns a ribbon award (consider an SAI optional ribbon).
2. The cadet winner earns a promotion to the next rank and should be promoted immediately at the conclusion of the Board after the C/CSM announces the winner in front of all candidates.
3. The cadet winner advances to compete for the Cadet of the Year Board.
4. As part of the Battalion lineage, designate a portion of the JROTC wall where all Cadet of the Year winners are posted.
The COTM Board is an excellent professional development and training opportunity for the evaluated cadet and their platoon sergeant. Additionally, it provides all Company First Sergeants a snapshot of how other cadets in the Battalion compare to their cadets. It is extremely important that the COTM Board is standardized and operated in accordance with the unit’s SOP.