April 2011 (Let’s call it Spring!).

Dear Parents


It is not a good day today. I have a nasty little germ as my father would say, so do my children and my wife has a particularly nasty and big germ, (she must be getting better as she has stayed up to watch some disturbing program about a man who might be going to have a child, (it turns out that he used to be a she which I think is cheating and I so can go back to blaming the size of my tummy on too much food and drink)! You know it is going to be one of those days when you can smell something rank in the kitchen whilst just about to feed an impatient youngster and you realise that you have trodden in a dog’s ‘mobile loo’ and trampled it round the House. It has to be immediately cleared up, as slightly older ankle biter is roving around and likely to put his hand/knee/mouth in it at any moment. This means that Baby Bell is going hungry – never a good thing in her eyes and she expresses her disapproval (loudly). I struggle to find the most useful cleaning implements at first this leads to an ‘extension’ of the job and louder protesting from the kitchen. Oh the stress! Then the sickly wife appears with that look of ‘he’s not coping, despite being near death I will have to help!’ At least the baby is being fed and is therefore happier! Operation clean up is completed and I am off to Attingham Park to enjoy a walk with Reg and Ted (a son and dog not a couple of old fellow’s I met in the Pub!). Reggie recognises the sound of a woodpecker and suddenly I am glad it is the holidays!


Apart from being cathartic you might be wondering just how relevant the first paragraph of this letter is. Well the thing is I have to confess to thinking earlier today that I might quite like to be back at school and that holidays can be over rated. Part of this scrambled thinking must come down to the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed the term and was deeply impressed by the incumbents of School House especially in the last week or so. Firstly there was the House Play or should I say plays. Gosforth’s Fete and ‘Between Mouthfuls’ by Alan Ayckbourn were superbly directed and acted and I thoroughly enjoyed both performances. The intimacy of the School House Hall added a certain je ne sais quoi and whilst I hope we can involve more people next year it was great to see everyone involved working as a team and creating a little magic. Congratulations to you all.

Then it was the turn of the sportsmen. We competed strongly in the House Rugby Sevens and we have had I think four representatives in the first XV this term. We have also been well represented in teams further down the school and at one point a 3rd XV team had no less that Eight School House players. The Hockey team reached the semi-finals and were unlucky not to make the final and yes, wait for it; the netball team played with increasing enthusiasm and style and enjoyed their two matches! The runners finished 5th in the Steeplechases and we also reached the semi finals of the second House Fives competition. There have been plenty of outstanding individual performances for a variety of School teams and crews and hats off to you all!

The House Soiree. What a way to finish the term off! The final number was ‘Feeling good’ and after matron and her band had produced a great performance surely no one could not have felt good! There was such a diversity and depth of talent on show that I was really moved. I know a number of you felt the same and thank you for your emails. If you missed it make a point of coming next year – I have booked my seat already!

Given all that was going on at the end of term it is understandable that packing and cleaning of rooms drops down the pecking order but I must just make a little grumble on behalf of the cleaning ladies. They picked up over 20 bin bags full of clothes that had been left in bedrooms and studies. It makes everyone’s life a lot easier if clothes are packed and taken home or at least carefully stored away so please feel free to pass that on to your sons especially if they seemed to have lost a favourite item of clothing. Matron has done wonders in sorting out the clothing mountain but she could have been working on her next single!


Many Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Barrett on the safe arrival of little Florence just before the end of the term. A big thank you to the School House tutor team and in particular for the marvellous directing skills of Paul Fitzgerald and Laura Whittle. Thank you to our wonderful matron for her inspirational singing and for looking after everyone so well. Thank you too to John for managing to bring Elvis back to life and for all his hard work endeavouring to patch up School House and also to my wife and family for keeping the show on the road!

A very Happy Easter to you all.

Giles Bell

PS Upper 6th date for the diary. Leaver’s supper is Friday May 27th at 7:30pm in School House.