ISAS Meeting Minutes April 19-20, 20161
1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions
Bud Freeman, Interchange Scheduling & Accounting Subcommittee (ISAS) Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. on April 20, 2016. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.
2.Antitrust Policy
Craig Williams read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.
3.Approve Agenda
Mr. Freemanintroduced the proposed meeting agenda.
Gary Nolan’s presentation on NERC Standards was added to the agenda.
On a motion by Al Gulutzan, and seconded by Raymond Vojdani the ISAS approved the agenda.
4.Review January 13, 2016 Minutes
The January 13, 2016 meeting minutes were not posted to the website. They will be reviewed at the next meeting.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
Mr.Vojdanireviewed the action items carried over from the January 13, 2016meeting of the ISAS. Action items that will be carried forward:
- ATFWG needs to determine wording and policy for when tagging is appropriate and training users on those policies.
- Assigned To: ATFWG
- Due Date: open
6.UFAS Report – Pete Heiman, WAPA
Mr. Heiman reviewed a new version of the Western Interconnection Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan (WIUFMP) that was filed this year and a new cost allocation methodology continues to be discussed.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
7.Draft 2017 WECC Preschedule Calendar – Raymond Vojdani, WAPA
Mr. Vojdani presented the 2017 Preschedule Calendar.
The Preschedule Calendar can be found on the WECC Website.
On a motion by Karen Eakle and seconded by Lori Molotch, the ISAS approved the 2017 WECC Preschedule Calendar with the suggested changes.
8.North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Report – Craig Williams, WECC
Mr. Williams gave an update on current projects and proposed business standards for the electric industry.
The presentation can be found on the WECC Website.
Morning Break – 15 Minutes
9.NERC Standard Changes BAL-005, BAL-006 and FAC-001 –Gary Nolan, Arizona Public Service
Mr. Nolan gave a presentation on the NERC Standard Changes for BAL-005, BAL-006 and FAC-001.
The presentation can be found on the WECC Website.
10.Market Interface (MIC) & Operations (OC) Reorganization – Bud Freeman, SCLAndy Meyers, BPA
Mr. Freeman and Mr. Meyers gave an update on the proposed, MIC & OC reorganization activities.
The Organizational Structure Review Task Force (OSRTF) has recommended to the OC that with the ISAS not supporting reliability the subcommittee should be changed to a user group.
This was not a reflection of the work or value added, but related more to their lack of meeting the criteria below in supporting EPAS or DEWG/EMSWG functions.
The following criteria were applied:
- Activities previously approved under Section 215 funding
- OC activities should provide value to WECC membership
- OC activities should complement, but not unnecessarily duplicate, NERC efforts
One suggestion made by the MIC is that the ISAS might become a part or get absorbed by the MIC. Any kind of structure change will require key revisions and identification to governance on how the committees will work and what is identified on the Standing Committee level. There will be changes to the bylaws.
11.After-The-Fact Working Group (AFTWG) Report – Bud Freeman, Seattle City Light
Mr. Freeman gave an update on the purposes and proper uses of ATF tags and the ATF Tagging Guideline paper and was discussed. ATFWG is focused on changing the verbiage of when an ATF Tag should be created and what the guidelines should be before creating a White Paper. The group needs to find out why there are so many tags and how they can be prevented. Once the information is presented to ISAS they can present the solution to PEAK.
Lunch Break – 45 Minutes
12.North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Activities Report – Craig Williams, WECC
No report was given at this time.
13.WebIntegrity – Jeremy West, Peak RC
Mr. West gave a presentation on the current ECC Project status. The next generation of the webSAS tool, which features better capabilities, is under development. This is an opportunity to understand the schedule and implementation plans for the tool.
The presentation can be found on the WECC Website.
14.WIT Schedule Changes and Other Peak RC Update– AnithaNeve, Peak RC
Ms. Neve gave an update of recent changes to the WIT.
The presentation can be found on the WECC Website.
15.Interchange Work Group (IWG) Update—Liewelyn Miranda, Bonneville Power
Mr. Miranda led a discussion on how the PreSchedule Calendar Guidelines still meet the needs of WECC. There was a poll conducted and the results of the 27 responses were shared.
The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.
16.Reliability Messaging Tool (RMT) – Terry Baker, Peak RC
Mr. Baker gave an update on the RMT. The next generation of reliability messaging tools is near implementation at Peak RC. During the simulations they came up with the same results with or without using a browser. Once there is confidence it is ready, there will be another message sent out as to when the cutover will take place. WECCnet will be kept in the control center until at least July 1st.
17.Spring 2016 Schedulers Meeting – Bud Freeman, SCL
Mr. Freeman went over the spring Scheduler’s Meeting Agenda.
The Scheduler’s Meeting Agenda can be found on the WECC Website.
18.ISAS Purpose & Goals, Future Agenda Items Discussion – Bud Freeman
There is an interest in learning more about EIM issues.
19.Review of New Action Items
- Communicate with Raymond Vojdani on identifying the original criteria of business practice that need to be modified in regard to registry or any outdated terms.
- Assigned To: AnithaNeve
- Due Date: Open
- Send the list of agencies that have received responsesbased on registry administration that have been identified in EIR to Mr.Vojdani.
- Assigned To: Jeremy West
- Due Date: Open
- Schedule the August 2016 ISAS meeting
- Assigned To: WECC Staff
- Due Date: Open
20.Upcoming Meetings
Schedulers May 24-25, 2016...... Salt Lake City, UT
ISAS August 2016...... Webinar
Bud Freeman adjourned the meeting without objection.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
Attendance List
Allan Austin...... Western Area Power Administration
Jamie Avila...... Southwest Transmission Cooperative, Inc.
Ty Bettis...... Portland General Electric
Kathee Downey...... PacifiCorp
Karen Eakle...... Chelan PUD
Hamid Esfahani...... Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Jeri Farrow...... El Paso Electric Company
Bud Freeman...... Seattle City Light
Scott Gregory...... Western Area Power Administration
Al Gulutzan...... Alberta Electric System Operator
Josh Harris...... Idaho Power
Craig Henry...... Alberta Electric System Operator
John Hughes...... NV Energy
Eva Hunt...... Avista Corporation - TP
Heather Jaques...... Platte River Power Authority
Greg Johnson...... Idaho Power Merchant
Perry Kerfoot...... Idaho Power Company
Linda Koopman...... BC Hydro
Sharon Liebert...... Public Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County
David Lunceford...... Western Area Power Administration
Greg Maxfield...... MCG Energy Solutions
Jody Melo...... Turlock Irrigation District
Andy Meyers...... Bonneville Power Administration
Liewelyn Miranda...... Bonneville Power Administration
Lori Molotch...... Arizona Public Service
William Moojen...... Snohomish PUD
Phillip Nefas...... LADWP
AnithaNeve...... Peak Reliability
Gary Nolan...... Arizona Public Service
Margaret Olczak...... Bonneville Power Administration
Chris Price...... Salt River Project
Carman Ruder...... Tri-State Generation & Transmission
Danielle Smith...... CAISO
Robert Sullivan...... CAISO
Roger Vaughn...... Public Service Company of New Mexico
Raymond Vojdani...... Western Area Power Administration
Sheryl Welch...... Bonneville Power Administration
Craig Williams...... WECC
Jeremy West...... PEAK Reliability
Shelly Winges...... Western Area Power Administration
Western Electricity Coordinating Council